Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to All Eligible Non-Gazetted Railway Employees for the Financial year 2015-2016


RBE No. 114 /2016.

No. E(P&A)II-2016/PLB-9

New Delhi, dated : 28.09.2016.

The General Managers/CAOs,

All Indian Railways & Production Units etc.

Subject : Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for the financial year (2015-2016.

The President is pleased to sanction Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 (Seventy Eight) days wages without any ceiling on wages for eligibility for the financial year 2015-16 to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees (excluding all RPF/RPSF personnel). Where wages exceed 7000/- per month, Productivity Linked Bonus will be calculated as if `wages’ are 7000/- p.m.

2. ‘Wages’ for the purpose of calculating Productivity Linked Bonus shall include ‘Basic pay’ as defined in the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and dearness allowance drawn during the period from 01.04.2015 to 31.12.2015. ‘Wages’ during the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.03.2016 shall include ‘Basic pay’ as defined in the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016. Other conditions of eligibility, method of calculation of wages, etc., as prescribed in this Ministry’s instructions and clarifications issued from time to time, shall remain unchanged.

3. It has also been decided that in the case of eligible employees mentioned in Para 1 above who were not placed under suspension, or had not quit service/retired/expired during the financial year 2015-16 or were on leave where leave salary admissible is not less than that admissible on leave on average pay, may be paid an amount of 17,951/- towards Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2015-16. In the case of employees other than those mentioned above, the amount of Productivity Linked Bonus may he calculated in accordance with the extant instructions on the subject.

4. Further, in relaxation to the provisions in Rules 905(2), 908 and 909 of State Railway Provident Fund Rules, as contained in Chapter 9 of R-1/1985 edition (2003 Reprint edition), such of the subscribers to the SRPF as are entitled to Productivity Linked Bonus may, if they so desire, deposit the whole or part of the amount admissible under the Scheme in their respective State Railway Provident Fund Accounts.

5. Disbursement of Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2015-16 to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees mentioned in Para 1 above should be made on priority in the same mode as payment of salary before the ensuing Puja/Dussehra holidays.

6. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Salim Md. Ahmed)
Dy. Director / Estt. (P&A)II
Railway Board.

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Clarification Regarding Bunching of Stages in the Revised Pay Structure under RS(RP) Rules, 2016

Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

S. No. 6/PC-VII

RBE No.: 113/2016

File No. PC-VII/2016/RSRP/3

New Delhi, dated: 26.09.2016

The General Manager/CAOs(R),
All India Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: – Clarification regarding bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under RS(RP) Rules, 2016.

The recommendations of 7th CPC w.r.t. bunching of stages has been examined by Ministry of Finance and it has been decided that in cases where in revision of pay, the pay of Government servants drawing pay at two or more stages in pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale, as the case may be, get fixed at same Cell in the applicable Level in the new Pay Matrix, one additional increment shall be given for every two stages bunched and the pay of Government servant drawing higher pay in pre-revised structure shall be fixed in the next vertical Cell in the applicable Level.

2. For this purpose, pay drawn by two Government servants in a given Pay Band and Grade pay or scale where the higher pay is at least 3% more than the lower pay shall constitute two stages. Officers drawing pay where the difference is less than 3% shall not be entitled for this benefit.

3. As per illustration given in para 5.1.37 of the Report of the 7th Central Pay Commission, if two persons drawing pay of Rs.53,000 and Rs. 54,590 in the GP Rs.10,000 are to be fitted in the new Pay Matrix, the person drawing pay of Rs.53,000 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to Rs.1,36,210 and the person drawing pay of Rs.54,590 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to Rs.1,40,296. Revised pay of both should ideally by fixed in the first cell of Level 14 in the pay of Rs.1,44,200 but to avoid bunching the person drawing pay of Rs.54,590 will get fixed in second cell of Level 14 in the pay of Rs.1,48,500.

(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII
Railway Board

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula for Central Government Employees

Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula for Central Government Employees

The 7th CPC while calculating the minimum wage of Central Government Employees has arrived at Rs 18,000/- the 7th CPC has erred in prescribing provision to cover education, recreation, ceremonies, festivals and medical expenses has been moderated to 15 percent against the provision of 25% . Supreme Court’s ruling in the Raptakos Brett Vs Workmen case of 1991 , the Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered a historic judgement and directed that children’s education, medical requirement, minimum recreation including festivals/ceremonies, provision for old age, marriage etc. should further constitute 25% of the minimum wage and be used as a guide in fixation of minimum wage.

The Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment Shri Bandaru Dattatreyaji in his press statement on 24-September-2016 has stated in Understanding Minimum Wages and Bonus article as follows.

“The norms recommended by the Indian Labour Conference, in 1957, fox fixing the minimum wages are: (a) consumption units for one wage earner; (b) minimum food requirements of 2700 calories per average Indian adult; (c) clothing requirements of 72 yards per annum per family; (d) rent corresponding to the minimum area provided for under Government’s Industrial Housing Scheme; and (e) fuel, lighting and other miscellaneous items of expenditure to constitute 20% of the total minimum wage.

In 1991, the Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered a historic judgement and directed that children’s education, medical requirement, minimum recreation including festivals/ceremonies, provision for old age, marriage etc. should further constitute 25% of the minimum wage and be used as a guide in fixation of minimum wage.”

If this provision is alone adopted should have been adopted by the 7th CPC, the minimum wage would have increased by more than 10% and worked out to Rs 20,000/-. The fitment formula will work out to 2.86. If the entire minimum wage is recalculated based on actual retail prices as on July 2015 without applying average of 12 months and correct methodology the minimum wage would be Rs 26,000/ and fitment formula would be around 3.5 .
The minister statement should be applied by the Government in true spirits and the minimum wage and fitment formula should be enhanced accordingly.

