Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Delhi High Court order on maternity leave in case of surrogacy – Dopt Orders

Delhi High Court order on maternity leave in case of surrogacy – Dopt Orders

Government of India Ministry of Personnel, 
Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of Personnel &Training
JNU Old Campus, New Delhi 
Dated 29 January, 2018

Subject: Writ Petition No.844/2014 in the High Court of Delhi filed by Ms. Rama Pandey, Teacher, Kendriya Vidyalaya V/s Uol & Others — reg.

The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith Hon’ ble High Court of Delhi’s Order dated 17th July, 2015 in the Writ Petition No.844/2014 in the High Court of Delhi filed by Ms. Rama Pandey, Teacher, Kendriya Vidyalaya V/s UoI & Others.

2. All Ministries/Departments are advised to give wide publicity of its contents to the concerned officers.

3. This issues with the approval of Secretary (P).
(Sandeep Saxena)
 Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Original link: 
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Abolition of Posts of Vacant for more than 05 Years – Finmin Orders

Abolition of Posts of Vacant for more than 05 Years – Finmin Orders

Submission of Action Taken Report Regarding Abolition of Posts of Vacant for more than 05 Years

No.19011/01/2015-Fin.II (Pt.) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Home Affairs
North Block, New Delhi, 
Dated January 19, 2018
Sub: Submission of Action Taken Report Regarding Abolition of Posts of Vacant for more than 05 Years – reg.

The undersigned is directed to forward OM of Department of Expenditure No. 7(1)/E.Coord-I/2017 dated 16th January, 2017 on the above mentioned subject. It is requested to identify the posts which are vacant for more than five years and submit a comprehensive report of abolition of such posts to Department of Expenditure through the Administrative Ministry Concerned latest by 25th January, 2018 under intimation to IFD (Home).
(Kumar Manoj Kashyap) 
Under Secretary & AFA (Fin-II)
No. 7(1)/E.Coord-I/2017 
Government of India 
Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi 
Dated, the 16th January, 2018
Office Memorandum

Subject: Submission of Action Taken Report regarding abolition of posts of vacant for more than 05 years.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even no. dated 12.04.2017 and subsequent remindes of even no. dated 02.05.2017 and 21.07.2017, wherein Financial Advisers of all Ministries/Departments were requested to submit an Action Taken Report regarding abolition of posts which are vacant for more than 05 years in their respective attached/subordinate/statutory bodies. Some Departments has responded in this regard, but instead of providing a comprehensive report, the requisite information has been provided in piecemeal manner.

2. Therefore, Financial Advisers and Joint Secretaries (Administration) of all Ministries/Departments are requested to identify the posts which are vacant for more than 05 years and submit a comprehensive report of abolition of such posts in main Ministry and their respective attached/subordinate/statutory bodies to his Department by 25.01.2018.

3. This issues with the approval of Joint Secretary (Pers.).
(Sobeer Singh) 
Under Secretary (E.Coord.I)
Original link: 
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New Uniform for Postmen and MTS Cadre – Department of Posts

New Uniform for Postmen and MTS Cadre – Department of Posts

New Dress for Postmen/MTS launched by Shri Manoj Sinha

The Department of Posts has redesigned the uniform for Postmen (both male and female) and MTS cadre in consultation with National Institute of Fashion Technology, Delhi (NIFT).

The uniform has been redesigned keeping in view the functionality, comfort and durability. The uniform will provide a strong brand identity of the Department of Posts as it provides for easy identification of postmen staff.

The Department enjoys credibility and respect through the field operatives that is the postmen. He is the face of the Department as he delivers letters and parcels to every door. Therefore, it is important that the uniform he wears, which identifies him with the Department should be such that he stands out. Khadi being indigenous to our culture and comfortable in all climatic zones of the country was found suitable for the postmen.

As per the recommendation of 7th CPC, the Government has decided to provide Rs. 5,000/- as dress allowance per year. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) under the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises has agreed to provide dresses for the postmen from its outlets in each district of the country. The Postmen can purchase dresses from outlets of KVIC from the dress allowances provided to them.

Hon’ble Minister of Communications, Shri Manoj Sinha launched the redesigned uniform for postmen/postwomen and MTS in New Delhi in the august presence of Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C), MSME, Shri Giriraj Singh. The 90,000 postmen/postwomen, Mail Guard, Multi Tasking Staff will get benefitted by the redesigned uniform.

Source: PIB
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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Deputation to Saudi Arabia for Haj Duty 2018 – CGDA Orders

Deputation to Saudi Arabia for Haj Duty 2018 – CGDA Orders

No. 688/AN-I/D/HAJ/2017-18
Dated: 17.01.2018
1. All the CFA(Fys) 
2. All the Group Officers, M.O., Local 
3. All sections, M.O, Local 
4. The CDA RTC (ER) Kolkata

Subject: Deputation to Saudi Arabia for Haj Duty – 2018
Reference : HQrs Office, Delhi Cantt.No. AN/IX/9104/HAJ/2018 dated 11.01.2018 circulated through website

Ministry of Minority Affairs (Haj Cell) vide Office Memorandum No. 6/9/2017 – Haj dated 01.01.2018 for Deputation to Saudi Arabia for Haj Duty – 2018 has been received by the HQrs Office and HQrs Office vide their letter cited under reference has invited applications from male Muslim Officers viz. AAOs/Sr. Adrs / Auditors for temporary deputation to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as Assistant Haj Officer and for Haj Assistants for Haj 2017.

2. Intending eligible Muslim officers/ staff may submit their application online upto 22nd january 2018. Hard copies of online filled in application form in original duly approved by the respective Competent Authority/Controllers along with requisite enclosures of willing officers/individuals may also be reached this office latest by 25th January, 2018. The eligibility criteria and terms of conditions of the ibid deputation are depicted in Annexure ‘A’. The same is also available on the websites :

3.The time schedule mentioned above may please be complied with strictly.

4.GO (AN) has seen.
Sr. Accounts Officer (AN) 
Sr.Account Officer (AN)
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Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix – Criteria for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) – Railway Board Orders

Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix – Criteria for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) – Railway Board Orders
Recruitment of staff in Level – 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix on Indian Railways – Criteria for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) regarding

No. E(NG)-II/2017/RR-l/10
RBE No. 11/2018
 New Delhi, dated: 24.01.2018
The General Manager (P), 
All Zonal Railways/Production Units

Sub: Recruitment of staff in Level – 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix on Indian Railways – Criteria for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) regarding.

