Wednesday, February 28, 2018

AICPIN for Jan 2018 – Expected DA Jul 2018 Starts!

AICPIN for Jan 2018 – Expected DA Jul 2018 Starts!

The All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers for January 2018 is increased by two points and stands at 288.

The next issue of the AICPIN for the month of February 2018 will be released on Wednesday 28th March 2018.

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Kendriya Vidyalayas Admission 2018-19: Pro Forma Documents Samples

Kendriya Vidyalayas Admission 2018-19: Pro Forma Documents Samples

Certificate Type
Download Sample Format
Self Declaration Distance Between School And Residence
Service Certificate Central Government
Format Service Certificate State Government
Affidavit for Single Girl Child
Died In Harness Certificate

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FAQ on KV School Admission 2018-19

FAQ on KV School Admission 2018-19
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use this website to fill the application form? 
Ans : Please go through the instruction page. Steps to fill the application form is explained there.

आवेदन फॉर्म भरने के लिए मैं इस वेबसाइट का उपयोग कैसे करूं? 
उत्तर: कृपया निर्देश पृष्ठ पर जाएं। उस पृष्ट पर आवेदन फॉर्म भरने का तरीका बताया गया है

Which class is this online registration website applicable for ? 
Ans : This online registration website is applicable only for Class 1 admission.

यह ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण वेबसाइट किस कक्षा के लिए लागू है? 
उत्तर: यह ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण वेबसाइट केवल कक्षा 1 में प्रवेश के लिए लागू है।

What is the prescribed process of admission in a Kendriya Vidyalaya? 
Ans : If you are new to the procedure of online admission 2017-18, please refer to KVS Admission Guidelines for admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas then apply online in the desired Kendriya Vidyalaya.

केन्द्रीय विद्यालय में प्रवेश की निर्धारित प्रक्रिया क्या है? 
उत्तर: यदि आप प्रवेश 2017 – 2018 की प्रक्रिया पहली बार कर रहे हैं , तो केन्द्रीय विद्यालयों में प्रवेश के लिए केविसं का प्रवेश दिशानिर्देश पढ़ें एवं इच्छित केन्द्रीय विद्यालय में ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें।

What should I do after applying online? 
Ans : You can check your application status by logging in to the portal

ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के बाद मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? 
उत्तर: पोर्टल में लॉग इन करके आप अपने आवेदन की स्थिति की जांच कर सकते हैं

Can I edit the application after submitting? 
Ans : You can edit your application after submitting. Editing is allowed till the last date of registration. However please note that , Any edit (however small) made in an already submitted application form invalidates all earlier submissions made to KVS/individual Vidyalayas through the portal. Parents are therefore strongly advised to ensure that the “Submit Your Application” button in the “Declaration and Submit” tab of the form is pressed after they have made their final edits to the application form.

क्या मैं आवेदन सबमिट करने के बाद उसे संशोधित कर सकता हूं? 
उत्तर: जमा करने के बाद आप अपने आवेदन पत्र को संशोधित कर सकते हैं। पंजीकरण की अंतिम तिथि तक आवेदन में संशोधन करने की अनुमति है। कृपया ध्यान दें कि, पहले से जमा किए गए आवेदन फार्म में कोई भी संशोधन होने से (कितने भी छोटे संशोधन हों ) पोर्टल में जमा किया ( सबमिट ) हुआ आवेदन अमान्य हो जाता है । अत: अभिवावकों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया वे सुनिश्चित कर लें कि प्रवेश फार्म में अंतिम संशोधन करने के बाद उनके द्वारा ‘घोषणा और जमा करें’ टैब में ‘अपना आवेदन सबमिट करें’ बटन दबा दिया है |

Who should I contact in case of any queries related to filling the application form? 
Ans : You can contact Help Desk. Details are available in Help Desk section.

आवेदन फार्म भरने से संबंधित किसी भी प्रश्न के मामले में मुझे किससे संपर्क करना चाहिए? 
उत्तर: आप हेल्प डेस्क से संपर्क कर सकते हैं विवरण हेल्प डेस्क लिंक में उपलब्ध हैं।

Can I check the application status in this portal? 
Ans : Yes. Click on the Application Status to check the status of your application.

क्या मैं इस पोर्टल में आवेदन की स्थिति की जांच कर सकता हूं? 
उत्तर: हाँ। अपने आवेदन पत्र की स्थिति की जांच के लिए “आवेदन स्थिति” पर क्लिक करें।

How to use a calendar for filling dates in various forms ? 
Ans : To change the month, click on year once and to change the year, click on year twice. Next and previous arrows can also be used for selecting Month and year. After selecting desired year and month, select the day, the date will be selected and visible in text box. You can also enter the date in specified format ( DD-MM-YYYY).

विभिन्न प्रपत्रों में तारीख भरने के लिए कैलेंडर कैसे उपयोग करें? 
उत्तर: महीने बदलने के लिए, एक बार वर्ष पर क्लिक करें और वर्ष बदलने के लिए, वर्ष पर दो बार क्लिक करें। महीना और वर्ष का चयन करने के लिए अगले और पिछले चिन्ह का भी उपयोग किया जा सकता है। इच्छित वर्ष और महीने का चयन करने के बाद, दिन का चयन करें, चुनी हुई तारीख टेक्स्ट बॉक्स में दिखाई देगी। आप निर्दिष्ट प्रारूप में भी तारीख दर्ज कर सकते हैं (DD-MM- YYYY)।

Where can I find the sample format / proforma of documents? 
Ans : Pro forma document samples link is provided on the website. Click on that link and select the desired document sample and download.

दस्तावेजों के प्रारूप / प्रोफार्मा मुझे कहां मिल सकते हैं? 
उत्तर: “प्रो फॉर्मा डॉक्युमेंट सैंपल” लिंक वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है । उस लिंक पर क्लिक करें और इच्छित दस्तावेज़ का नमूना चुनें व डाउनलोड करें ।

Where can I get the admission guidelines? 
Ans : The Guidelines for Admission to Kendriya Vidyalayas are available on the official website of KVS :-

प्रवेश दिशानिर्देश मैं कहां से प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? 
उत्तर: केन्द्रीय विद्यालयों के प्रवेश के लिए दिशानिर्देश के वि सं की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध हैं

Are only government employees eligible to apply for admission of their wards in Kendriya Vidyalayas?
Ans : No, self-employed persons, persons in private jobs and those from floating population are also eligible to apply for admission of their wards to Kendriya Vidyalayas. However, admission will be granted in order of priority specified in Guidelines for Admission to Kendriya Vidyalayas.