Comradely yours

General Secretary

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Implementation of Recommendation of 7th CPC to Autonomous Bodies – Confederation News

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi - 110001.

K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General
 M. Krishnan                                                                                             

Ref:Confdn/7th CPC/Autonomous/2016-19

Dated:  20.09.2016

The Secretary (Expenditure)
Ministry of Finance (Govt. of India)
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi – 110001


Sub: – Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC – Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears in respect of – (a) Autonomous organisations (b) Central Government Employees who are working in Autonomous bodies on deemed deputation.

1. Please refer to the Government of India, Department of Finance & Department of Expenditure Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 25.07.2016 bringing out the decisions of the Government on the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission as well as consequent promulgation of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2016, notified vide G. S. R. No. 721(E) dated 25th July 2016 regarding fixation of pay in the revised pay structure effective from 01.01.2016.

2. Every time, when Revise Pay Rules in respect of Central Government Employees are used, the Government used to issue separate orders regarding the extension of those benefits to the employees of Autonomous Organisations etc. whose pattern of emolument structure are identical to those of the Central government employees. Last time the Revised Pay Rules was issued on 30.08.2008 and orders extending the benefit to similarly placed employees of Autonomous bodies was issued on 30.09.2008. This time eventhough the Revised Pay Rules are issued on 25.07.2016, till this day i.e. even after a lapse of more than one month orders regarding Autonomous bodies is not issued.

3. Further it is reported that the employees of working at Central Food Laboratory, Kolkata (Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of India) who are on deemed deputation has not been paid the Revised salary for the month of August 2016 in terms of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 by the Director, Central Food Laboratory. Director, CFL has issued orders to draw the pay on the basis of pre-revised pay even in respect of those Central Government employees working at CFL who are on deemed deputation. He has equated employees of the Autonomous organizations with the employees on deemed deputation. Above action of the Director, CFL, Kolkata appears to be not in conformity with the Para- 7 of OM No. 1-5/2016-IC dated 28.07.2016 in letter and spirit.

4. In view of the above, it is requested that clear instructions may be issued to all Ministries regarding applicability of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 in respect of
(a) Employees of Autonomous Bodies
(b) Central Government employees who are on deemed deputation to Autonomous bodies.

A line in reply from your end will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: – 09447068125

Source: Confederation News
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Revision of pension under One Rank One Pension - PCDA Circular



Circular No.566

Dated: 16.09.2016

Subject :- Revision of pension under ‘One Rank One Pension’.

Ref :- This office Circular No. 555 dated 04.02.2016 & Circular No. 557 dated 17.03.2016.

Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAS) are aware that as per this Office Circular NO. 555 dt. 04.02.2016, pension of Armed Forces Personnel iS to be revised w.e.f. 01.07.2014 by the PDAS as per tables attached with this Circular. PDAS have reported some difficulties on certain points while implementing the scheme Of ‘OROP’. Clarification in the matter is as under:-

(i) Revision of pension in respect of Post-2006 Havildars granted ACP-l who later on promoted to the Rank of Hony Nb Sub :- It is Clarified that pension of Post-2006 Havildars granted ACP-l, who got pensionary benefits of Nb-Sub rank but later on promoted to the rank of Hony. Nb-Sub for which Corr. PPOS were issued revising the rank as Hony. Nb-Sub. Pension in such cases Shall be revised to the rank of Nb-Sub.

(ii) Revision of pension under OROP in r/o Fly. Sergeant: – The rank of Fly. Sergeant has not been mentioned in the equivalence of ranks in Appendix – ‘Y’ of this Office above mentioned Circulars. It iS hereby Clarified that rank of Fly. Sergeant iS equivalent to JWO of the Air Force and Naib Subedar of the Army. Hence, pension of Fly. Sergeant Shall be revised from the Tables of Naib Subedar

2. All other terms and conditions in the matter shall remain unchanged.

3. This circular has been uploaded on this office website for dissemination
across the all concerned.

DCDA (Pensions)

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

DA from July 2016 in 7th pay Commission is 2% or 3% is yet to be confirmed

DA from July 2016 in 7th pay Commission is 2% or 3% is yet to be confirmed

It seems that the DA from July 2016 in 7th Pay Commission is not yet finalized by Central Government. There is confusion persists on the rate of Dearness Allowance to be paid from 1st July 2016 in revised Pay . The AICPIN average for the year 2015 to be taken as Base Index for calculation of DA in 7th CPC as the DA has been neutralized to arrive the revised Pay.

The actual AICPIN Average for 2015 is 261.33. As per this AICPIN average, the DA to be paid at the rate of 2% from July 2016 in 7th CPC . But the NCJCM has contended that it should be paid at the rate of 3%.

The NCJCM staff side said that as per the practice of fraction is being ignored, 0.75 is ignored from actual DA 125.75 as on 1st January 2016. Since the 125% DA was merged to revise the 7th CPC pay, Accordingly, the AICPIN average of 2015 has to be revised to 260.46 from 261.33 to arrive the exact rate of DA of 125% .

It is obvious that the NCJCM Staff Sides claim has sufficient merits to be considered favorably by the Government. In that case, the DA to be paid from July 2016 will be 3%.

The NCJCM Staff Side should be appreciated for this timely intervention and effort.