Ref: This office letter No. E(NG)ll/2012/RR-1/14 elated 12.11.2012 (RBE No. 126/2012)
Attention is invited to Board’!? letter under reference prescribing criteria for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for recruitment of staff for all categories in Level – 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix (earlier Grade Pay 1800/-) on Indian Railways.

2. The matter has fuither been reviewed, keeping in view the requirement of the job and it has been decided by Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) to amend the existing criteria for recruitment from open market in all categories in Level-1 , as per norms prescribed below:-

Male Candidates
(i) Should be able to lift and carry 35 kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight the weight down;
(ii) Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 4 minute and 15 seconds 5 minutes and 40 second

Female Candidates
(i) Should be able to lift and carry 35 kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight the weight down;
(ii) Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 5 minutes and 40 second
3. The above norms will be _applicable in all future recruitment from open market in Level-1. Notification, 1f any, issued may please be amended,Suitably by issuing a corrigendum.

4. Please acknowledge receipt. (Hindi version will follow)
(Ravi Shekher) 
Dy. Dir. Estt.(N)-II 
Railway Board
Original Link: Click here 
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Monday, January 29, 2018

Integration of AADHAR Number With CGHS beneficiary number

Integration of AADHAR Number With CGHS beneficiary number
Government India 
Ministry of Health and Family 
Department of Health Family
Nirman Bhawan, 
New Delhi Dated the th January 2018
Subject:– Integration of AADHAR Number With CGHS beneficiary number-

With reference to the above subject the undersigned is directed to state that CGHS is capturing the AADHAR number of new CGHS beneficiaries. while issuing the CGHS Cards, serving employees are already using the Aadhar based Bio-metric attendance system and a large number of primary card holders have linked their Aadhar number to CGHS Ben ID Number, However, some of the existing CGHS beneficiaries particularly the pensioner beneficiaries are yet to link their Aadhar. The matter has been reviewed and it is now decided that linking of Aadhar Number to Ben ID No has been made compulsory and the CGHS beneficiaries are advised to link their Aadhar Number before 31st March 2018.

2.The procedure for doing so is as follows:

(I) Through CMO -In Charge’s Module- Beneficiary can visit CMO-In Charge Of his her CGHS Wellness Centre with AADHAR Card to get his her and family members AADHAR Number linked to CGHS Beneficiary Number.

(II) Registration of AADHAR Number by beneficiary himself/herself – the following steps are to be followed

a. Log on to 
b. Click ‘Beneficiary Login’ 
c. Sign in with Ben ID and password if you are already registered. 
d. If registered Click Generate Pass word and follow instructions to obtain OTP on your registered Mobile Number 
e. After signing in with Ben ID and Pass word. click AADHAR NO’ 
f. AADHAR for all family numbers and save

3. The co-operation of the CGHS beneficiaries is solicited.
sd/- (Dharminder Singh) Under Secretary to Government of India
Authority: Original Link: Click here Download Link: CGHS Orders
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7th CPC Revision of Pay Scales Amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules – DoPT

7th CPC Revision of Pay Scales Amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules – DoPT

Seventh Central pay Commission’s recommendations — revision of pay scales amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules

Government of India Ministry Of Personnel, 
Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of personnel and Training Estt.-RR Division
North Block, 
New Delhi Dated: 29th January, 2018
Office Memoranudm

Sub: Seventh Central pay Commission’s recommendations — revision of pay scales amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s 0M of even number dated August, 2016 on the subject mentioned wherein it was requested that as per the CCS (Rcviscd pay) Rules, 2016 issued by Department of Expenditure vide Notification dated 25th July, 2016, consequential amendment in the existing Service Rules\Recruitment Rules shall be made by the by substituting the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay by the new pay structure i.e. “LEVEL in the PAY MATRIX” straightaway without making a reference to the Deportment of Personnel and Training Public Service Commission (UPSC).

2. Subsequendy, this Department has held meetings in October/November, 2016 with the administrative Ministries/Departments to review the progress in the implementation of the O.M. An important suggestion made in the meetings with respect to facilitating the process of consultation with the Legislative Department for drafting notification for amendment of RRs in accordance with 0M dated 9th August, 2016 and its Hindi translation so as to expedite the issue or notification. In this regard, this Department in consultation with Legislative Department prepared a model notification in English and Hindi for use of the Administrative Ministries/Departments. The same was issued for the use Of Ministries/Departments vide this Department’s 0M dated 18.01.2017.

3. Further, DoP&T vide 0M of even number dated 16.02.2017 sought information with regard to implementation of OM dated 09.08.2016. However, no significant inputs on the issue were received from the despite repeated requests.

4. In view of the above, a meeting under the Chairmanship of JS(E) with all Ministries/Departments was held on 04.01.2018. The Ministries/Departments were requested to furnish the details on the issue urgently so as to enable this Department to furnish a status repot for information of PMO. The detail of the data received from various Ministries/Departments as on 24.01.2018 has been compiled and annexed. All Ministries/Departments are requested to scrutinize the data pertaining to them as the annexure. In case some additions/corrections are required, the same may be communicated to this Division before 09.02.2048. In case no inputs are received, the data as indicated in annexure shall be treated as final.
(Shukdeo Sah) 
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Original Link: Click here 
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Revision of Disability/ War Injury for Pre-2016 Defence Forces Pensioners – DESW Orders dt. 23.1.2018

Revision of Disability/ War Injury for Pre-2016 Defence Forces Pensioners – DESW Ordres dt.23.1.2018
Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) – Revision of Disability/ War Injury pension for pre-1.1.2016 Defence Forces pensioners reg.
Government of India 
Ministry of Defence 
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi-110011, 
Dated 23rd January, 2018
The Chief of the Army Staff 
The Chief of the Naval Staff 
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject- Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) – Revision of Disability/ War Injury pension for pre-1.1.2016 Defence Forces pensioners reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. 17(01)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 29th October’ 2016 modified vide letter No 17(01)/2017(01)/ D(Pension/Policy) dated 4th September, 2017 for revision of pension of pre-2016 Defence Forces pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of the Government decisions on the recommendations of the 7th CPC. As per the same, disability element/ liberalized disability element/ war injury element of Defence Forces pensioners have been revised by the pension disbursing agencies by multiplying the existing rate of disability element as on 31.12.2015, by factor of 2.57 to arrive at revised rate of disability element as on 1.1.2016. The Ministry vide letter No 17(01)/2017(02)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 5th September, 2017 have also issued orders for revision of pension including disability element by issue of corrigendum PPO based on notional pay fixed as on 1.1.2016 in the 7th CPC pay matrix corresponding to the pay in the pay scale/ pay band 86 grade pay in which the pensioner had retired. The later order of 5th September, 2017 allows the benefit of broad banding of disability in cases of retirement/ discharge voluntary or otherwise with disability/war injury and additional pension on disability/war injury element to be authorized by issue of corrigendum PPO