क्या केन्द्रीय विद्यालयों में केवल सरकारी कर्मचारी ही अपने वार्डों के प्रवेश के लिए आवेदन करने के पात्र हैं? उत्तर: नहीं, केन्द्र व राज्य सरकार के कर्मचारियों के साथ-साथ निजी व्यवसाय में कार्यरत व आम व्यक्ति भी प्रवेश के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं । प्रवेश मार्गदर्शिका में दिये गये वरीयता क्रम के अनुसार प्रवेश दिये जायेगें ।
What is the order of priority for admission? 
Ans : The details are available in Guidelines for Admission to Kendriya Vidyalayas. Kindly check.

प्रवेश के लिए प्राथमिकता का क्रम क्या है? 
उत्तर: केन्द्रीय विद्यालयों के प्रवेश के लिए दिशानिर्देश में विवरण उपलब्ध हैं। कृपया उसे जांचें ।

Is there any fee for application? 
Ans : No, the application processing is absolutely free of cost.

क्या आवेदन के लिए कोई शुल्क है?
 उत्तर: नहीं, आवेदन प्रक्रिया बिल्कुल मुफ्त है

How many Kendriya Vidyalayas can I apply to using one application? 
Ans : You can apply for at most 3 KVs in an application.

एक आवेदन पत्र से मैं कितने केन्द्रीय विद्यालयों में आवेदन कर सकता हूं?
उत्तर: आप आवेदन पत्र में अधिकतम 3 केन्द्रीय विद्यालयों के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं।

What is the maximum file size for uploading a document ?
Ans : The maximum file size for uploading is 256KB.

दस्तावेज़ अपलोड करने के लिए फ़ाइल का अधिकतम आकार क्या है? उत्तर: अपलोड करने के लिए अधिकतम फ़ाइल आकार 256KB है
Can I upload documents later? Ans : You can save the form and upload the documents before the last date of registration.
क्या मैं बाद में दस्तावेज अपलोड कर सकता हूं? 
उत्तर: आप फॉर्म को सुरक्षित( सेव ) कर पंजीकरण की अंतिम तिथि से पहले दस्तावेज़ अपलोड कर सकते हैं।

If I partially fill the form and couldn’t complete the entire application at the same time, can the partial information be stored?
Yes, after filling the information, you can save the form by clicking on the ‘Save Application’ button on the registration page. Once application is saved, saved data will be visible when you login next time. The saved data will not be visible to schools unless the form is submitted. Form submission must be done before the last date of registration. If the form is not submitted, it will not be considered for admission.

यदि मैं एक बार में आवेदन पत्र को पूरा नहीं भरता हूं केवल आंशिक रूप से फॉर्म भरता हूं तो , क्या आंशिक जानकारी को संग्रहीत किया जा सकता है?
 उत्तर: हां, जानकारी भरने के बाद, आप पंजीकरण पृष्ठ पर ‘सेव एप्लिकेशन’ बटन पर क्लिक करके फ़ॉर्म को सहेज सकते हैं। आवेदन सहेजने के बाद, सहेजा गया डेटा अगली बार लॉगिन करने पर दिखाई देगा । जब तक आवेदन पत्र जमा नहीं किया जाता है सहेजा हुआ डेटा स्कूलों को दिखाई नहीं देगा । पंजीकरण की अंतिम तिथि से पहले आवेदन पत्र जमा किया जाना चाहिए। यदि आवेदन पत्र जमा नहीं किया गया है, तो वह प्रवेश के लिए मान्य नहीं होगा ।

If I have any query regarding admission, who should I contact? 
Ans : Please contact the Principal of the concerned KVs where admission is sought.

 यदि प्रवेश के सम्बंधित कोई प्रश्न है, तो मुझे किससे संपर्क करना चाहिए? 
उत्तर: कृपया संबंधित केंद्रीय विद्यालय के प्रधानाचार्य से संपर्क करें जहां प्रवेश के लिए आवेदन किया गया है
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KV School Admission 2018-19: Online Registration Instructions

KV School Admission 2018-19: Online Registration Instructions
A. General Instructions
The following instructions pertain to online registration and application for admission (during Feb-March 2018) to Std 1 for the academic year 2018-2019.

Parents are advised to familiarize themselves with KVS admission rules, regulations and guidelines as available at