The central Government need to take decision in this regard soon, as it has been passed third week of September. Usually the announcement of DA for July every year will be made in the first or second week of September.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Relaxation to Travel by Air to visit NER, J&K and A&N – Dopt Orders on 19.9.2016

Relaxation to Travel by Air to visit NER, J&K and A&N – Dopt Orders on 19.9.2016
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment (A-IV) Desk

North Block, New Delhi-110 001
Dated: September 19, 2016


Subject:- Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 — Relaxation to travel by air to visit NER, J&K and A&N.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even no. dated 09.09.2016 on the subject noted above regarding extension of the scheme to travel by air to North East Region (NER) , Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) and Andaman & Nicobar Islands (A&N). As clarifications have been sought from many quarters, it is clarified that the following schemes have been extended for a further period of two years, w.e.f. 26th September, 2016:

(i) LTC for visiting NER, J&K and A&N in lieu of a Home Town LTC.

(ii) Facility of air journey to non-entitled government servants for visiting NER, J&K and A&N.

(iii) Permission to undertake journey to Jammu and Kashmir by private airline.

2. The above special dispensation is subject to the following terms & conditions:
(i) All eligible Government servants may avail LTC to visit any place in NER/ A&N/ J&K against the conversion of their one Home Town LTC in a four year block.

(ii) Government servants whose Home Town and Headquarters/place of posting are the same are not allowed the conversion.

(iii) Fresh Recruits are allowed conversion of one of the three Home Town LTCs in a block of four years applicable to them.

(iv) Government servants entitled to travel by air can avail this LTC from their Headquarters in Economy class at LTC-80 fare or less. While travelling to North-East region and Port Blair, journey has to be performed by Air India only. However, while availing LTC to Jammu & Kashmir, service of any airlines may be availed.

(v) Government servants not entitled to travel by air are allowed to travel by air in the following sectors:

(a) Between Kolkata/ Guwahati and any place in NER by Air India only in Economy class at LTC-80 fare or less.
(b) Between Kolkata/ Chennai/ Bhubaneswar and Port Blair by Air India only in Economy class at LTC-80 fare or less.
(c) Between Delhi / Amritsar and any place in J&K by any airlines in Economy class at LTC-80 fare or less.

Journey for these non-entitled employees from their Headquarters up to Kolkata/ Guwahati/ Chennai/ Bhubaneswar/ Delhi/ Amritsar will have to be undertaken as per their entitlement.

(vi) Air travel by non-entitled officers to NER, J&K and A&N is allowed whether they avail the normal anywhere in India LTC or in lieu of the Home Town LTC as permitted.

(vii) Air Tickets are to be purchased directly from the airlines (Booking counters, website of airlines) or by utilizing the service of Authorized Travel Agents viz. ‘M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company’, ‘M/s Ashok Travels & Tours’ and ‘IRCTC’ (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoPT’s O.M. No. 31011/6/2002- Estt.(A) dated 02.12.2009) while undertaking LTC journey. Booking of tickets through other agencies is not permitted.

3. Efforts should be made by the Government servants to book the air tickets at the cheapest fare possible. All the Ministries/ Departments are advised to bring it to the notice of all their employees that any misuse of LTC will be viewed seriously and the employees will be liable for appropriate action under the rules. In order to keep a check on any kind of misuse of LTC, Ministries/ Departments are advised to randomly get some of the air tickets submitted by the officials verified from the Airlines concerned with regard to the actual cost of air travel vis-a-vis the cost indicated on the air tickets submitted by the officials.

(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Director (Establishment)
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Air Travel on Temporary Duty, Permanent Transfer, LTC All India and LTC Home Town – CGDA Order

Air Travel on Temporary Duty, Permanent Transfer, LTC All India and LTC Home Town – CGDA Order

Air Travel – Accounting and Payment by PAO
Government of India
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Delhi cantt – 110066
(Defence Travel System, E – Ticketing Project)
Phone No.: 011-26108268/26163404 /Fax No.: 011-26163403


Dated: 15/09/2016


Subject: Air Travel – Accounting and Payment by PAO

Reference: HQrs Office letter No.Mech/EDP/861/E-Ticketing/Phase-III dated:21-12-2015.

It is intimated that under the e-Ticketing system – wherein Rail Tickets are being booked in lieu of warrants, an Air travel module has also been launched in collaboration with Balmer Lawrie to cover all types of moves like Temporary Duty, Permanent Transfer, LTC All India and LTC Home Town. Air tickets are being booked through DTS since 11 September 2015 by various units across Services under different PAOs. The payment procedure as agreed between CGDA and Balmer & Lawrie is post payment.

2. All PCsDA/CsDA/PCA{Fys) along with this HQrs office has been issued two set of tokens/login-id for this purpose.

(a) One set of Token /Login-Id for DAD Employee: – For booking of Air Tickets i.e. Master Booker Tokens and Competent Authority Approval Tokens for booking of Air Tickets for entitled DAD officers (already issued during training in the Jan, 2016).

(b) PAO tokens for generating and downloading of system generated booking details /Bills and invoices of air tickets booked for DAD entitled officers for payment. Such Tokens (Issued recently) cannot be used for booking of Air Tickets.

3. Process of Booking of Air Tickets: As mentioned in para 2(a) above, one set of Token/Login Id has already been issued for DAD Employee for profile creation of all officer/staffs entitled to travel by Air and booking of Air Tickets. Air Tickets. Initially, profiles of all the officers/staffs working under jurisdiction of each PCsDA/CsDA and PCA(Fys) need to be created for booking of Air Tickets. The creation of profile is a onetime process and need not be done again. When an officer/staffs will be transferred from one PCsDA/CsDA to another, in such case his profile need to be “Transferred out” by the old office and accordingly his new office will perform the activity of “Transfer in” of such officers/staffs. All such activities like profile creation, editing of profile, Air Travel Booking request and cancellation request are performed by master booker /Booker token. At the same time, Approval/Approving token is used for approval of all such request as forwarded by the master booker token through DTS system. Accordingly, once travel request is approved by Competent Authority/Approving Authority, Master Booker/Booker Token can book the Air Ticket as per Travel Regulation and Movement Sanction.