2. In partial modification of Ministry’s said order dated 29th October, 2016 as modified, the President is now pleased to decide that in cases where Armed Forces pensioners who were retired/discharged voluntary or otherwise with disability and were in receipt of disability/war injury element as on 31.12.2015, their extent of disability shall be re-computed in the following manner before applying the multiplication factor of 2.57 on existing disability/war injury element to arrive at the revised disability element/war injury element as on 1.1.2016.
Accepted percentage of disability
Percentage to be reckoned for computation of Disability Element
20% or more but less than 50%
Between 50% to 75%
Between 76% to 100%

3. Rates for calculation of disability where composite assessment has been made due to existence of disability as well as war injury, shall be determined in terms of provision contained in Para 3(b) of Ministry’s letter No.16(02)/2015-D(Pen/Pol) dated 8th August 2016. The amount of revised disability element finally arrived shall be rounded off to next higher rupee. 4. The president is also pleased to decide that quantum of additional pension available to old age pensioners after attaining the age of 80 years and above, shall also be admissible on revised disability/war injury element. The Note below para 12 of this Ministry’s above mentioned letter dated 29th October,2016 stands deleted. 5. The provisions of this Ministry’s above -mentioned letter dated 29th October 2016 as modified vide letter dated 4th September,2017 and dated 5th September,2017 which are not affected by the provisions of this letter, shall remain unchanged. 6. PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad shall issue necessary implementation instructions for implementation of provisions of these orders directly by the pension disbursing agencies. 7. The provisions of this letter shall take effect from 1.1.2016. 8. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No.Part file (i) to 30(01)/2016/Fin/Pen dated 15.12.2017. 9. Hindi Version will follow.

Yours faithfully 
(Manoj Sinha) 
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
Original Link: Click here
Download Link:Pension Revision Orders 23.1.2018
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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Applicability of Goods and Service tax (GST) on Static Catering Services on IR

Applicability of Goods and Service tax (GST) on Static Catering Services on IR
No. 2012/TG.III/631/2
New Delhi Dated 01.12.2017
The General Managers All Indian Railways
The CMD/IRCTC New Delhi
CMD/KRCL, Navi Mumbai
(Commercial Circular No. 79 of 2017)

Sub: Applicability of Goods and Service tax (GST) on Static Catering Services on IR.

Ref: (i) Commercial Circular No. 78 of 2012 dated 21.12.2012 (ii) Commercial Circular No. 44 of 2017 dated 29.06.2017 (iii) Commercial Circular No. 48 of 2017 dated 30.06.2017 (iv) Board’s letter No. 2016/AC-II/01/Misc./GST (RBS No. 164/20117) dtd 20.11.2017 (v) Board’s letter no. 2017/TG-III/631/6 dated 18/09/2017.

Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) vide notification No. 11/2017 – Central Tax(Rate) dated 28.06.2017 had issued GST Rate for supply of food and beverage services. Further, vide Notidication no. 46/2017-Centrl Tax (Rate) dated 14.11.2017, the aforesaid notification has been amended. The issue of implementation of Goods and Service Tax (GST) on Catering Services on Indian Railway has been examined in consultaion of Finance Commercial Dte. of Railway Board and accordingly, following are advised:-

1.The chargeable GST on catering services in state in catering units / parliament canteen is @ 5% with no Input Tax Credit (ITC).

2.The above GST on catering charges through Static units is applicable w.e.f. 15.11.2017.

3.The rates notified vide Commercial Circular No. 78 of 2012 will remain unchanged after applicability of GST but are now inclusive of GST @ 5% for static catering units.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Dte. of Railway Board.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Smita Rawat) 
Executive Director (T&C) 
Railway Board
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Enhancement of Mela Surcharge for Mahamastakabhisheka. Mela and delegation of power to decide Mela Surcharge

Enhancement of Mela Surcharge for Mahamastakabhisheka. Mela and delegation of power to decide Mela Surcharge
No. TCII/2067/06/Mela Surcharge
New Delhi dated 12.12.2017
The Principal Chief Commercial Managers 
All Indian Railways

Sub: Enhancement of Mela Surcharge for Mahamastakabhisheka. Mela and delegation of power to decide Mela Surcharge. 

Ref: 1. SWR letter no. C. 518/PA/SGBA/Mahamasthakabhisheka-2018 dated 17.10.2017

2. Commercial circular no. 24 of 2017 dated 24.03.2017
In reference of above, Ministry of Railways have approved doubling of Mela Surcharge for Mahamastakabhisheka Mela to be held during February 2018.

Keeping in view of heavy investment being made for additional arrangements to facilitate pilgrims during different Melas, the powers for upward revision of Mela surcharge is also being delegated to Principal Chief commercial Managers of Zonal Railways subject to the following conditions:-

(i) Minimum Mela surcharge shall be levied as per rate notified by Ministry of Railways from time to time.

(ii) Principal Chief Commercial Managers of Zonal Railways shall decide for any increase in the Mela surcharge beyond the minimum surcharge based upon the investment made by their Railways for making additional arrangements for pilgrims.

(iii) In case, Mela surcharge have to be levied by two or more Railways for the same Mela then PCCM of both the Railways shall mututally decide upon the uniform increase.

(iv) Increase in Mela surcharge, if any, shall be decided well in advance so that the same may be updated in the PRS and UTS system for implementation.

(v) The maximum limit of the Mela surcharge shall not be fixed more than three times of the minimum prescribed Mela surcharge. CRIS is requested to make necessary software changes, if required.

All other terms and conditions regarding levy of Mela Surcharge shall remain the same.

Necessary instructions may be issued to all concerned staff immediately. This issue with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Shelly Srivastava) 
Director Passenger Marketing) 
Railway Board
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Clarification on booking of YTSK tickets through telephone

Clarification on booking of YTSK tickets through telephone
Government of India 
Ministry of Railways 
(Railway Board)
No. 2017/TG-I/23/P/YTSK
Date: 07.12.2017
Principal Chief Commercial Managers, 
All Zonal Railways.
(Commercial Circular no. 81 of 2017)

Sub: Clarification on booking of YTSK tickets through telephone.

