Sunday, January 10, 2016

Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs

F. No. DPE-GM-01/0001/2015-GM -FTS-4857
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises

Public enterprises Bhawan
Block 14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi- I10003
Dated: 14th December, 2015


Subject: Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs.

In the matter of recruitment and personnel management in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), the Government has in the past issued general guidelines in the form of model Recruitment Rules (RRs), Conduct, Discipline & Appeal (CDA) Rules / Service Rules for adoption by CPSEs. Based on such model guidelines/ rules, the concerned CPSEs have been drawing up RRs, CDA and Service Rules applicable to their respective organizations. In this context and with a view to ensure probity and efficacy amongst the CPSEs employees, attention is invited to the government instructions issued recently by DoPT vide OM No. 25013/01/2013-Estt.A-IV dated 11-09-2015 (copy enclosed) in terms of provisions under FR 56 (j) prescribing review of Government employees upon completion of specified years of service or attaining specified years of age.

2. Keeping in view the Government instructions stated above, all the CPSEs are required to ensure that similar provisions as laid down under FR 56 (j) are incorporated in their respective CDA/Service Rules and implemented in the spirit of government instructions issued vide DoPT OM No. 25013/01/2013-Estt.A-IV dated 11-09-2015. In case of Board Level appointees of CPSEs , the extant instructions issued by PESB/DoPT from time to time including those issued vide letter no. 13/07/2010-PESB dt. 13-05-2011 and No. 5/6/2010- PESB dt. 28-06-2011 (copies enclosed) regarding confirmation and extension of tenure etc. of Board level appointees of CPSEs will continue to be followed.

3. All the concerned Ministries / Departments are requested to advise the CPSEs under their administrative control to carry out the exercise of periodical review of officials of their respective organisation as provided in their CDA / Service Rules .

(J.N. Prasad)


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