Only registrations and applications for admission to Std I during Feb-Mar 2018, and for the academic year 2018-2019, can be made through this portal. Mere registration and submission of the application form DOES NOT confer a right to admission to any child. Admissions will be offered by each individual Vidyalaya, depending on available seats and as per KVS guidelines ( after examining all application details. Parents are requested to check the results/shortlists of admissions with the individual Vidyalayas on the date announced by KVS/individual Vidyalayas for declaration of admission results.
For admission application under ‘Special Provisions” as detailed in KVS guidelines (, except under the Single Girl Child category, parents are required to submit the online application form through the portal, and then contact the Principal of the concerned Vidyalaya directly (not through the admission portal), citing the unique enrolment id assigned by the portal and along with all documentary evidence required ( hard copies) for applying under ‘Special Provisions’.
For admission application under the Single Girl Child category, parents are required to submit the online application form and also upload all necessary documents/affidavits as required in the portal, just like any other admission application. There is no need to contact the Principal of the Vidyalayas (to which the child is seeking admission) directly in this case. All fields marked with a red * are mandatory, and must be filled in.
The first name, middle name and last name of the child seeking admission, as well as his/her date of birth, a valid email address and a valid mobile number for contacting (if necessary) and a declaration of whether the child is seeking admission under the “Differently Abled” category must be provided at the time of registration. These details cannot be subsequently changed in the application form. So parents are advised to enter these details exactly, and as per documentary evidence (like birth certificate) available with them. After successful registration, an applicant must log in to the application form submission portal to fill out the application form and submit it. Merely registering does not result in any application form being submitted to KVS.
Every successfully registered applicant will be assigned a unique enrolment id. This unique enrolment id along with the registered email address and date of birth of the child given at the time of registration (sign up) will be used to authenticate an applicant when logging in to the application form submission portal.
Only one application form can be filled in with a single enrolment id. However, a choice of upto three different Vidyalayas can be given in a single form. Parents who wish to apply to more than three Vidyalayas need to register separately for submitting application forms to additional Vidyalayas (beyond three). The same email address and date of birth can be used for two separate registrations in such cases — however, the unique enrolment id assigned by the system will be different for each registration. If a Vidyalaya has two shifts, the same Vidyalaya will show as two separate Vidyalayas for shift 1 and shift 2 in the application form.
In the application form, a “Save Application” button has been provided to help applicants save the (possibly partially filled) data, and resume filling the application form at a later time. Thus, the entire application form need not be filled in one session. However, by pressing the “Save Application” button, the form data is only saved for the applicant to continue filling the form in a later session. The form data is NOT submitted to KVS or to the respective Vidyalayas by pressing the “Save Application” button.
In order to submit the application form data to KVS and to the Vidyalayas to which the child is applying for admission, it is NECESSARY to log in to the application form submission portal, fill out all required fields in different sections/tabs of the form, upload scans/images of all required documents, click on the check-box next to “I have read the above mentioned terms and conditions and I agree with them” (in the “Declaration and Submit” section/tab of the form), and then press the “Submit Your Application” buttonUnless all mandatory fields have been filled in the form, and all mandatory documents uploaded, the portal will not allow an applicant to submit the application form by pressing the “Submit Your Application” button. Even after the “Submit Your Application” button has been pressed, changes can be made to the form at any time until the last date of application, as specified by KVS. This can be done by logging in to the application form submission portal using the unique enrolment id, email address given at the time of registration and date of birth provided at the time of registration. However, any modifications made to the form will NOT be visible to KVS and to the Vidyalayas to which the child is seeking admission until the the check-box next to “I have read the above mentioned terms and conditions and I agree with them” is ticked and the “Submit Your Application” button in the “Declaration and Submit” tab is pressed again (as in Step 11 above). The applicant can edit the application form data and save it by pressing “Save Application” at any time until the last date of submission of forms, as announced by KVS. However, unless the “Submit Your Application” button is pressed in the “Declaration and Submit” tab after making edits (however small), the data will not be made available to KVS and to the Vidyalayas to which the child is seeking admission.
Any edit (however small) made in an already submitted application form invalidates all earlier submissions made to KVS/individual Vidyalayas through the portal. Parents are therefore strongly advised to ensure that the “Submit Your Application” button in the “Declaration and Submit” tab of the form is pressed after they have made their final edits to the application form.
A list of documents needed for the admission application will be displayed in the “Upload Documents” tab of the application form.
Parents are required to upload scans/pictures of all required documents to support the information given in the application. Only PDF and JPEG files can be uploaded for this purpose. Each scan/picture file to be uploaded must be of size at most 256KB. Parents are therefore advised to scan/take pictures of documents at an appropriate resolution so that all details are clearly visible, and the size of each file to be uploaded doesn’t exceed 256KB. Some pro forma document samples have been made available through a link at the top of the online application form (after logging in).
Parents are advised to save (and preferably print) the unique enrollment id assigned after successful registration, and also the acknowledgement page shown after successfully submitting the application.
Instructions for filling up the form and all other relevant information are available on the KVS website. Originals of all supporting documents uploaded while submitting the form must be presented to the concerned Vidyalaya at the time of admission, if admission is confirmed by a Vidyalaya. For detail admission guideline login to website
B. Instructions to fill the form: The online admission application process includes the following steps.
Reading the instructions First-time user registration (sign-up) Login (sign-in) to the admission application portal Filling in admission application form and uploading documents Reviewing form, checking declaration and submitting form Acknowledgement of submission Each step is explained in detail in further sections.
Instructions Once the portal is opened, the instructions for filling the form will be displayed. It is mandatory for each first-time user to read these instructions before registering and filling the form. Once a first time user reads and clicks on the declaration checkbox (certifying that the user has read and understood all the instructions) the Proceed button will be enabled. On pressing Proceed button, user will be directed to Sign up / sign in page. Registration (sign-up) of first-time user For the first time user, she/he needs to register/ sign up in the portal. To register / sign up, the following information of the child needs to be filled. First name of child : It is a mandatory field. The data entered here can not be modified after sign up. Middle name of child : The data entered here can not be modified after sign up. Last name of child: The data entered here can not be modified after sign up. Parents are advised to enter the first, middle and last names of the child as in the birth certificate (or other admissible document certifying the name of the child)
Date of birth of child: It is a mandatory field. Please enter as per birth certificate of your ward issued by competent authority.
Age as on : Kindly note that the minimum age for admission to Std 1 is 5 years and the maximum admissible age is 7 years as on 31 .3 .2018, with a 2 year relaxation in upper age limit of “Differently Abled” candidates. Thus, the allowed range of date of birth of a child seeking admission is: 1.04.2011 to 1.04.2013 for applications not in the “Differently Abled” category. The allowed range of date of birth of a child seeking admission in the “Differently Abled” category is 1.04.2009 to 1.04.2013.
If the entered date of birth does not live in above mentioned range, sign up/registration will not be allowed.
A scan/picture of Proof of Date of Birth must be uploaded while submitting the online application form. For Class I, certificate of proof of age must be in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births. This will include certificates from Notified Area Council / Municipality / Municipal Corporation / extract about the date of birth from records of Village Panchayat, Military Hospital and service records of Defence personnel. The original certificate of date of birth must be produced at the time of admission, if offered, and will be returned after verification.
Is the child differently-abled? : It is a mandatory field. Please select Yes if applicable otherwise select No. This information cannot be modified after sign up. A scan/picture of proof of disability can be uploaded (if applicable) when filling in the admission application form. Such a proof includes:
A certificate from the civil surgeon / rehabilitation centre or any other competent authority defined by the Government of India O.M. No. 36035/5/88/Estt.(sct) dated 4.5.1999 certifying the child to be handicapped, wherever applicable. In case, where the handicap of the child can be visually seen by the Principal, the child may be accepted as handicapped even without a certificate. However, the parent may be advised to obtain the relevant certificate from the competent authority and submit the same to the Vidyalaya at a later time.
Email address : It is a mandatory field. Please enter a valid email address. This will be used for further communication by KVS/Vidyalayas, if required. Mobile number: It is a mandatory field. Please enter valid mobile number. It will be used for further communication by KVS/Vidyalayas, if required. IMPORTANT: Information entered in the above fields during registration will be displayed pre-filled in the admission application form, and can not be modified in the admission application form. Therefore, parents are advised to enter this information carefully. All information entered on the registration form
After entering correct details for registration, press the Submit button.
This will cause an acknowledgement page to be displayed, where a unique 17-digit enrolment ID will be displayed. Please save the enrolment ID and do not share this number with anybody. This enrolment ID will be used for logging in to the admission application portal to fill in and submit the application form.
Parents are advised to save and print the acknowledgement page containing the unique enrolment id, for future reference. Without this enrolment id, it is not possible to submit an admission application form.