With a view to expanding the facilities for issuing of tickets (both reserved and unreserved) and allowing public private partnership in establishment and operation of computerized PRS-cum-UTS terminals at centres called Yatri Ticket Suvidha Kendra (YTSK), the YTSK scheme was launched vide Commercial Circular no. 33 of 2014. Thereafter, on the basis of feedback received, amendments have been made in the scheme from time to time.

2.A reference has been received from Northern Railway forwarding therewith a request received from YTSK Association, Delhi’s to permit YTSKs to book tickets on telephone. In this connection, the Association has referred to the feature of booking reserved ticket telephonically which finds mention in both RTSA Rules, 1985 as well as RTSA Rules, 2014 (under which RTSAs started functioning as e-ticketing agents)

3.The matter has been examined in this office and keeping in view the fact that the provision for booking reserved ticket telephonically figures in RTSA Rules, 1985 as well as RTSA Rules, 2014 and also in Computerised Ticket Service Provider Licencee (CTSPL) scheme which was introduced in the year 2000 allowing provision of PRS terminals to RTSAs, it has been decided that YTSKs may be allowed to book tickets on telephone. However, Zonal Railways are requested to ensure that in case the YTSK licensee acts on a telephone call, a written request shall be obtained by the Licensee from the client before delivering the railway ticket to him.

4.Necessary instructions may be issue to all concerned accordingly.
(Harvinder Singh) 
Jt. Director Traffic Commercial (G) 
Railway Board
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Review of Flexi Fare System in Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains

Review of Flexi Fare System in Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains
Commercial Circular No. 82 of 2017
No.TC II/2910/2016/Discounted Fares
New Delhi, dated 19.12.2017
The Principal Chief Commercial Managers, 
All Zonal Railways

SUB: Review of Flexi Fare System in Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains.

REF: 1. Commercial ciruclar no. 68 of 2016 dated 08.12.2016 2. Commercial circular no. 66 of 2016 dated 14.12.2016 3. This office letter of even no. dated 16.12.2016 4. Commercial circular no. 79 of 2016 dated 28.12.2016 5. Commercial circular no. 42 of 2017 dated 28.06.2017

In continuation of above instructions Ministry of Railways have decided the currency of above instructions regarding (i) 10% rebate in the basic fare on the vacant berths/seats after preparation of first chart in all trains including Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains (ii) Discounted fare in Shatabdi trains on Mysuru-Bengaluru and Bengaluru-Mysuru sections should be extended till further advice.

2. However extension of, currency of discounted fare in Shatabdi trains on Ajmer-Jaipur and Jaipur-Ajmer sections shall be examined separately and the same shall be intimated later.

3. There shall be no change as regards reduction of tatkal quota in Rajdhani/Duronto/Shatabdi trains. Tatkal quota shall continue to be 10% of the total classwise accommodation in Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains till further advice. However, fortnightly review of utilisation of tatkal quota may be undertaken by CCMs of Zonal Railways and based on its utilisation, tatkal quota may be increased in such trains upto a maximum of 30% of total class wise accommodation in the train.

4. Quarterly review should be undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the above schemes.

5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
(Shelly Srivastava) 
Director Passenger Marketing) 
Railway Board
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Revision of Cloak Room and Locker charges at Railway Stations

Revision of Cloak Room and Locker charges at Railway Stations
No. 2015/TG-IV/14/P/Lockers
New Delhi, Dt.21.12.2017
The General Managers, 
All Zonal Railways. 
(Commercial Circular No. 83/2017)

Sub: Revision of Cloak Room and Locker charges at Railway Stations.

Please refer to Board’s letter no: 91/TG-I/10/P/Cloak Room Charges dated 23.01.2013 (CC No. 09/2013) wherein the last revision of Cloak Room and Locker charges were notified.

It has, now, been decided that DRMs shall have full powers for upward revision of the Cloak Room and Locker tariff at stations based on their local conditions after obtaining concurrence of their Associate Finance.

This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
(Harvinder Singh) 
Jt. Director Traffic Comml.(G) 
Railway Board
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Fare structure of Anubhuti Coach

Fare structure of Anubhuti Coach
Commercial Circular No. 84 of 2017
No.TC II/2910/17/Anubhuti coach
New Delhi, dated 22.12.2017
The Principal Chief Commercial Managers, 
All Indian Railways.

Sub: Fare structure of Anubhuti Coach.

Ministry of Railways has decided to introduce Anubhuti coache with additional features like improved interiors, amenities and facilities, ergonomically designed seat, improved modular toilets with hand-free taps, automatic IC sliding doors, overhead reading light for individual seat, GPS bases passenger system, diffused LED lighting, special exterior painting with anti-graffitti coating, higher speed potential etc.,

2. The fare structure of Anubhuti Coach shall be as under:-
2.1 Anubhuti coach shall be attached in Shatabdi trains as additional Executive Class where there is only one EC Coach and where there is two or more EC coach then one of existing executive class coach may be replaced by Anubhuti coach. The fare of Anubhuti coach attached in Shatabdi trains shall be 1.2 times of executive class fare of Shatabdi trains.

2.2 In exceptional cases where Anubhuti coach is to be attached in Gatimaan Express and Tejas Express as replacement of existing Executive class and then fare shall be same as that of Executive class coaches of respective mentioned trains.

2.3 Other charges like reservation fee, superfast surcharge, Goods and service tax etc., as applicable shall be levied separately.

2.4 Normal Child fare rules will apply. No concessional tickets and tickets against Free complimentary passes which are not fully reimbursed shall be admissible in this coach.

2.5 Booking of tickets against Passes issued to Member of Parliaments and Rail travel coupons (RTCs) issued to MLA/MLCs shall be permissible as they are fully reimbursed.

2.6 The eligibility of Privilege pass/PTO for Railway employees shall be on par with eligibility in the respective class of trains in which such coaches are attached etc.

2.7 Full fare Defence warrants shall be allowed for exchange as per the actual fare.

3.0 Vacant berths left at the time of first charting would be offered for current booking. Tickets under current booking shall be sold at the last price sold for that class with 10% discount on last price and other supplementary charges like reservation fee, superfast charges, Goods and service tax etc., as applicable shall be levied in full.

3.1 The last price of tickets for the train should be printed in the reservation chart for the purpose of charging of difference of fare in the train or charging the passengers of the train without ticket etc., 10% discount in the last price shall also be applicable for allotment of vacant berths in the train by TTEs.