4. Process of Payment of Air Tickets to Balmer Lawrie & Co.: – As mentioned above, the booking of Air Tickets has been launched in collaboration with Balmer Lawrie, the payment procedure as agreed between CGDA and Balmer & Lawrie is post payment. Following steps are involved in processing of payment of Air Tickets to Balmer Lawrie & Co.

(a) Online Accounting and Payment Module for Air Travel: – As mentioned in para 2(b) above, Air Ticket booking details and voucher for Air Ticket booked during a particular period can be generated by logging in to the PAO Module for further processing of payment to Balmer & Lawrie Co.

(b) Preparation of Punching Medium: – After generation of the voucher by logging-in to the PAO Module, PCsDA/CsDA will prepare Punching Medium to compile under respective code head as per classification hand book.

(c) Payment Through NEFT: – After preparation of Punching Medium and Daily Payment Sheet, PCsDA/CsDA will make payment of the due amount through NEFT or through any other process is being followed in their offices. (d) Voucher Settlement: – After payment PCsDA/CsDA will log-in to the PAO Module and will mark against each invoices as payment done.

(e) Voucher Acknowledgement: – All payment will be acknowledged by Balmer & Lawrie through System and PCsDA /CsDA will be able to download Receipt voucher of payment from the system.

4. Claim Submission: – As the Air Ticket booked through system is given to the officer is as good as advance to the officer/staff serving in the PCsDA/CsDA offices, traveler will submit his final claim within one month after completion of the journey along with original boarding pass and a copy of the Air Ticket booked through DTS

5. In this regard it is intimated that PCsDA/CsDA who are not having PKI tokens (One set of Booking Token with two tokens (One for Master Booker/Booker Token and another for Approval Token)) for booking of Air Tickets through DTS and one PKI token (PAO Token) for generation of voucher and processing payment are requested to intimate to this HQrs office for issuing of the same. PCsDA/CsDA/PCA(Fys) offices in possession of one set of PKI token (One for Master Booker/Booker token, another for Approval token) are requested to start booking of Air Tickets through DTS immediately.

Jt. CGDA (IT&S) has seen.

Deepak Kumar

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New Pension System – Features Released Recently for NPS Subscribers

New Pension System – Features Released Recently for NPS Subscribers

New Pension System (NPS) and its-implementation

RBA No. :54/2016

New Delhi, dated: . 16.08.2016


General Managers, FA&CAOS and CPOs,
All Indian Railways. and PUs

Sub: New Pension System (NPS) and its-implementation.

Please find enclosed PFRDA’S letter no. PFRDA/19/CG/1/39 dated 01.08.2016 on the above subject. In this regard, the “following has been desired:

i. Distribution of comprehensive brochure prepared by PFRDA for government Sector subscribers.

ii. Updation of contact details of all the underlying offices in the records of CRA for better communication flow.

iii Setting up of dedicated NPS Cell

iv. Displaying related information on the website of in the Ministry and incorporating the same link in the ‘Employee’s corner’.

As regards (iv.) above, all, the important instructions issued by Accounts Dte are available on the Indian Railway’s website as under:

About Indian Railways

Railway Board Directorates


Instructions on NPS

Kindly ensure circulation of these instructions so that the subscribers and nodal. offices are aware of initiatives taken for their benefit.

DA: As above

(Amitesh Kumar Sinha)
Director Finance/CCA
Railway Board

b-14/A, First Floor, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan, 
Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016

R.V. Verma


01st August, 2016

Subject: National Pension System (NPS) and its implementation.

I am writing in the context of the National Pension System (NPS) and its implementation in theCentral Government sector – Ministries & departments including the Central Autonomous Bodies under their jurisdiction. I would like to highlight the important measures taken by PFRDA in strengthening the systems, in the interest of the ultimate beneficiary – the subscriber and other stakeholders.

2. After the passage of PFRDA Act, 2013, various regulations have been framed by PFRDA under the ambit of the Act. The basic purpose of framing regulations is to ensure protection of subscriber interest. Prominent ones among the regulations are PFRDA (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations, 2015 and PFRDA (Exits Withdrawals under the NPS) Regulations, 2015. You will appreciate that PFRDA (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations, 2015, had laid down clear guidelines with respect to redressal of subscriber grievances. Further, Exit Regulations of PFRDA
have specified the provisions and process relating to exit and withdrawal in detail.

3. It has been PFRDA’S endeavour to take various initiatives from time to time in order to simplify and improve the operational issues in National Pension System (NPS) for ease of transaction for subscribers. Towards this end, we have introduced a number of new functionalities under NPS architecture such as simplification of account opening, withdrawal, grievance management etc. In this regard, recently many new functionalities have been released by the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) to ease operations for the benefit of subscribers and nodal offices. The details of the functionalities released recently for the nodal offices under Govt. Sector are enclosed as Annexure A.

4. As our main focus is on the subscriber, around whom the entire system revolves, we have also provided several facilities to them for easing the process and making them more user friendly. The following are the important initiatives taken in this direction:

(i) SMS and email alerts,

(ii) Centralized Grievance Management System (CGMS) with a pre-determined turnaround time for resolution of grievances related to different services.

(iii) Call Centre facility.

(iv) Periodic consolidated SoT (Statement of Transactions)

(v) Web based access to all subscribers to view SoTs and facility to modify certain data like mobile number & email id on their own.

(vi) Subscriber awareness programs at various locations and centers.

