Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009 – Grant of one additional increment of 3% of basic pay to the employees on award of Selection Grade/ Special Grade in the revised scales of pay – Clarifications – Regarding.

Finance (PC) Department,
Fort St. George,
Chennai – 600 009.

Letter No.54966 / Pay Cell / 13--1, dated: 03-10-2013.

Principal Secretary to Government.
All Principal Secretaries / Secretaries to Government, Chennai-9.
The Secretary, Legislative Assembly, Secretariat, Chennai-9.
The Secretary to the Governor, Chennai-32.
The Comptroller, Governors Household, Raj Bhavan, Chennai-32.
The Secretary to the Governor, Guindy, Chennai--32.
The Governor's Secretariat, Raj Bhavan, Guindy, Chennai- 32.
All Departments of Secretariat( OP / Bills), Chennai – 9.
All Heads of Department.
All Collectors / All District Judges / All Chief Judicial Magistrates.
The Principal Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlements), Chennai- 18.
The Principal Accountant General (Audit.I), Chennai-18.
The Accountant General (Audit.II), Chennai-18.
The Accountant General (CAB), Chennai-9 / Madurai.
The Registrar General, High Court, Chennai- 104.
The Chairman, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-3.
The Registrar of all Universities in Tamil Nadu.
The Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai-15.
The Director of Pension, DMS Complex, Chennai-6.
The Director of Local Fund Audit, Chennai – 108.
The Pension Pay Officer, Chennai- 600 006.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Secretariat, Chennai-9.
The Pay and Accounts Officer,( North / South / East) Chennai- 1 / 35 / 8.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Madurai - 625 001.
All Treasury Officers / Sub-Treasury Officers.
The Commissioner of Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings,
No.6, Manickeswari Road, Chennai-10.
The Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai / Madurai / Coimbatore
/Tiruchirapalli / Salem / Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Vellore, Tirupur, Erode.
All State Owned Corporations and Statutory Boards.
All Divisional Development Officers / Revenue Divisional Officers / Tahsildars.
All Block Development Officers / Municipal Commissioners.
All Chief Educational Officers / Panchayat Union Commissioners.
The Project Co-ordinator, Tamil Nadu Integrated Nutrition Project,
No.570, Anna Salai, Chennai-18.

Sub: Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009 – Grant of one additional increment of 3% of basic pay to the employees on award of Selection Grade/ Special Grade in the revised scales of pay – Clarifications – Regarding.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) department, dated: 01-6-2009.
       2. Government Letter No.45113 / Pay Cell /09—1, Finance Department, dated: 17-8-2009.
       3. G.O.Ms.No.237, Finance (Pay Cell) department, dated:22-7-2013.
       4. Representations received from individual employees under Right to Information.

   I am to invite your attention to the references cited.

    2) In the Government Order third cited, orders have been issued granting one additional increment benefit (over and above the existing one increment benefit) equivalent to 3% + 3% of basic pay (Pay + Grade Pay) to the employees on award of Selection Grade / Special Grade in the revised scales of pay implemented with effect from 1—1—2006 and granting the benefit notionally with effect from 1—1—2006 with monetary benefit from 1—4—2013. Certain Head of Departments and individual employees have sought certain clarification which is clarified as follows:-

  Points raised Clarification issued

Whether a Driver whose scale of pay has been subsequently revised from Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. 2000 to Rs.5200-20200 + G.P. 2400 and awarded Selection Grade / Special Grade between 1-1-06 and 31-5-09 and availed the higher scale of pay of
Rs.9300—34800 + GP 4200 by exercising option to come over to the revised pay scale on such date is again entitled for the additional increment sanctioned in the G.O. third cited?.

The employees / drivers who have availed the concession of higher scale of pay benefit by exercising the option to come
over to the revised scale of pay between 1-1-06 and 31-5-09 are not entitled for the additional increment sanctioned in the
G.O. third cited. However, the employees who have been awarded Selection Grade / Special Grade on or after 1—1—2006 and
already availed the benefit of 3% increase on basic pay (Pay + Grade Pay) alone are entitled for the additional 3% increment
ordered in the G.O. third cited notionally with effect from 1—1—2006 or from the date of award of Selection Grade / Special
Grade as the case may be with monetary benefit from 1—4—2013.

2 Whether the additional increment ordered in the G.O. thrid cited is to be calculated on a cumulative or non-cumulative basis?.

Necessary clarification has been issued under point No.4 of Government letter second cited which still holds good. The
additional increment should be calculated on non-cumulative basis only i.e. for a basic pay of Rs.15600—39100 + G.P. 5400 totalling Rs.21,000/- two increments on award of Selection Grade / Special Grade should be calculated at 3% + 3%
(Rs.630 + Rs.630) on non-cumulative basis only.

3 Whether the additional increment sanctioned in the G.O. third cited is applicable to the employees who have stagnated beyond 30 years of service in a post or stagnated beyond 10 years in the Special Grade post and availed stagnation increment ?.

No. The employees who have stagnated beyond 30 years of service in a post or stagnated beyond 10 years in the Special
Grade post were not granted any separate scale of pay in the pre-revised scale of pay. As such, the additional increment
sanctioned in lieu of separate scales of pay to Selection Grade / Special Grade in the revised scales of pay is not entitled to
the employees who have been sanctioned one stagnation increment at 3% of basic pay for completing 30 years of service in a
post or stagnated beyond 10 years in the Special Grade of the same post.

Yours faithfully,

for Principal Secretary to Government.


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