For logging into the application form submission portal, please click on the “Click here” link at the bottom of the acknowledgement page after successfully registering. Alternatively, if registration has already been done before, one can go directly to the “Login” tab after reading the instructions.
Login (sign-in) to the admission application portal To login to the admission application portal, the following information must be provided exactly as given during registration : Enrolment ID (generated after successful registration for the first time) Email address entered while signing up Date of birth of child After entering all the above mentioned information correctly, the “Login” button can be pressed. On pressing the “Login” button, the online application form will open.
Filling in admission application form and uploading documents The admission application form is divided into 5 sections, each organized and presented under a a separate tab. The following are the different section/tab headings: Basic information, Parents details, Choice of schools, Upload documents, Declaration and submit Each step is explained below in detail. Information can be saved in each step (refer to points 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 under General Instructions to know how to save your application data, and how to submit it to KVS).
Basic information Basic information related to the child seeking admission must be filled in this step. Child’s first name: The data filled during signup will be displayed here. This field cannot be modified. Child’s middle name : The data filled during signup will be displayed here. This field cannot be modified. Child’s last name: The data filled during signup will be displayed here. This field cannot be modified. Date of birth of child: The data filled during signup will be displayed here. This field cannot be modified. Gender: Please select appropriate option Male/Female/Third Gender. Whether applying under Single Girl Child category: If Gender of the child is selected as Female only then this field is enabled. The “Yes” option must be chosen only if this category is to be considered for admission of the child. If “Yes” is chosen, then an affidavit must be uploaded, and the child will be considered for admission according to KVS rules for Single Girl Child applications. Specifically, admission under single girl child category in class I is subject to a maximum of two per section in class I. It includes twin girl children also.
In case of twin girls , it will be treated as one admission . While drawing the lot (if necessary), name of both girls (twins) should be written on a single slip. In case of single girl child (including twin girl children), if number of applications are more than the number of allotted seats i.e. maximum of 02 per section in class I, the admission should be granted on the basis of priority category . If in one category more applications are made, all such applications should be taken together and the list of selected candidates should be prepared through draw of lots. Family income group: Please select appropriate option from Do not belong to low income group Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Below Poverty Line (BPL) If option b. or c. is selected, then enter following details of EWS/BPL certificate issued by competent authority. EWS/BPL Certificate Number EWS/BPL Certificate Date of Issue EWS/BPL Certificate Issuing Authority Differently abled category: The option given during registration of first-time user will be displayed here. This field cannot be modified in the admission application form. A scan/picture of proof of disability can be uploaded (if applicable) when filling in the admission application form. Such a proof includes: A certificate from the civil surgeon / rehabilitation centre or any other competent authority defined by the Government of India O.M. No. 36035/5/88/Estt.(sct) dated 4.5.1999 certifying the child to be handicapped, wherever applicable.
In case, where the handicap of the child can be visually seen by the Principal, the child may be accepted as handicapped even without a certificate. However, the parent may be advised to obtain the relevant certificate from the competent authority and submit the same to the Vidyalaya at a later time.
Caste Category: Select appropriate field. If OBC(NCL)/SC/ST is selected, the admission for the child will be considered under RTE. For above mentioned caste categories, a scan/picture of caste certificate needs to be uploaded in the “Upload Documents” section. Whether seeking admission under RTE category: If Differently-abled category or SC/ST/OBC(NCL) category or EWS/BPL category is chosen for the child’s application, the child will be automatically considered for admission under RTE. For purposes of shortlisting in the RTE category, the following distance criteria will be applicable: Since Kendriya Vidyalayas are located at places with varied density of population, they have been categorised as follows for determining the limits of neighbourhood:-
Major cities and Urban area (All District Hqrs. & Metros) – 5 kms. radius Places and areas other than included in 1 above.- 8 kms radius Note :Proof of residence will have to be produced by all applicants. A scan/picture of it must be uploaded in the “Upload Documents” section of the online application form. A scan/picture of self-declaration in writing from the parent about distance may also be accepted to this effect. Aadhar Number: Fill 12 digit Aadhar number of the child, if available. Blood Group: Select the blood group of the child, if available. Press Save Application button available in top/bottom right corner before going to the next tab. Once the entered data is saved, you do not need to enter it again. Please note that saving data does NOT mean that all of the saved data has been made available to KVS. After saving the data, modifications can subsequently be done. Only after the admission application form is completely filled, the Submit Your Application button can be pressed in the “Declaration and Submit” section/tab. For more information on how to save your application data and then finally submit it to KVS, please refer to points 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 of the General Instructions.
Parent details Mother’s and Father’s details: It is mandatory to fill in the title, full name, nationality, residential address, country, state and city of residence, of at least one parent. The application form cannot be submitted unless this information is filled in. IMPORTANT: If admission is being sought in a Vidyalaya under the service category of a particular parent, details of the corresponding parent must be filled in. In cases where admission is being sought in one Vidyalaya under the service category of one parent, and admission is being sought in another Vidyalaya under the service category of another parent, details of both parents must be filled in.
Title: Select appropriate field. This is a mandatory field. Full Name: Enter full name. This is a mandatory field. Nationality: Select appropriate field. This is a mandatory field. Residential Address: Enter current address. This is a mandatory field. Country of Residence: Select appropriate field. This is a mandatory field. State of Residence: Select appropriate field. This is a mandatory field. City of Residence: Enter name of city. This is a mandatory field. Pincode of Residence: Enter pincode of residence. Telephone Number of Residence: Enter phone number Personal Mobile Number: Enter mobile number Personal Email Address: Enter email address If parent is working, then the following information may also be filled.
Occupation: Enter Occupation Organisation: Enter name of your organization where you are working Official Address : Enter address of your organisation where you are working Press Save Application button available in top/ bottom right corner before going to the next tab. Once the entered data is saved, you do not need to enter it again. Please note that saving data does NOT mean that all of the saved data has been made available to KVS. After saving the data, modifications can subsequently be done. Only after the admission application form is completely filled, the Submit Your Application button can be pressed in the “Declaration and Submit” section. For more information on how to save your application data and then finally submit it to KVS, please refer to points 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 of the General Instructions.
Choice of schools In this tab, upto 3 choices for Kendriya Vidyalayas can be given. Thus, a parent can apply to upto 3 different Kendriya Vidyalayas using the same online application form. Vidyalaya-specific application details must be entered separately for each Vidyalaya. The basic information and parent details entered above will be shared with all Vidyalayas to which admission is being sought.
Please choose a tab labeled “Select School- 1” / ”Select School- 2” / ”Select School- 3” to enter Vidyalaya-specific details.
Each of the (upto three) Vidyalayas chosen in one application will consider the admission application of the child independently. Thus application to multiple Vidyalayas or the order in which the Vidyalayas are chosen in the application form DOES NOT affect the admission chances in any of the Vidyalayas applied to.
Choose State of School : Select appropriate field. This is a mandatory field. Select School: Select Vidyalaya in the chosen state. School Category: Once the Vidyalaya is chosen, school category will automatically be displayed. There are four categories. The four categories are Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil SECTOR Kendriya Vidyalayas under Defence SECTOR Kendriya Vidyalayas under Project SECTOR Kendriya Vidyalayas under IHL( Institute of Higher Learning) SECTOR Each Vidyalaya falls under exactly one category.
Region: Once the Vidyalaya is chosen, the school region will also be automatically displayed. Service Category: Choose appropriate service category from priorities in admission as per KVS Admission Guidelines. Priorities shall be followed in granting admission on the basis of service category chosen.
Parents are strongly advised to carefully go through the priorities in admission given below and choose the highest priority category under which the admission application can be made to each of the Vidyalayas applied to. Note that the priority of service category for the same child can be different for father / mother / grandparent (only in case of Service Category 1 in IHL and Project sector schools) in different Vidyalayas. Parents are advised to determine the highest priority category applicable for their ward for each Vidyalaya independently, and indicate this in the online application form.
As an example, suppose a child has a grandparent in an institution of higher learning (say an IIT), and suppose her mother is a Category 1 employee (as per KVS guidelines, see below) in the armed forces, and her father is a Category 1 employee (as per KVS guidelines, see below) in a public sector project (say ONGC). Suppose the child is applying for admission to Kendriya Vidyalayas in three different categories — School 1 is in the Defence sector, School 2 is in the institution of higher learning where her grandparent works, and School 3 is in the project sector (say ONGC). In this case, the child’s chances of admission are ` maximized if she applies under Category 1 for her mother in School 1, under Category 1 for her grandparent in School 2, and under Category 1 for her father in School 3. .
PRIORITIES IN ADMISSION The following priorities shall be followed by KVS in granting admissions:-
Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil/Defence SECTOR
  • Category I : Children of transferable and non-transferable central government employees and children of ex- servicemen. This will also include children of foreign national officials, who come on deputation or transfer to India on invitation by Govt. of India.
  • Category II : Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
  • Category III : Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