In addition to the above, several new functionalities have also been introduced in the CRA system for the benefit of the subscribers. The details of the same are enclosed as Annexure B.

5. We would very much appreciate if the Central Government ministries departments may undertake the following measures to enhance the effectiveness of the system:

(a) Distribution of comprehensive brochure prepared by PFRDA for government sector subscribers (copy enclosed).

(b) Updation of contact details of all the underlying offices in the records of CRA for better communication flow.

(c) Setting up of a dedicated NPS Cell

(d).Displaying NPS related information on the website of your Ministry and incorporating the same in link like ‘ Employee’s corner’.

6. We feel that there is urgent need to disseminate more information among the dealing officials -Pay & Accounts Offices(PAOs) Drawing & Disbursing officers (DDOs) of the CG Ministries & Departments for resolving the concerns and covering the gaps. We have recently engaged Crux Management Services Pvt. Ltd. as a training agency for imparting training to the nodal officers of CG Ministries/ Departments. We request you to nominate maximum number of DDOs from your Ministry to the training programmes which PFRDA is coordinating. Besides, workshops may be organized by CG Ministries & Department for their respective nodal offices also in order to increase
subscriber awareness and for imparting operational knowledge to PrAOs/PAOs/DDOs, wherein PF RDA and CRA officials may also participate.

We are confident that the implementation of NPS and streamlining .of the process is receiving your due attention. You may like to convene regular meetings to review the implementation of NPS and the new fun’ctionalities which wrll go a long way in ensuring smooth implementation of NPS. PFRDA will be glad to provide all necessary support and cooperation. Should your office need further clarifications, they are welcome to contact Sh. Ashish Kumar, General Manager at ashish.kumar@pfrda

With Regards,

Yours sincerely


Mr. S. Mookerjee,
Financial Commissioner
Ministry of Railways,
Room No.232, Rail Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110001.
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Friday, September 16, 2016

Implementation of the Recommendations of 7th CPC- Fitment Factor and Pay Fixation for Running Staff



New Delhi, dated 14-09-2016

The General Secretary
4,State Entry Road
New Delhi – 110 055.

The General Secretary
3, Chelmsford Road
New Delhi – 110 055

Sub: Implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC- Fitment Factor and pay Fixation for Running Staff.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and to the letter dt. 05.08.2016 of GS/AIRF and letters dt. 04.08.2016 & 23.08.2016 of GS/NFIR.

2. In this connection, it is stated that unlike during the sixth CPC where there were separate fitment tables for pay fixation, in the Seventh CPC only a single multiplication factor of 2.57 and a single Pay Matrix table has been recommended and accepted. Paragraph 2 of the Resolution dt. 25.07.2016 refers. Therefore, no other maltiplication factor or Pay Matrix/Fitment table can be used for pay fixation for any category of staff.

3. Further, as brought out in para 12 of the Resolution dt. 25.07.2016 Pay fixation of running staff (who draw Running Allowance) has been clubbed with fixation of pay of Doctors (Who draw NPA). The methodology and illustration for computing revised basic pay in the case of Doctors have been clearly brought out in para 7 (B) (ii) of the Notification dt. 25.07.2016 of Ministry of Finance. It may be observed that the rate of increase in the illustration in the case of Doctors is also not exactly 14.29%. In fact, para 12 of the Resolution mentioned that actual raise in pay at the time of initial fixation is to be ensure at about 14.29%. The figure of 14.29% therefore is not an absolute percentage of raise which has to be ensured. A similar methodology of pay fixation for running staff (keeping the basic multiplication factor at 2.57) has been applied in consultation with and approval of Ministry of Finance.

4. It may also be seen that while fixing the pay after revision in the appropriate cell of the applicable level in the Pay Matrix. the actual increase in pay works out practically to around three times the pre-revised basic pay of the running staff.

5. Therefore, pay revision for Running Staff has been done in terms of approved formulation and no separate fitment table can be issued in this connection, as brought out above.

yours faithfully

For secretary/Railway Board
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Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible Non-Gazetted Railway Employees for the financial year 2014-2015

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board

RBE No. 109/2016

No. E(P&A)H-2015/PLB-4

New Delhi, Dated: 15.09.2016

The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units etc.

Sub: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for the financial year 2014-2015.

Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 (Sevety Eight) days wages without any ceiling on wages for eligibility for the financial year 2014-15 to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees (excluding all RPF/RPSF personnel) was sanctioned vide Board’s letter of even no. dt. 07.10.2016 with the condition that where wages exceed Rs. 3500/- per month. Productivity Linked Bonus will be calculated as if ‘wages’ are Rs. 3500/- p.m.

2. The President has now decided that the calculation ceiling of monthly emoluments for the purpose of payment of PLB shall be revised to Rs. 7000 w.e.f. 01.04.2014 i.e. for the accounting year 2014-15. Therefore, payment of PLB for the financial year 2014-15 to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees (excluding all RPF/RPSF personnel) would be based on the wage calculation ceiling of Rs. 7000/- per month i.e. where wages exceed Rs. 7000/- per month, Productivity Linked Bonus will be calculated as if ‘wages are Rs. 7000/- p.m.

3. Therefore, in the case of eligible railway employees mentioned in Board’s letter of even no. dt. 07.10.2015 who were not placed under suspension, or had not quit service/retired/expired during the financial year 2014-15 or were on leave salary admissible is not less than that admissible on leave on average pay, the amount due towards Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2014-15 becomes Rs. 17,951/- instead of Rs. 8,975/-.

4. Accordingly, the PLB amount to eligible non-gazetted Railway employees (excluding all RPF/RPSF personnel) for the financial year 2014-15 may be re-worked and the difference paid on priority in the same mode as payment of salary. All the other terms and conditions under which the payment was made shall remain unchanged.