3.2 Refund Rules: Normal cancellation and refund rule shall apply.

4.0 CRIS is requested to make necessary changes in the software.

4.1 The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged. Also Please check these instructions on the Indian Railways website – Under the head commercial circulars.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
sd/- (Rohit Kumar) 
Dy. Director Passenger Marketing-III 
Railway Board
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Discounted fare in Shatabdi trains from Ahmedabad to Vadodara

Discounted fare in Shatabdi trains from Ahmedabad to Vadodara
Commercial Circular No. 86 of 2017
No.TC II/2910/2016/Discounted Fares
New Delhi, dated 05.01.2018
Principal Chief Commercial Manager
 Westerm Railway/Mumbai

Sub: Discounted fare in Shatabdi trains from Ahmedabad to Vadodara

REF: 1. Commercial circular no. 68 of 2017 dated 09.10.2017 2. WR letter no. C.175/1 Policy dated 06.12.2017

In partial modification of Commercial circular no. 68 of 2017 dated 09.10.2017, Ministry of Railways desire that train number mentioned as 12009 Mumbai Central-Ahmedabad Shatabdi Express shall be read as 12010 Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central Shatabdi Express. Accordingly discounted fare shall be applicable from Ahmedabad to Vadodara in 12010 Ahmedabad-Mumbai Central Shatabdi Express w.e.f. 20.01.2018 on an experimental basis for six months.

2. Other terms and conditions shall be as per Commercial circular no. 68 of 2017 dated 09.10.2017.

3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

Ensure action accordingly and confirm.
(Shelly Srivastava) 
Director (Passenger Marketing) 
Railway Board
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Issue of Pension Pay Orders (PPO) to the pensioners – NC JCM Staff Side

Issue of Pension Pay Orders (PPO) to the pensioners – NC JCM Staff Side
Shiva Gopal Mishra 
Ph: 23382286 
National Council (Staff Side) 
Joint Consultative Machinery 
For Central Government Employees 
13-C, Feroshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 
E Mail :
Januray 16, 2018
The Secretary, 
Department of Pension &Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, 
New Delhi – 110003

Sub: Issue of Pension Pay Orders (PPO) to the pensioners.
Dear Sir, 
Pension Pay Orders (PPO) issued to retiring employees by the office of the Principle CDA (Pension) Allahabad given the following details:-

1. Name of the Pensioners 
2. PPO No. 
3. Aadhar No. 
4. Mobile No. 
5. Date of Birth &Post last held 
6. Name of the establishment in which employed 
7. Date of Appointment 
8. Amount to be paid & pensionery Awards 
9. Enhance date of pension etc

Whereas the residential address at the time of retirement of the employee at the time of retirement is mot mentioned. Due to this, the pensioners face difficulties to entol themselves in CGHS beneficiary as there is no residential address in the PPOs. It is therefore, requested that the pensioners residential address is required for further correspondence also. Accordingly, PCDA may please be firected to include the Column of residential address of the pensioners as was done earlier.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully, 
(Shiva Gopal Mishra) 
Source: Confederation
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Granting of 7th CPC Pay Scale to Temporary Service Casual Labourers w.e.f. 1.1.2016

Granting of 7th CPC Pay Scale to Temporary Service Casual Labourers w.e.f. 1.1.2016
Shiva Gopal Mishra 
Ph: 23382286 
National Council (Staff Side) 
Joint Consultative Machinery
For Central Government Employees 
13-C, Feroshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 
E Mail :
Januray 16, 2018
Smt. Annie G. Mathew 
Jt. Secretary (Pers) 
Government of India 
Department of Expenditure, 
North Block, 
New Delhi

Sub: Granting of 7th CPC Pay Scale to Temporary Service Casual Labourers w.e.f. 1.1.2016 

Dear Madam,
Temporary Casual Labourers are deployed in regular jobs. They are granted regular pay scale of Labourers and DA admissible for regular employees. They are granted 7000+1800 GP after 6th CPC recommendations were implemented w.e.f. 1.1.2006 during 2009. After 7th CPC recommendations are implemented, till date no orders were issued by Department of Expenditure to revise their pay in level 1 of pay matrix on 7th CPC on par with regular labourers. They are & till drawing the pay scale of 6th CPC. This may be considered and regular pay scale of 7th CPC may be granted w.e.f. 1.1.2016 to these employees.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully, 
Shiva Gopal Mishra 
Source: Confederation
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Friday, January 26, 2018

Curtain Raiser-Republic Day – 2018

Ministry of Defence 

Curtain Raiser-Republic Day – 2018

Republic Day 2018 is very special when the country will be celebrating its 69th Republic Day tomorrow with 10 Heads of State/Government will grace the Republic Day Parade on the historic Rajpath, the principal promenade of New Delhi. We have had a history of hosting a chief guest from a foreign nation at our Republic Day Parade in the Capital. However, having 10 Heads of State/Government in our midst to witness the most spectacular show of our nation, makes this Republic Day Parade so special.

Our honoured Chief Guests are Heads of State/Government from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It clearly signifies our strengthening relations with the ASEAN and ASEAN nations. Keeping in sync with our ‘Act East Policy’.

Rajpath will come alive tomorrow morning where the nation showcases her military might and traditions coupled with the latest initiatives and achievements along with her rich diverse social and cultural heritage. Another feather in tomorrow’s pageant will be two tableaux showcasing our historical, civilizational, educational, religious and cultural linkages with the ASEAN nations.

The parade ceremony will commence at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate where the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will lead the nation in paying homage to the martyrs by laying a wreath. An eternal flame burns at the Amar Jawan Jyoti to commemorate the indomitable courage of our Armed Forces personnel who have made the supreme sacrifice in the service of the motherland. The Amar Jawan, the immortal soldier, is symbolised by a reversed rifle standing on its barrel and crested by a soldier’s helmet.

Women’s Motor Cycle team ‘Seema Bhawani’ of Border Security Force will be the main attraction of the spectacle, which was raised at Central School of Motor Transport (CSMT), BSF Academy Tekanpur on 20th October 2016. The BSF motorcycle team ‘Seema Bhawani’ is led by Sub Inspector Stanzin Noryang. The splendid driving skills of ‘Seema Bhawani’ will display stunts like Salute to President, Fish Riding, Side Riding, Faulaad, Prachand Baalay Shaktiman, Four Harmony, Mobile PT, Bull Fighting, Peacock, Sapt Rishi, Brahma Yog Guldasta, Wind Mill Formation, Seema Prahari, Bharat Ke Mustaid Prahari, Sarhad Ke Nigheban and Flag March Pyramid.