  • Category IV : Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
  • Category V : Children from any other category including the children of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. The Children of Foreign Nationals would be considered only in case there are no Indian Nationals’ waitlisted for admission.
Note : Preference in Admission to wards will be granted based on the number of transfers of the parents in the last 7 years.
Kendriya Vidyalayas under Public Sector Undertakings (Projects)/ Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL):
Category I : Children and grandchildren of employees of the Project Sector/Institutes of Higher Learning which are the sponsors of the Vidyalaya, children of Project employees & Post Graduate students who are working on long term research projects, children of regular Council of Wardens (COW) employees and children and grandchildren of retired employees. Note: Preference in Admission will be given to children of serving employees, grand children of serving employees and children and grand children of retired employees in that order.
  • Category II : Children of transferable and non-transferable central government employees and children of ex- servicemen. This will also include children of foreign national officials, who come on deputation or transfer to India on invitation by Govt. of India.
  • Category III : Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
  • Category IV : Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
  • Category V : Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
  • Category VI : Children from any other category including the children of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. The Children of Foreign Nationals would be considered only in case there are no Indian Nationals’ waitlisted for admission.
Distance of school from residence (in Km): Enter distance of Vidyalaya from your residence. An undertaking from parents certifying the distance of Vidyalaya from residence needs to be uploaded in the “Upload Documents” section before submitting the online application form. This is a mandatory field that must be separately filled for each Vidyalaya applied to. The corresponding undertaking from the parent must also be separately uploaded in the “Upload Documents” section for each Vidyalaya applied to. Select parent/grandparent whose Service Category and Transfers are to be considered for Admission: As explained in the example above (see point v above), the service category under which the application is being made can be different for different Vidyalayas. Please choose the service category of father/mother/grandparent carefully for each Vidyalaya. Note that the priority of service category can be different for father/mother/grandparent. You are advised to choose the highest applicable service category for the selected Vidyalaya as this can affect the priority of admission. If the “Grandparent” option is not allowed for a Vidyalaya in a specific category, this option cannot be chosen in the online form. Whether selected parent/grandparent type has been transferred in last 7 years, as on date: Select “Yes” or “No / Not Applicable” as appropriate. If this option does not apply for a particular service category chosen above, this will be pre-set to “No/Not Applicable” and cannot be changed.
Note: An employee would be treated as transferred only if he/she has been transferred by the competent authority from one place/urban agglomeration to another place/urban agglomeration which is at a distance of at least 20 kms and minimum period of stay at a place should be six months.
Please fill the table with transfer details ( during last 7 years as on 31-3-2018) : Enter transfer details which are to be considered for admission. To add new row in a table, click on “Add Transfer Details”. To delete a row, click on “Delete” button. All transfer details that do not meet the criteria of distance being at least 20 kms and minimum period of stay being at least 6 months will be automatically disqualified and not counted as eligible transfers for purposes of admission.
The same procedure as above can be used to fill in application details for 2 additional Vidyalayas by clicking on “Select School- 2” and “Select School- 3”.
Press Save Application button available in top / bottom right corner before going to the next tab. Once the entered data is saved, you do not need to enter again. Please note that saving data does NOT mean that all of the saved data has been made available to KVS. After saving the data, modifications can subsequently be done. Only after the admission application form is completely filled, the Submit Your Application button can be pressed in the “Declaration and Submit” section. For more information on how to save your application data and then finally submit it to KVS, please refer to points 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 of the General Instructions.
Upload Documents Depending on the information filled in the previous sections of the online application form, a list of documents whose scans/images need to be uploaded will be displayed. All documents that must be mandatorily uploaded will be marked by a red star. Unless scans/pictures of these documents are uploaded, the application form can not be submitted to KVS (it can of course be saved and resumed in a future session). Only .jpeg or .pdf files can be uploaded. Each file can be maximum of 256 KB in size. Listed below are details of documents that are needed according to KVS admission guidelines.
Sample pro-forma document templates are provided for some of the documents for convenience of applicants. Click on “Click here to download pro-forma of documents” to access these.
Originals of all uploaded documents must be provided to the Vidyalaya for verification if a child is admitted to a Vidyalaya.
Information regarding DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
For Class I, certificate of proof of age in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births. This will include certificates from Notified Area Council / Municipality / Municipal Corporation / extract about the date of birth from records of Village Panchayat, Military Hospital and service records of Defence personnel. A scan/picture of this certificate must be uploaded on the online admission portal. The original certificate of date of birth should be produced before the Vidyalaya after admission is confirmed. This will be returned to the parent after verification by the Vidyalaya.
For grandchildren of PSU (project sector)/ IHL employees a proof of relationship of either of the child’s parents with PSU (project sector)/ IHL employees would be needed. This document can be uploaded under “Any other supporting documents” type , if applicable. For children applying under SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/EWS/BPL category, a certificate that the child belongs to the Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribe / EWS / OBC (Non-Creamy Layer ) / BPL wherever applicable, issued by the competent authority in concerned State Government / Union Government. The certificate in respect of either of the parents may be accepted initially for the purpose of admission, if this certificate is not available for the child. However, the certificate in respect of the child has to be submitted within a period of 03 months from the date of admission. For children applying under “Differently Abled” category, a certificate from the civil surgeon / rehabilitation centre or any other competent authority defined by the Government of India O.M. No. 36035/5/88/Estt.(sct) dated 4.5.1999 certifying the child to be handicapped, wherever applicable. In case, where the handicap of the child can be visually seen by the Principal, the child may be accepted as handicapped even without a certificate. However, the parent may be advised to obtain the relevant certificate from the competent authority and submit the same to the Vidyalaya. For children applying under a service category in which transfers are to be taken into account, a service certificate showing the number of transfers during the preceding 7 years duly signed and stamped by the head of office bearing the name, designation and other relevant particulars in block letters. A certificate of retirement for uniformed Defence employees. Proof of Residence Passport size photo of Child
Mere registration and submission of an admission application form does confer a right to admission to any Kendriya Vidyalaya. Incomplete application forms shall be rejected. In case vacancies remain after all complete and submitted applications have been duly considered, the Principal of a Vidyalaya may allow completion of the form later at her/his discretion. Admission secured on the basis of any wrong/forged certificate shall be cancelled by the Principal forthwith and no appeal against such action of the Principal shall be entertained. When a child is registered for admission in class I in a Kendriya Vidyalaya and before declaration of the selection list, his/her parent is transferred to another station, the child should be deemed to have been registered for admission in the KendriyaVidyalaya at the station of posting even if the last date of registration at that place has expired. The registration form in original is to be transferred to the Kendriya Vidyalaya at the new place of posting and a copy of the same must be retained in the Vidyalaya where the child was initially registered. In respect of Category I, II, Ill and IV admissions, the veracity of the Certificates submitted by the parents in proof of their service must be invariably verified by the Principal of the corresponding Vidyalaya.
The proforma for various declarations/affidavits to be provided by parents are given on the portal and can be accessed by clicking on “Click here to download pro-forma of documents”
Press Save Application button available in top / bottom right corner before going to the next tab. Once the entered data is saved, you do not need to enter again. Please note that Saving data does NOT mean that all of the saved data has been made available to KVS. After saving the data, modifications can subsequently be done. Only after the admission application form is completely filled, the Submit Your Application button can be pressed in the “Declaration and Submit” section. For more information on how to save your application data and then finally submit it to KVS, please refer to points 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 of the General Instructions.
Declaration and submit After filling the form and uploading required documents, please read the declaration and accept the declaration by clicking on the check-box next to “I have read the above mentioned terms and conditions and I agree with it”.. Before pressing the Submit button, you can view the information filled in the form by clicking on “Preview” button. After checking the information that has been filled in, you can either make changes by clicking on the concerned tab or press the Submit Your Application. Once the Submit Your Application button is pressed, details entered in the online application form will be submitted to KVS and to the Vidyalayas applied to.
Even after the form has been submitted, changes can be made at any time until the last date of application, as specified by KVS. This can be done by logging in to the application form submission portal using the unique enrolment id, email address provided at the time of registration and date of birth provided at the time of registration. However, any modifications made to the form will NOT be visible to KVS and to the Vidyalayas to which the child is seeking admission until the the check-box next to “I have read the above mentioned terms and conditions and I agree with it” is ticked and the “Submit Your Application”button in the “Declaration and Submit” tab is pressed again.
Parents are strongly advised to ensure that they click the Submit Your Application button after having entered all details in the online application form.
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KV School Admission: Schedule for Session 2018-19