5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(S. Balachandra Iyer)
Director/Pay Commission,
Railway Board
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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Grant of GP 6600/- in PB-3 as 3rd MACP to Nursing Personnel in Railways-reg.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) 
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 10

Dated: 12/09/2016

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Grant of GP 6600/- in PB-3 as 3rd MACP to Nursing Personnel in Railways-reg.

Ref: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s O.M. No. Z-28015/5/2016-N(Pt.) dated 09th September 2016.

NFIR invites kind attention of Railway Board to the O.M. dated 09th September 2016 issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (copy enclosed) on the subject relating to granting GP 6600/- (PB-3) as 3rd MACP to the Nursing Personnel of the Central Government. Para A of the said O.M. states that those staff nurses/nursing sisters/assistant nursing superintendents who have been awarded 1st and 2nd financial upgradation under ACP Scheme in the hierarchy of Pay Scales Rs. 5500-9000 and 6500-10500 upto 31st August 2008 are entitled for replacement Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- (PB-2) and Rs. 5400/- (PB-3). In the said para it has also been stated that the 3rd financial upgradation under MACPS wherever granted in GP 5400/- (PB-3), the same be revised to GP 6600/- (PB-3).

From the above decision of the Ministry of Family Health and Welfare, it is clear that those Nursing Personnel in Railways, promoted to Scale Rs. 5500-9000 (V CPC) or got ACP benefit are to be treated as holders of GP 4800/- (PB-2) and those who were in Pay Scale Rs. 6500-10500/7450-11500 either through 2nd ACP or through promotion upto 31st August 2008 be treated as holders of GP 5400/- (PB-3). As the MACPS came into effect from 01/09/2008, those Nursing Personnel who got Grade Pay 5400/- (PB-3) and fulfilled the condition for entitlement of 3rd financial upgradation, they should be granted GP 6600 (PB-3) as 3rd MACP. The Federation states further that the cases of Nursing personnel who have been granted GP 5400 as 3rd financial upgradation under MACPS, needs to be reviewed for granting GP 6600 as 3rd MACP instead GP 5400 (PB-3).

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue modified instructions to the GMs etc., for allowing GP 6600/- (PB-3) as 3rd financial upgradation under MACPS to the Nursing Personnel in lieu of GP 5400 (PB-3).

Yours faithfully,

(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Source: NFIR
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Dental Doctors seek Enhancement in the Age of Superannuation

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
13-September-2016 18:43 IST
Dental doctors seek enhancement in the age of superannuation 

Senior Dental Doctors and Specialists working in Government of India today approached the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh and sought his intervention against alleged discrimination towards them in the matter of age of superannuation.

A delegation led by Dr H. P. Singh, President, Central Government Dental Doctors’ Association handed over a memorandum to Dr Jitendra Singh in which it has been pointed out that whereas the Central Government, vide its order dated 31.05.2016, raised the superannuation age of Non-teaching Specialists sub-cadre, public health sub-cadre, GDMO sub-cadre of CHS to 65 years, the same rule somehow, did not become applicable to Dental Doctors working in Central Government. This has led to feeling of discrimination and grievance among the Central Government Dental Doctors, they said.

The memorandum also sought to note that out of 34 sanctioned posts of Dental Doctors all over India under the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, at present only 24 posts are filled and occupied. In other words, this means that the grievance pertaining to the enhancement of retirement age to 65 years in order to make at par with the other doctors of Central Health Services is confined only to 24 doctors who happen to be from Dental Specialty working under the Central Government.

The delegation underlined that they had represented their grievance to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and were now approaching Dr Jitendra Singh.

Dr Jitendra Singh gave a patient hearing to the members of delegation and said that he would take up their grievance with the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

Besides President Dr. H.P. Singh, other prominent members of the delegation included Dr. Gautam Khatak, Dr. D. Kabi, Dr. Rahul Minotra, Dr. M. Vasu, Dr. Meenakshi Panda and Dr. Nishtha Ramawat.
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Monday, September 12, 2016

Anomaly Committee of the National Council (JCM) to settle the Anomalies Arising out of the Implementation of the 7th CPC Recommendations

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
JCA Section

North Block New Delhi
Dated the 9th September, 2016.


Subject: Anomaly Committee of the National Council (JCM) to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission’s recommendations

In accordance with the instructions contained in this Department’s OM of even number dated 16th August 2016, it has been decided to set up, as indicated below, the Anomaly Committee of the National Council (JCM) consisting of representatives of the Official Side and the Staff Side to settle any anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations:-


1. Secretary, Chairman, Deptt. of Pers. & Training.
2. Member (Staff), Railway Board.
3. Secretary, Department of Telecommunication.
4. Secretary, Department of Posts.
5. Financial Adviser, (Ministry of Defence.
6. Joint Secretary (Pers), Ministry of Finance.
7. Joint Secretary (Estt.), Deptt. of Personnel & Training.
8. Joint Secretary (CPC), Deptt. of Personnel & Training
9. Deputy Secretary (JCA), Deptt. of Personnel & Training – Member-Secretary.


1. Shri Rakhal Das Gupta
2. Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra
3. Shri Ch. Sankara Rao
4. Shri J.R.Bhosle
5. Shri M.Raghavaiah
6. Shri Guman Singh
7. Shri R.P.Bhatnagar
8. Shri K.S. Murty
9. Shri K.K.N.Kutty
10. Shri R.Srinivasan
11. Shri C.Srikumar
12. Shri M.Krishnan
13. Shri M.S. Raja

2.The working of the Committee would be in terms of the conditions laid down in this Department’s OM dated 16th August 2016 mentioned above.