As per tradition, after unfurling the National Flag, the national anthem will be played with a 21 gun salute. The parade will then commence and the President will take the salute. To further strengthening the robust relationship, Government of India invited leaders of ASEAN as chief guests in Republic Day Parade – 2018. They are Prime Minister of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Dr Thongloun Sisoulith; Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Nguy?n Xuân Phúc; the State Counsellor of Myanmar, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (ASSK); Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, General Prayut Chan-o-cha; Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’, Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak; Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong; Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen; President of the Republic of the Philippines, Rodrigo Roa Duterte; President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and Prime Minister of Brunei, Darussalam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah.
The parade will be commanded by Lt. General Asit Mistry, General Officer Commanding, Headquarters Delhi Area. Major General Rajpal Punia, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Delhi Area will be the parade Second-in-Command.

Param Vir Chakra winners Subedar Major & Honorary Captain Bana Singh (Retd), Subedar Yogendra Singh Yadav, 18 Grenadiers and Naib Subedar Sanjay Kumar, 13 JAK Rifles and Ashok Chakra winners Major General Cyrus A Pithawalla (Retd), Lt Col Jas Ram Singh (Retd), Lt Colonel D Sreeram Kumar, Naib Subedar (Honorary) Chhering Mutup (Retd) and Shri Govind Singh of district Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh & Shri Bhure Lal of district Guna also from Madhya Pradesh will follow the Deputy Parade Commander on Jeeps.

The marching contingents start with flag bearer contingent bearing the ASEAN and 10 ASEAN countries’ flags followed by the Indian Army Band drawn from 39 Gorkha Training Centre and 1 EME Centre.

The Indian Army’s T-90 tank (Bhishma), Ballway Machine Pikate (II/IIK), Brahmos Missile System, Weapon Locating Radar (Swathi), Bridge Laying Tank T-72, Mobile Base Transceiver Station and Akash Weapon System will be the main draw in the mechanised columns.

The marching contingent of the Army will include horse-mounted columns of the 61st Cavalry, the Punjab Regiment, Maratha Light Infantry, the Dogra Regiment, Ladakh Scouts, the Regiment of Artillery and 123 Infantry Battalion – Territorial Army (Grenadiers) followed by the tableau of Ex-Servicemen.

The marching contingent of the Navy comprising 144 young sailors will be led by Lieutenant Tushar Gautam, while the Indian Air Force contingent comprising 144 men will be led by Squadran Leader Attal Singh Shekhon. The Paramilitary and other auxiliary civil forces will include the Border Security Force marching as well as Camel Contingents, Indian Coast Guard, Sashastra Seema Bal, Indo Tibetan Border Police, Delhi Police, National Cadet Corps and National Service Scheme.

This year the Indian Navy’s Tableau will have the theme “Indian Navy – Combat Ready Force for National Security”. The tableau showcases proudly illustrates the combat potential of the multi-dimensional Indian Navy of the 21st Century.

An Indian Air Force Tableau will roll down the Rajpath with the theme “Indian Air Force Encouraging Indigenisation”. Models displayed in the tableau are Tejas Multirole Fighter Aircraft, Rudra Helicopter, Arudhra Radar and Akash missile system.

Tableaux from 14 States and UT, Nine Central Ministries, Departments and Central Paramilitary Force will present the varied historical, art and cultural heritage of the country. They will also showcase country’s progress in different fields, particularly floats from Karnataka, Gujarat, Tripura, Maharashtra, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur and Kerala with their varied themes, which will be of special attraction. The floats of All India Radio, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Income Tax Department will showcase the rapid development of some of the flagship programmes of the Government.

Eighteen children, including seven girls selected for the National Bravery Award–2017 will also participate in the parade. Three children have got the award posthumously. In the children’s pageant section, over 800 boys and girls drawn from three schools in Delhi and a group of school children from South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur and North East Zone Cultural Centre, Dimapur will perform colourful dances on varied themes.

The grand finale of the parade will be a spectacular flypast by the IAF. The flypast will commence with the ‘Rudra’ formation comprising three ALH Mk IV WSI helicopters in ‘Vic’ formation, followed by the ‘Hercules’ formation comprising three C-130J Super Hercules aircraft in ‘Vic’ formation. Trailing them will be the ‘Netra’ which is an Airborne Early Warning and Control System Aircraft also known as “Eye in the Sky”. It will be followed by the ‘Globe formation’ comprising one C-17 Globemaster flanked by two Su-30 MKIs.

Next in line will be the fighters, where three LCA aircraft Tejas will fly in ‘Vic’ formation followed by five Jaguars in Arrowhead formation. Another five MiG-29 Upgrade Air Superiority Fighters will fly in Fulcrum style. Then the breath-taking ‘Trishul’ formation comprising three Su-30 MKIs would fly over the Rajpath, and once in front of the saluting dais, the Su-30 MKI aircraft will split upwards, making a Trishul in the sky. The flypast will conclude with another Su-30 MKI carrying out a ‘Vertical Charlie’ manoeuvre over the saluting dais.

The ceremony will culminate with the national anthem and release of balloons.

Source: PIB
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Grant of MACP to the SOMs/Sr. PWSs of the Civil Engineering Department – AIRF

Grant of MACP to the SOMs/Sr. PWSs of the Civil Engineering Department – AIRF

Dated: January 16, 2018
The EDPC-I, 
Railway Board, 
Metro Station Building, 
Pragati Maidan, 
New Delhi

Dear Sir, 
Sub: Grant of MACP to the SOMs/Sr. PWSs of the Civil Engineering Department 
Ref.: (i)AIRF’s PNM Item No.06/2012 
(ii)Railway Board’s letter No.PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 09.10.2003(RBE No.177/2003) 
(iii)Railway Board’s letter No.PC-III/2004/CRC/1(Pt.1)dt.22.03.07(RBE No.45/2007) 
(iv)Railway Board’s letter No.PC-III/2004/CRC/1(Pt.1) dated 17.04.2007 addressed to AIRF 
(v) Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 10.06.2009(RBE No.101/2009) 
(vi)Railway Board’s letter No.PC-III/2012/FE-II/2 dated 03.07.2013(RBE No.64/2013)

On demand of AIRF, on the basis of functional, operational and administrative requirements, restructuring of the Group `C’ & `D’ Cadres w.e.f. 01.09.2003 was notified by the Railway Board, covering detailed instructions vide its orders dated 09.10.2003. These instructions also covered multi-skilling of various grades/cadres of various departments of the Railways, viz. Transportation, Personnel, S&T, Stores, Ministries of all the Engineering Departments. Under Para 13(a) of the aforesaid letter of the Railway Board, all the posts of the Supervisors(erstwhile Ministries) in Grade Rs.4500/7000+Rs.100 as Special Allowance (excluding P. Way Supervisors) should en-block be upgraded to the post of Jr. Engineer Grade II in the pay scale Rs.5000-8000 and merged with the respective cadres of Technical Supervisors with its spread effects in the higher grades, i.e. Rs.5500-9000, 6500-10500 and 7450-11500 as per revised percentage, distribution of posts prescribed for Supervisors in these orders.