KV School Admission: Schedule for Session 2018-19

Schedule for Admission

The Admission Schedule for the Session 2018-19 will be as under:-

Note: List of Children registered, list of eligible children, category-wise list of provisionally selected children, waiting list and subsequent lists to be compulsorily displayed on the web-site of the Kendirya Vidyalayas concerned, in addition to display on School’s Notice Board.

If any of the dates happens to be a public holiday the next working day shall be treated as opening/closing date.
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CGEGIS Table from Jan to Mar 2018

CGEGIS Table of Benefits from Jan to Mar 2018

Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980-Table of Benefits for the saving fund for the period from 01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018
Government of India 
Ministry of Finance 
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 27th February, 2018
Office Memorandum

Sub: Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018 – reg.

The Tables of Benefits for Savings Fund to the beneficiaries under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980, which are being issued on a quarterly basis from 01.01.2017 onwards, as brought out in this Ministry’s 0M of even number dated 17.03.2017, for the quarter from 01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018, as worked out by IRDA based on the interest rate of 7.6% per annum (compounded quarterly) as notified by the Department of Economic Affairs as per their Resolution dated 01.01.2018, are enclosed.

2. The Tables enclosed are of two categories as per the existing practice. As hitherto, the first Table of Benefits for the savings fund of the scheme is based on the subscription of Rs.10 p.m. from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1989 and Rs. 15 p.m. w.e.f. 1.1.1990 onwards. The second Table of Benefits for savings fund is based on a subscription of Rs.10 p.m. for those employees who had opted out of the revised rate of subscription w.e.f. 1.1.1990.

