Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Abolition of Posts of Vacant for more than 05 Years – Finmin Orders

Abolition of Posts of Vacant for more than 05 Years – Finmin Orders

Submission of Action Taken Report Regarding Abolition of Posts of Vacant for more than 05 Years

No.19011/01/2015-Fin.II (Pt.) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Home Affairs
North Block, New Delhi, 
Dated January 19, 2018
Sub: Submission of Action Taken Report Regarding Abolition of Posts of Vacant for more than 05 Years – reg.

The undersigned is directed to forward OM of Department of Expenditure No. 7(1)/E.Coord-I/2017 dated 16th January, 2017 on the above mentioned subject. It is requested to identify the posts which are vacant for more than five years and submit a comprehensive report of abolition of such posts to Department of Expenditure through the Administrative Ministry Concerned latest by 25th January, 2018 under intimation to IFD (Home).
(Kumar Manoj Kashyap) 
Under Secretary & AFA (Fin-II)
No. 7(1)/E.Coord-I/2017 
Government of India 
Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi 
Dated, the 16th January, 2018
Office Memorandum

Subject: Submission of Action Taken Report regarding abolition of posts of vacant for more than 05 years.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even no. dated 12.04.2017 and subsequent remindes of even no. dated 02.05.2017 and 21.07.2017, wherein Financial Advisers of all Ministries/Departments were requested to submit an Action Taken Report regarding abolition of posts which are vacant for more than 05 years in their respective attached/subordinate/statutory bodies. Some Departments has responded in this regard, but instead of providing a comprehensive report, the requisite information has been provided in piecemeal manner.

2. Therefore, Financial Advisers and Joint Secretaries (Administration) of all Ministries/Departments are requested to identify the posts which are vacant for more than 05 years and submit a comprehensive report of abolition of such posts in main Ministry and their respective attached/subordinate/statutory bodies to his Department by 25.01.2018.

3. This issues with the approval of Joint Secretary (Pers.).
(Sobeer Singh) 
Under Secretary (E.Coord.I)
Original link: 

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