In case of Supervisors, the posts being held by the erstwhile PWMs was allowed this benefit up to a maximum of 17.26% of the sanctioned cadre of PWMs and was to be upgraded and merged with the posts of Jr. Engineer Grade-II(P. Way) in pay scale Rs.5000-8000 with its spread effects as extended to the other Mistries described in the foregoing para. These instructions of the Railway Board were implemented by all the Zonal Railways for the purpose of grant of restructuring benefits applicable w.e.f. 01.09.2003. Further, Railway Board vide its later orders dated 22.03.2007 abolished the category of PWMs by merging such Track Supervisors (erstwhile PWMs) working in scale Rs.4500-7000+Rs.100 as Special Allowance applicable to all those appointed prior to 01.11.2003 and introduced the category of Sr. PWS in scale Rs.5000-8000 with the terms and conditions mentioned in the Board’s letter referred under caption (iii) above. Accordingly, all Mistries of all departments, including SOMs and PWSs of the Civil Engineering Department, appointed prior to 01.11.2003, stood upgraded and merged with the Technical Supervisors, namely JE-II in pay scale Rs.5000-8000 with its spread effects in the higher grades. Ironically, no complaint was received, wherein aforementioned Cadre Restructuring orders with regard to the Ministries of all the department was allowed treating them merged with JE(II) GP Rs. 5000-8000 (RSRP). However, one case of the Ministries of S&T Department was referred by Northern Railway to the Railway Board for filing SLP against the orders passed by the Hon’ble CAT/NDLS and upheld by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in WP(C) No.4601/2015 – Titled UoI & Ors. Versus Satyendra Kumar case of restructuring orders. Railway Board’s SLP in question, which was dismissed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India vide its orders dated 01.07.2016.

Now, it is a matter of great concern that various Zonal Railways, having allowed the benefits of MACP in compliance of Para 5 of Board’s orders dated 09.10.2003, are being challenged by the Associated Finance of the respective Zones/Divisions in cases of grant of MACP benefits to such Ministries, treating their grade of Rs.4500-7000 + Rs.100 as Special Allowance, upgraded to Rs.5000-8000 as merged grade for the purpose of MACP benefits. It has invited litigation in various Divisions and Zones on Indian Railways and Railway Administrations are allowing the benefit of MACP, so extended in compliance of Para 5 of Board’s letter dated 09.10.2003 to avoid contemptuous action, but those who are unable to pay huge legal expenses are suffering and lakhs of rupees are being recovered at the time of retirement of such SOMs/PWSs of the Civil Engineering Department. Railway Board vide their letter No.PC-III/2004/CRC/1(Pt.1) dated 17.04.2007, referred to above, had also clarified that Track Supervisors(erstwhile P. Way Ministries) in scale Rs.4500-7000 + (Rs.100 as Special Allowance), appointed prior and after 01.11.2003, are eligible for placement in the scale Rs.5000-8000, subject to the conditions mentioned in the Board’s letter dated 22.03.2007. Thus, there was no scope left for treating such Track Supervisors, merged/upgraded with JE-II pay scale Rs.5000-8000, after required financial implications were met out by the respective Divisions/Zones.

Moreover, it shall also be pertinent to mention that, there cannot be discriminatory view of the Railway Administration with regard to benefit of upgradation and merger of Ministries of various departments, including SOMs and PWSs, appointed before 01.11.2003, merged and upgraded with the JE-II pay scale Rs.5000-8000 well before issue of MACP orders dated 10.06.2009.

In view of the discussions in the foregoing paragraphs, it is demanded that a clarification immediately be issued to all the Zonal Railways that instructions contained under Para 5 of the Railway Board’s order issued under RBE No.101/2009 dated 10.06.2009, be implemented for SOMs and PWMs/Sr. PWSs to avoid hardships being faced to the affected Railwaymen and also to save time and money being spent in various courts on this ground.
Yours faithfully, 
(Shiv Gopal Mishra) 
General Secretary
Source: AIRF
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Charges against the Ticket Checking Staff – AIRF

Charges against the Ticket Checking Staff – AIRF

Dated: January 21, 2018
Dear Shri Sharma Ji!

Sub: Charges against the Ticket Checking Staff 
Ref.: Your circular dated 19.01.2018

We are very much pained after going through your circular referred to above; alleging the Ticket Checking Staff about taking bribe from the general travelling public for accommodating them in the Sleeper Class.

I believe that, Hon’ble MR has not been properly briefed by the administration about the yeoman’s service rendered by the Ticket Checking Staff. In spite of their shortage, they are meeting every target fixed by the Railway Board as well as many a times they are forced by their local officers for such targets which are never possible to achieve, even then they are serving their valued passengers to a great satisfaction. There are orders from the Railway Board that, any passenger found unauthorizedly travelling should be issued ticket up to the next station and then he should be de-trained at the next station, but all the local CCMs are forcing the Ticket Checking Staff to charge them for farthest end to increase the earnings of the Railways. This is happening in blatant disobedience to Railway Board’s orders and the Ticket Checking Staff are forced to accommodate them in the Sleeper Class.

There might be some black sheep in the organization, and AIRF has always supported the administration to deal with these black sheep. They may be staff or officers, but issuing such instructions, demoralizing the Ticket Checking Staff, who are the bread earner of the Indian Railways, is very unfortunate.

It is very earnestly requested that, the above cited circular, issued by your goodself, should immediately be withdrawn, and any such activity, defaming the Ticket Checking Staff as a whole, will definitely not only demoralize them, but also result in industrial unrest. You are, therefore, requested to take action against the cuprites, but dealing every Ticket Checking Staff with the same stick will not only humiliate the Ticket Checking Staff, but also lead to serious agitations all over the Indian Railways.

Hope, you will take this matter seriously and give a healing touch to the Ticket Checking Staff who are much aggrieved and agitating all over the Indian Railways on this letter of yours.