3. These orders are in respect of Table of Benefits for the period from 01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018.

4. In their application to the employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders are issued after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

5. Hindi version of these orders is attached.
(Amar Nath Singh) 
Original link: Finmin Orders 
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Clarification on Purchase of Air ticket – DoE Orders dt.27.2.2018

Clarification on Purchase of Air ticket – DoE Orders dt.27.2.2018
Government of lndia 
Ministry of Finance 
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi 
Dated the 27th February, 2018
Office Memorandum

Subject: Guidelines on Air Travel on Official Tours – Purchase of air ticket from authorized agent.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments’ O.M No, 19024/22/2017-E.IV dated 19.07.2017 regarding guidelines on Air travel where the Govt. of India bears the cost of passage. As per this 0.M., Ministries/Departments were asked to ensure that these instructions are given adequate coverage and were to be circulated to all so that ‘lack of knowledge’ of the rules is not cited as an excuse. In spite of these instructions, a large number of cases for relaxation of air travel guidelines due to purchase of air ticket from unauthorized travel agents, are still being received in this Department.

2. The matter has been re-considered and it has been decided that all such cases of air travel where tickets have been purchased after issue of this Department’s O.M. dated 19.07.2017, seeking relaxation of air travel guidelines pertaining to purchase of air ticket from authorized agent, should have the approval of Secretary of the Administrative Ministry before referring the same to Department of Expenditure.

This is issued with the approval of Secretary Expenditure.

(Nirmala Dev) 
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Original link: Finmin Orders 
Download link: DoE LTC 27.02.2018
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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Purchase of Laptops/Notebooks for Eligible Officers – DoE Orders

Purchase of Laptops/Notebooks for Eligible Officers – DoE Orders

F.No.08(34)/2017-E II(A) 
Ministry of Finance 
Department of Expenditure E.ll(A).B.ranch

New Delhi, the 20th February, 2018


Subject: Instructions for the purchase of laptops/notebooks and similar devices for eligible officers – revised guidelines.

ln supersession to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum bearing No. 08(64)/2017-E.ll(A) dated 27th September 2016, regarding purchase of Note Book/Lap-Top computers by Ministries/ Departments & delegation of powers thereof, it has been decided that lap{op; tablet; notepad; ultrabook; notebook, net-book or devices of similar categories may be issued to officers of the rank of Deputy Secretary and above for discharge of official work. These powers shall continue to be exercised in consultation with the Financial Adviser by the Secretary of the Ministry/ Department or any other authority who are specifically delegated these powers by this Ministry from time to time, duly taking into consideration the functional requirements and budgetary provisions.

2. This would, however, be subject to the following conditions:

(i) Cost of device: The Cost of device including Standard software* shall not exceed Rs. 80,000/- Standard Software: Any software (Operating System, Antivirus software or MS-Office etc.) that is essential for the running of device towards discharge of official functions/duties.

(ii) Purchase Procedures: As prescribed under GFRS/CVC guidelines may be followed.

(iii) Safety, Security & Maintenance of Device: The officer, who is given the device, shall be personally responsible for its safety and security as well as security of data/information, though the device shall continue to remain Government property. The officer concerned will be at liberty to get the device insured at his personal cost.

(iv) Retention/Replacement of device:

a) No new device may be sanctioned to an officer, who has already been allotted a device, in a Ministry /Department, up to five years. Any further issue of laptop in case of loss/damage beyond repairs within the prescribed period, should be considered only after the cost is recovered from the officer based on the book value after deducting the depreciation.

b) For the purpose of calculation of the book value, a depreciation of 25% per year, on straight line method, be adopted.

c) Post the completion of five years of usage, the officer shall retain the issued device.

(v) Conditions at the time of transfer, Superannuation etc.:

a) ln case where, at the time of purchase of device if the residual service of the officer is less than 5 years or in case the officer is transferred/deputed to State Govt. but with residual service of less than 5 years or the officer leaves the Government Service within 5 years of purchase of such device, the officer concerned will have the option of retaining the device by paying the annunl after deducting the depreciation.

b) Upon transfer/deputation of the officer to other Ministry/ Departments Attached/Subordinate offices of the Government of India or to the State Government in case of Officers of the All India Services, the officer will have the option of retaining the existing device and in case of such retention, this fact should be specifically mentioned in the Last Pay Certificate (LPC).

3. lnstructions for Ministries/Departments:

(i) For the officials who are currently holding laptops, notebooks or similar devices in accordance with the provisions of O.M. dt. 2710912016, the terms & conditions for retention/disposal of the device shall continue to be governed under the existing instructions of the said O.M.

(ii) The applicability of the provisions of this order to the officers of Armed Forcesi Para-Military Forces, officers of MoD & other similar establishments would be subject to restrictions imposed by the concerned departments/organizations duly taking into consideration the security of information. ln all such cases the security of the information shall be the responsibility of the concerned department.

4. This is issued with the approval of Secretary (Expenditure).
 (Dr. Bhartendu Kumar Singh) 
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Commission for Sub- Categorization of OBCs: DoPT

Interaction with the Joint Secretary (BC), Commission for Sub- Categorization of OBCs: DoPT

No.21/1/2016-CS.I (PR/CMS) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Khan Market,
New Delhi-110003 
Date: 27th Feb., 2018.

SUBJECT:- Interaction with the Joint Secretary (BC), Commission for Sub- Categorization of OBCs — regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number 20th February, 2018 on the subject mentioned above and to state that on scrutiny of the data available on CSCMS portal, it is observed that many Ministries/Departments have not yet updated the information with reference to Categorization/Sub-Categorization of CBC officers,along with the data relating to the “State” from which the OBC candidates appeared/selected in respect of CSS Cadre (ASO to JS—in-situ) in the CSCMS portal – In view of the above. it is once again requested that the same may kindly be updated positivelv by 27th February, 2018 (Tuesday).