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

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Committee to Examine the Recommendations of 7th CPC regarding Allowances - reg.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen

No.IV/NFIR/7 CPC(IMPL)/Allowances/2016

Dated: 08/09/2016

The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Committee to examine the recommendations of 7th CPC regarding Allowances-reg.

In the committee meeting held on 1st September 2016, under the Chairmanship of Finance Secretary at North Block (Room No. 72) New Delhi, the Standing Committee Members of JCM (Staff Side) expressed views on 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances. After hearing the views, the Chairman of the meeting stated that further meetings will be held and suggested that in the mean time the Staff Federations may send the list containing department specific Allowances to the concerned administrative ministries and JCM (Staff Side) may send list of common allowances to JS (Imp) MoF, New Delhi for consideration. The Railway Board Chairman was also present during discussions held on 1st September 2016.

In this connection, NFIR desires to convey to the Railway Board that:-

(a) while the previous Pay Commission had doubled various Allowances, the 7th CPC has recommended enhancement of only 50% of the existing rates in those cases of a few allowances recommended to be retained. This needs to be reviewed for improvement.

(b) The 7th CPC recommendations – mainly on Night Duty Allowance, National Holiday Allowance, Transport Allowance would in effect result reduction of existing amounts. These aberrations are required to be rectified and the amount of allowances enhanced.

(c) With regard to Allowances for Running Staff like Kilometerage, ALK etc., there should be separate discussions between the Federations and Railway Board for revision and improvement as was done in the past. Attention is also invited to Para 8.11.19 and 8.11.20 of the 7th CPC report.

(d) The Pay Commission in its report vide Para 8.2.5 has stated that any allowance not mentioned (and hence not reported to the Commission) shall cease to exist immediately. The Pay Commission has further stated that in case there is any demand or requirement for continuation of existing allowance, which has not been deliberated upon by the Commission, it should be re-notified by the Ministry concerned after obtaining due approval of MoF. NFIR suggests that this Para of the report be rejected by the Government. Alternatively, the administrative ministries be empowered for continuance of any such allowance, duly apprising the necessity of continuation to the MoF.

Federation also requests the Railway Board to kindly place before the Committee (chaired by Finance Secretary) the valid points brought out by the Federation through this letter and also impress upon the committee to retain the allowances listed in the Annexure and their enhancement, considering the fact that the Railways’ working is unique, complex and not comparable with any other Ministry.

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary


List of Allowances needed to be continued in the Railways:-

1. Break Down Allowance

2. Family Planning Allowance (should be continued to motivate the Government employees to adopt small family norms. It should be enhanced suitably).

3. Flying Squad Allowance for Ticket Checking Cadre.

4. Funeral Allowance

5. Handicapped Allowance

6. Hutting Allowance

7. Night Patrolling Allowance – needs to be continued in view of the necessity of the Patrolling of Railway Tracks during Night Time).

8. Operation Theatre Allowance

9. Outturn Allowance

10. Overtime Allowance

11. Rent Free Accommodation

12. Training Stipend

13. PCO Allowance to staff working in Production Control Organization.

14. Special Allowance to SSEs working in Workshops and PUs.

15. Special Allowance for performing announcing duties.

16. Daily Officiating Allowance

17. Split Duty Allowance

18. Special Allowance to specified categories.

[Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2009/SP-1/Genl dated 30/04/2010).

19. Special Allowance for Central Ticket Squad of Railway Board.

(Railway Board’s letter No. 81/Ticket Checking/2/3 dated 12/05/1981 and letter No. E(P&A)I-2009/SP-l/Genl-1 dated 13/12/2012).

20. Cycle Allowance (The recommendation of Ministry of Railways for discontinuance is unjustified).

21. Special Allowance to Train Superintendent etc

22. Deputation (Duty) Allowance

23. Conveyance Allowance

24. Mileage Allowance for Journeys by Road

25. Children Education Allowance – Though retained at lower rates – needs to be enhanced to atleast 3000 and 8000 per month respectively for Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy respectively with proviso that whenever D.A increases by 50%, the CEA shall be increased by 25%.

26. Fixed Medical Allowance may be increased to not less than Rs. 2000/- p.m.

27. Night Duty Allowance to be continued and rates revised.

28. Special Duty Allowance to be retained and rates revised.

29. Bad Climate Allowance to be retained and rates revised.

30. Tribal Area Allowance to be retained and rates revised.

31. Dress Allowance to be upwardly revised to not less than Rs. 10,000/-.

32. Washing Allowance may be granted from Rs. 300/- to Rs. 600/- p.m. to maintain the Uniform in nice condition.

33. Water Allowance for Track Maintainers.

Interest free advances to the Railway employees.

All interest free advances payable to Railway employees need to be retained in view of the fact that these are recovered from the salaries of employees.

Source : NFIR
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Thursday, September 08, 2016

Govt. has Extended the Facility to Travel by any Airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Finance

08-September-2016 10:32 IST

To boost the tourism in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, the Government has decided to extend the facility to travel by any airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC 

To boost the tourism in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, the Government has decided to extend the facility to travel by any airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC, under Special Dispensation Scheme for Central Government employees, for a period of two years beyond 25.09.2016. 
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Revision of Pay of Employees Stagnating at the Maximum of the Pay Band and Grade Pay or Scale in Pre-Revised Structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

Government of India
Department of Expenditure
Implementation Cell

Room No.214, The Ashok, New Delhi
Dated the 7th September,2016


Subject: Revision of pay of employees stagnating at the maximum of the Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale in pre-revised structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

The undersigned is directed to say that consequent upon notification of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, representations have been received regarding provision of additional increments in the revised pay structure on 01.01.2016 in case of employees who had been stagnating at the maximum of the Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale in the pre-revised pay structure.