Yours faithfully, 
(Shiv Gopal Mishra) 
General Secretary
Source: AIRF
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Recording of Higher Academic/Educational Qualification in the Service Record of Employees Recruited through RRBs

Recording of higher academic/educational qualification in the Service Record of employees recruited through RRBs
Government Of India
Ministry Of Railways 
(Railway Board)
RBE 07/2018
New Delhi, dated 19.01.2018
The General Manager(P)s, 
All Zohal Railways & Production Units. 
(As per standard list).

Sub : Recording of higher academic/educational qualification in the Service Record of employees recruited through RRBs.

Pursuant to a decision taken in PNM/AIRF meeting Agenda Item No. 34/2016, instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 07.12.2017 (RBE No. 191/2017) for recording of such educational qualification in the Service Records of a RRB recruited employee about which he had mentioned in his application form to RRB as an unfinished course, subject to the proviso that such course has been completed by him successfully before his/her joining the Railways. Board’s letter ibid also stipulated that past cases need not be re-opened.

2. On being raised by both the recognised federations e.g. AIRF and NFIR, Board have considered the matter further and have decided, in partial modification of the above quoted dispensation, to extend similar benefit to RRC recruited candidates.

3. Past cases, based on individual representations for recording educational qualification in Service Records can also be considered on merits on case to case basis. However, past cases of promotion already done will not be allowed to be re-opened.

Hindi version will follow. 

Please acknowledge receipt.
Deputy Director Estt (N) 
Railway Board
Source: AIRF
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Digitalization of Service Records of employees – Railway Board Orders dt.12.1.2018

Digitalization of Service Records of employees – Railway Board Orders dt.12.1.2018

Digitalization of Service Records of employees

No.E(G)2018/FR 1-1
RBE No. 04/2018 
New Delhi, dated : 12.01.2018
The General Managers, 
All Indian Railways & Production Units etc

Sub:- Digitalization of Service Records of employees.

As you are aware, the Government is encouraging to undertake digitalization of more and more activities. As a step in this direction, it has been decided by the Ministry of Railways that Service Records of all the Railway Employees working in the Zonal Railways and Production Units etc. should be digitized.

It may please be ensured that this process may be completed by the target date of 31.03.2018. Meanwhile, a status report as on December 31, 2017 may be sent to this office by email(ID of Dy. Dir./Estt.(Genl)III/Rly. Board at
(Dr. Anand S. Khati) 
Exec. Dir. Estt.(Genl.) 
Railway Board
Source: AIRF
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7th CPC Extra Work Allowance (abolition of existing Library Allowance)

7th CPC Allowances: Grant of Extra Work Allowance (abolition of existing Library Allowance) – Railway Board Orders

Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government — Grant of Extra Work Allowance (abolition of existing Library Allowance)

Government Of India 
Ministry Of Railways 
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No.86 RBE No.206/2017
New Delhi, dated 27-12-2017
The General Managers and Principal Financial Advisers 
All Indian Railways & Production Units.

Sub: Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government — Grant of Extra Work Allowance (abolition of existing Library Allowance).

Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2009/SP-1/Gen1/1 dated 30.04.2010(Annexure-A-3). (ii) Ministry of Finance’s OM No.12-3/2016-E.III(A) dated 20.07.2017.

Consequent upon the decisions taken by the government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to revision of allowances, the President is pleased to abolish Library Allowance payable as a special Allowance to the teachers entrusted with additional charge of library work in railway schools which do not have separate post of Librarian) as a separate allowance. The eligible employees will now be governed by the newly preposed “Extra Work Allowance”, which shall be governed as under:

a. Extra Work Allowance will be paid at a uniform rate of 2% (two percent) of the basic pay per month.

b. An employee shall receive this allowance for a maximum period of one year, and there should be minimum gap of one year before the same employee is deployed for similar duties again.

c. This allowance shall not be combined i.e. if the same employees is performing two or more such duties and is eligible for 2% (two percent) allowance for each add on, then the total Extra Work Allowance payable will remain capped at 2% (two percent) of basic pay.

2. The other terms and conditions for grant of Special Allowance contained in Board’s letters No.E(P&A)I-99/Sp-1/Genl.1 dated 22-07-1999 will remain unchanged.

3. These orders shall be effective from 1st July, 2017.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5. Please acknowledge receipt.
(Anil Kumar) 
Railway Board.
Source: AIRF
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Admissibility of HRA in the Event of Non-Acceptance or Surrender of Railway Residential Accommodation

Admissibility of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation

RBE No. 05/2018 
New Delhi, dated : 15.01.2018

The General Managers, 
All Indian Railways &  Production Units etc

Sub : Admissibility of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation.

Ref : Board’s letters No. (i) No. E(P&A)II-87/HRA-15, dated 16-5-1988, 
(ii) No. E(P&A)11-95/HRA-3, dated 14-2-1996, 
(iii) No. E(P&A)11-99/HRA-2, dated 12-7-1999 & 16-3-2000, 
(iv) No. E(P&A)II-2002/HRA-4, dated 16-10-2002, 
(v) No. E(P&A)11-2002/HRA-4, dated 9-5-2003 and, 
(vi) No. E(P&A)II-2010/HRA-2, dated 08-12-2010

Attention is invited to Board’s letters quoted above delegating powers to the General Managers and other Heads of Organisations directly controlling allotment of quarters to Railway Servants for sanction of House Rent Allowance in accordance with the prescribed conditions to the categories of Railway Employees specified therein. This delegation of powers was valid upto 31.03.2017.

2.The question of renewing this delegation of powers beyond 31.03.2017 has been engaging the attention of the Board. On the basis of the reports received from the Zonal Railways and Production Units, the matter has been considered and the Board have decided to renew the sanction contained in para 5 of their letter dated 16.5.1988 ibid and as amended/modified from time to time, w.e.f 01.04.2017 upto 31.03.2024 where after the question of renewing this delegation will be considered by the Board and a fresh sanction, if necessary, issued on the basis of reports received from the General Managers etc., directly controlling allotment of quarters, in regard to the position of availability of Railway accommodation under their control.

3. In case at any point of time it transpires that some accommodation is likely to remain vacant/un-occupied due to lack of demand, it should be made compulsory to submit applications for such types where there is surplus accommodation, and consequently, the employees entitled for such types would not be eligible to draw House Rent Allowance.

4. This delegation is also subject to the over-riding, condition that these orders are liable to be withdrawn/modified at any time during this period, if it is considered necessary by the Board to do so.

5. This has the approval of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

6. Kindly acknowledge receipt.
(Salim Md. Ahmed) 
Deputy Director, Estt.(P&A)II, 
Railway Board
Source: AIRF
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