(Anil Tripathi) 
Under Secretary to Government of India
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KV School Admission(2018-19) starts from 1.3.2018

KV School Admission(2018-19) starts from 1.3.2018

“Admission to Class I in Kendriya Vidyalaya for the Academic Year 2018-19 will commence from 01.03.2018 at 8:00 AM to 19.03.2013 upto 4:00 PM”

Kendriva Vidvalava Sangathan (HQ) New Delhi Admission Notice : 2018-19

Online Registration for Admission to Class I in Kendriya Vidyalaya for the Academic Year 2018-19 will commence from 01.03.2018 at 8:00 AM to 19.03.2013 upto 4:00 PM and for Class II and above from 02.04.2018 at 8:00 AM to 09.04.2018 upto 4:00 PM. The Admission details can be obtained at

Registration for Class II and above except Class XI will be done only if Vacancies exist. For Class XI, application forms will be issued immediately after the declaration of Class X results, subject to availability of Vacancies in the Vidyalayas.

Reckoning of age for all Classes shall be as on 31.03.2013. Reservation of seats will be as per KVS Admission Guidelines available on the website ( For further details, parents may contact the Principal of nearby Kendriya Vidyalaya.


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Monday, February 26, 2018

UFBU to hold Dharna before Parliament on 21.3.2018


CIRCULAR No. UFBU / 2018 / 02
Date : 24.02.2018

Dear Comrades, 

Further to the meeting of UFBU held at Mumbai on 06.02.2018, another UFBU meeting was held at Chennai on 24.02.2018.

The meeting observed a minutes’ silence to pay homage to former leaders of UFBU Com. S R Bal (BEFI), Com. S R Sengupta (AIBOC) and Com.P.Lakshminarasiah (NCBE) who had passed away recently.
Talks with IBA: The meeting noted that in view of the disturbed situation in the banking sector on account of the recent PNB fraud, IBA had postponed the meeting scheduled for 21.02.2018 and it is expected that the meeting would be called within the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Our call for strike on 15th March: In view of the present situation in the aftermath of PNB fraud and the vitiated atmosphere in the entire banking sector, it was felt proper and accordingly decided not to proceed with the proposed strike on 15.03.2018.

PNB Scam: The meeting was seriously concerned about the manner in which a mega fraud has taken in place in Punjab National Bank and the way the Banks stand exposed to such unthinkable risks. However, the meeting noted that instead of full-scale investigation, attempts are being made to single out some few lower level staff as though they alone are responsible for entire fraud.

No one can hide the fact that there is gross negligence of control, supervision and monitoring as well as possibilities of complicity at various higher levels of management including the top officials of the Bank. Equally, one cannot absolve RBI for its failure to play its role and responsibilities which would have otherwise unearthed these irregularities much earlier.
The meeting felt that all efforts should be taken to restore the faith and confidence of the people at large in the Banks and to protect their hard-earned money in the Banks.

It was decided to undertake campaign programme amongst the public and also undertake programmes on the following issues and demands: 

• Take tough action on all those invloved, connected and responsible for the fraud. 
• Do not single out lower level staff 
• Do not exclude RBIs’ role from the investigation. 
• Avoid harassment of employees and officers by mass transfers 
• Thorough probe by Joint Parliament Committee 
• Restore people’s confidence in banking system.

It has been decided to hold Press Meet in all State Capitals between 5th and 10th March, 2018 to explain our standpoints and demands.

It has also been decided to hold a Dharna before Parliament at New Delhi on 21.03.2018 as a part of our programme to highlight our demands.

It was also decided to take up the issue with Chief Vigilance Commission about the misuse and wrong interpretation of their guidelines by some of the Banks thereby attempting to indulge in unwarranted mass transfers of employees and officers at this juncture.

With greetings,
Yours comradely, 
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Composition of GR Committee in KVS

Composition of Grievance Redressal Committee for the redressal of grievances of SCs/STs of KVS
F.11-17/2003-KVS (Admn-I)
Date: 23.02.2018
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
 All Regional Offices

Subject: Composition of Grievance Redressal Committee for the redressal of grievances of SCs/STs of KVS- reg.

In continuation of KVS circular of even number dated 09.12.2015, the following changes are done in the composition of Grievance Redressal Committee for the redressal of grievances of SCs/STs of KVS. Other things as contained in the circular dated 09.12.2015 ibid, shall remain unchanged:

Name of Officer
Shri. S. Vijayakumar, the then Joint Commissioner (Admn.)
Joint Commissioner (Acad.)
Shri Sudershan Kumar Sharma
Section Officer (Admn. I & II)
Shri Raj Kumar Shukla
Assistant Section Officer (Admn-I)

This issues with the approval of Commissioner, KVs.
(Dr. Shachi Kant) 
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)
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ECHS Smart Card Online Process

ECHS Smart Card Online Process




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ECHS Whatsapp No. 9868857972

ECHS Whatsapp No. 9868857972

WHATSAPP NO – 9868857972

1. Beneficiaries have following options available for seeking redressal to their grievances:-
(a) Online.

(i) CPGRAMS – Centralised Public Grievances Redressal & Monitoring System run by Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Govt of India which can be accessed on website Grievance related to ECHS are automatically routed to Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare / Central Organisation ECHS.

(ii) Army Veterans Grievance Handling Portal – This portal is launched by Army Veterans Cell for redressing grievances of our esteem veterans. The web id of this portal is

(b) E-mail. E-mail to the Director (Complaint & Litigation) on his official E-mail ID

(c) WhatsApp. WhatsApp No (9868857972) is functional known as “Shape Your Scheme’ and ‘Save Your Scheme’ for enhancement of effectiveness and reporting of issues by beneficiaries.

(d) Normal Post. Forward grievances at the following address :- Director (Complaints & Litigation) Central Organisation ECHS Adjutant General’s Branch Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) Maude Lines Delhi Cantt – 110010

(e) Helpline No. Call Helpline No. 1800114115

(f) Tele Call. Tele / Mob Nos of all appointments of Central Organisation ECHS, Regional Centres and Polyclinics are available on ECHS website.

Note :- Beneficiaries are requested to :-

(i) First approach concerned OIC Polyclinic / Stn HQs / Regional Centre for complaining and resolving the issues expeditiously.

(ii) Lodge grievances online as per Para 1 (a) above for resolving them on fast track basis and also monitoring progress on their grievances.

2. Details / address of CPIO and First Appellate Authority for RTI querries pertaining to ECHS are as under :-

(a) CPIO 
RTI Cell,  Addl DG AE G-6, D-1 Wing 
Sena Bhawan, Gate No -4 
IHQ of MoD (Army) 
New Delhi-110011

(b) First Appellate Authority 
First Appellate Authority 
Provost Marshal Office 
AG’s Branch, IHQ of MoD 
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-110011

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