Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Ministry of Railways takes steps to prevent misuse of Senior Citizen “CONCESSION” as well as Senior Citizen “Quota”
Under the new steps, passengers misusing both senior citizen “quota” and senior citizen “concession” will be treated as travelling without ticket and charged accordingly
Passengers misusing senior citizens “concession” only would be charged penalty in addition to difference of fare (between full fare and concessional fare)
The move will help the genuine eligible senior citizen passengers
The new instructions will be made effective w.e.f. 01st February, 2016
As per the current policy of railway travel concession, male senior citizen of the age of 60 years and above, women senior citizen of the age of 58 and above are granted 40% and 50% concession respectively in all classes of Mail/Express/ Rajdhani/ Shatabdi etc, trains. No proof of age is required at the time of purchasing tickets, however, during journey the senior citizen is required to carry prescribed documentary proof issued by any Government agency showing their age or date of birth. In case the senior citizen is not able to produce the requisite proof of age during the journey he/she is charged only the difference of fare (between full fare and concessional fare).
1. Senior citizen have also been provided a facility to get confirmed lower berths under Senior Citizen Quota.
2. Instances have been brought to the notice of this office regarding misuse of senior citizen concession as well as quota as under:-
(i) The passengers book the ticket under Senior Citizen Quota by giving wrong age. In case they are detected they give the difference of fare otherwise they go undetected resulting in loss of revenue to the Railways.
(ii) Some passengers also book confirmed lower berths under Senior Citizens Quota and in case they get detected, they pay the difference of fare and enjoy the benefit of senior citizens “concession”/as well as “quota” unauthorisedly.
(iii) Some agents use this method to cheat the passengers. They book the ticket by giving wrong declaration of age and subsequently modify the e-ticket by giving correct age and dupe the passengers.
Matter has been examined and the following has been decided by the Ministry of Railways:-
(i) CRIS/ IRCTC will make a provision that whenever a passenger enquires about the PNR status, the fare charged on the ticket should be reflected. Feasibility of displaying other relevant details like full form of quota under which booked, age of passenger shall also be explored by CRIS/IRCTC so that the passengers do not get cheated by unscrupulous ticketing agents.
(ii) Whenever any passenger is found travelling in the train on the berths booked under Senior Citizen “Quota” by declaration of wrong age depriving the genuine eligible passengers he/she should be treated as travelling without ticket and charged accordingly. This is a case where he is misusing both “concession” as well as “Quota”. This penalty is suggested as the person is not only cheating on fare part but is also getting a confirmed lower berth on false declaration depriving the eligible passengers of a confirmed lower berth.
(iii) Whenever any passenger is found travelling in the train by declaration of wrong age so as to get senior citizen “Concession” only, they should be charged penalty in addition to difference of fare.( between full fare and concessional fare)
These instructions will be made effective w.e.f. 01.02.2016.
Necessary instructions are being issued to all concerned specifically ticket checking staff with a note of caution to be patient and tactful while handling such passengers to avoid any complaint regarding any harassment. The move is aimed at helping genuine eligible senior citizen passengers
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