2. The matter was examined in this Department and it has been decided that in case of persons who had been drawing maximum of the applicable Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale, as the case may be, for more than two years as on 01.01.2016, one increment in the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix shall be granted on 01.01.2016 for every two completed years of stagnation at the maximum of the said Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale. Grant of additional increment (s) shall be subject to condition that the pay arrived at after grant of such increment does not exceed the maximum of the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix. Illustrations:
3. After fixation of pay on 01.01.2016 as indicated above, the date of increment shall be regulated as per the provisions of Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India

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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Recommendations of the 7th Central pay Commission — Bunching of Stages in the Revised Pay Structure under Central Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 2016.

Government of India
Department of Expenditure
Implementation Cell

Room No.214, The Ashok, New Delhi
Dated the 7th September, 2016


Subject: Recommendations of the 7th Central pay Commission — bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 2016.

The undersigned is directed to say that in view of the recommendation of the 7th Central pay Commission regarding bunching of stages in the revised pay structure. It has been decided that in cases where in revision of pay, the pay of Government servants drawing pay at two or more stages in pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale, as the case may be, get fixed at same Cell in the applicable Level in the new Pay Matrix, one additional increment shall be given for every two stages bunched and the pay of Government servant drawing higher pay in pre-revised structure shall be fixed at the next vertical Cell in the applicable Level.

2. For this purpose, pay drawn by two Government servants in a given Pay Band and Grade pay or scale where the higher pay is at least 3% more than the lower pay shall constitute two stages. Officers drawing pay where the difference is less than 3% shall not be entitled for this benefit.

3.  As per illustration given in para 5.1.37 of the Report of the 7th Central Pay Commission, if two persons drawing pay of Rs.53,000 and Rs.54,590 in the GP Rs.10,000  are to be fitted in the new Pay Matrix, the person drawing pay of Rs.53,000 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to Rs.1,36,210 and the person drawing pay of Rs.54,590 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to Rs.1.40,296. Revised pay of both should ideally be fixed in the first cell of Level 14 in the pay of Rs.1,44,200 but to avoid bunching the person drawing pay of Rs. 54,590 will get fixed in second cell of Level 14 in the pay of 1,48,500.

Joint Secretary to the Govt of India

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Future Computation of Dearness Allowance and Adoption base Index figure to Revised Minimum Wage – Regarding

Shiva Gopal Mishra

National council (Staff Side)
Joint Consulative Machinery for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110001
E-Mail :


Dated: September 6, 2016

The Secretary(Expenditure),
Ministry of Finance,
(Government of India),
North Block, New Delhi-110 001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Future computation of Dearness Allowance and adoption base index figure to Revised Minimum Wage – Regarding

The revised pay structure, as recommended by the 7th CPC, was given effect as on 01.01.2016 as per the Government’s Notification. The Dearness Allowance, which was computed at 125% ( i.e 125.75 fraction of 0.75 being ignored), got merged with Pay as on that date. The 7th CPC has not indicated as to what base figure of AICPI(IW) the Revised Wages will relate to hereafter wards. As you are aware, the actual DA that was due as on 01.01.2016 was 125.75. It is only due to the practice of ignoring fraction; the DA was determined at 125%. No doubt, the said practice had not been impacting very much except for the postponement of the benefit by six months. It is, therefore, necessary that, Revised Wages are related to a base index figure equivalent to actual Dearness Allowance percentage of 125 that stands merged as on 01.01.2016. This is more so due to the fact that there is no possibility of the ignored fraction of 0.75 being reckoned for any computation in future.

We, therefore, request that, 12 monthly average, which stood at 261.33 as on 31.12.2015, may be taken at 260.46, which would provide the exact percentage of DA at 125. The future percentage increase in DA in other words may be computed with the base figure of 260.46. The next instalment of DA, which has become due as on 1.07.2016 if computed on the above basis of 260.46, shall work out to 3.28%. On ignoring the faction, the DA with effect from 01.07.2016 shall be 3%. We, request you to kindly take the above into account and issue orders for grant of 3% DA w.e.f. 01.07.2016.

Comradely yours,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (staff side)
NC/JCM & Convener

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Monday, September 05, 2016

Railway Board Orders on Entitlement of Pass/PTOs after Implementation of 7th CPC

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)

No. E(W)2016/PS5-1/8

New Delhi, dated 31.08.2016

The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub:Regulation of entitlement of Passes & PTOs till issue of orders on the basis of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

Ref: Board’s letters No.E(W)2008/PS5-l/38 dated 06.01.2011 & 03.02.2011.

Revised pay limits for entitlement of Passes & PTOs as well as travel entitlements linked with the Grade Pay were introduced vide Board’s above reffered letters, consequent to implementation of 6th Central Pay Commission’s recommendations.

2. Pursuant to the notification of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, Railway servants shall draw pay in the Revised pay structure in the Level applicable to the post to which appointed, and the Grade Pay component has been done away with. The issue regarding linking of the Level of posts for pass entitlement on the revised pay structure is under consideration. Hence, till further orders, Grade Pay in the pre-revised scales i.e. 6th Central Pay Commission’s scale shall continue to be the basis for gradation and related entitlement on all kinds of Passes as well as PTOs.

3. In respect of persons appointed to different posts on or after 01.01.2016, the notional Grade Pay which they would have drawn in the pre-revised pay structure should be taken into account for fixing their pass entitlement.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(V. Muralidharan)
Dy. Director Estt. (Welfare)-I
Railway Board

Source: AIRF
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