Saturday, October 27, 2018

Stepping Up of Pay-Consolidated Guidelines – Dopt Orders dt. 26.10.2018

Stepping Up of Pay-Consolidated Guidelines – Dopt Orders dt. 26.10.2018

Stepping up of Pay-Consolidated guidelines – Dopt Issued Orders on 26.10.2018

No.4/3/20 17-Estt(Pay-I) 
Government of India
 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi, 
Dated the 26th October, 2018
Subject:- Stepping up of pay-Consolidated guidelines-reg.

The undersigned is directed to say that the issue of anomaly relating to senior Government employees drawing less pay than their juniors due to application of provisions of FR 22(I)(a)(1) is considered on merits for allowing stepping up pay of the seniors so as to bring it at par with that of the junior in accordance with the guidelines scattered in various OMs noted in the margin. A need has been felt to consolidate guidelines on stepping up of pay at one place keeping in view the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, [in short CCS(RP)Rules, 2016] as the frequent references on such issues continue to be received in this Department.

2. Consequent upon implementation of CCS(RP)Rules, 2016, the President is pleased to decide the following:

(i) In order to remove the anomaly of a Government servant promoted or appointed to a higher post on or after 1-1-2016 drawing lower pay in that post than another Government servant junior to him in the lower grade and promoted or appointed subsequently to another identical post, the pay of the senior Government servant in the higher post should be stepped up to a figure equal to the pay as fixed for the junior Government servant in that higher post. The stepping up should be done with effect from the date of promotion or appointment of the junior Government servant and will be subject to the following conditions, namely:

(a) both the junior and the senior Government servants should belong to the same cadre and the posts in which they have been promoted are identical in the same cadre;

(b) the Level in the Pay Matrix of the lower and higher posts in which they are entitled to draw pay should be identical;

(c) the anomaly is directly as a result of the application of the provisions of Fundamental Rule 22(I)(a)(1) read with Rule 13 of CCS(RP)Rules, 2016. For example, if the junior officer was drawing more pay in the existing pay structure than the senior by virtue of any advance increments granted to him, the provisions of this subrule should not be invoked to step up the pay of the senior officer.

(ii) The order relating to re-fixation of the pay of the senior officer in accordance with clause (i) shall be issued under Fundamental Rule 27 and the senior officer shall be entitled to the next increment on completion of his required qualifying service with effect from the date of re-fixation of pay.

3. The following instances/events wherein juniors draw more pay than seniors, do not constitute anomaly and, therefore, stepping up of pay will not be admissible in such events:

(a) Where a senior proceeds on Extra Ordinary Leave which results in postponement of his Date of Next Increment in the lower post and consequently he starts drawing less pay than his junior in the lower grade itself. He, therefore, cannot claim pay parity on promotion even though he may be promoted earlier to the higher grade than his junior(s);

(b) If a senior forgoes/refuses promotion leading to his junior being promoted/appointed to the higher post earlier and the junior draws higher pay than the senior.

(c) If the senior is on deputation while junior avails of the ad-hoc promotion in the cadre, the increased pay drawn by the junior due to ad-hoc/officiating and/or regular promotion following such adhoc promotion in the higher posts vis-à-vis senior, is not an anomaly in strict sense of the term;

(d) If a senior joins the higher post later than the junior, for whatsoever reasons, whereby he starts drawing less pay than the junior. In such cases, senior cannot claim stepping up of pay at par with that of his junior. 

(e) If a senior is appointed later than the junior in the lower post itself whereby he is in receipt of lesser pay than the junior, in such cases also the senior cannot claim pay parity in the higher post if he draws less pay than his junior though he may have been promoted earlier to the higher post.

(f) Where an employee is promoted from lower post to a higher post, his pay is fixed with reference to the pay drawn by him in the lower post under FR22(I)(a)(1) read with Rule 13 of CCS(RP)Rules, 2016 and due to his longer length of service in the lower grade, his pay may get fixed at a higher stage than that of a senior direct recruit appointed to the same higher grade and whose pay is fixed under different set of rules. For example a Senior Secretariat Assistant (SSA) on promotion to the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) gets his pay fixed under FR 22(I)(a)(1) with reference to the pay drawn in the post of SSA, whereas the pay of ASO(DR) is fixed under Rule 8 of CCS(RP)Rules, 2016 at the minimum pay or the first Cell in the Level, applicable to ASO to which he is appointed. In such a case, the senior ASO (DR) cannot claim pay parity with that of the promotee junior ASO.

(g) Where a senior is appointed in higher post on ad-hoc basis and is drawing less pay than his junior who is appointed in the same cadre and in same post on ad-hoc basis subsequently, the senior cannot claim pay parity with reference to the pay of that junior since the ad-hoc officiating service in higher post is reversible and also since full benefits of FR22(I)(a)(I) are not available on ad-hoc promotion but only on regular promotion following such ad-hoc promotion without break.

(h) Where a junior gets more pay due to additional increments earned on acquiring higher qualifications.
Note: The above instances/events are only illustrative and not exhaustive.

4. These orders shall be in supersession of D/o Expenditure’s OM No.F.2(78)-E.III(A)63 dated 2nd February, 1966 and DOP&T’s OM No.4/7/92-Estt(Pay-I) dated 4th November, 1993.
5. This OM is effective from 0 1.01.2016.

6 In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

7 Hindi version will follow.
(Rajeev Bahree) 
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
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Friday, October 26, 2018

Latest CSD Prices 2018 – TVS Bike and Scooters

Latest CSD Prices 2018 | TVS Bike and Scooters | Application Forms Download

Latest CSD Price List based on Chennai Depot

TVS Vehicles Prices Updated on October 2018
TVS Sport KS
TVS Sport ES
TVS Star City
TVS Apache
TVS Apache
TVS Scooty PEP
TVS Zest Scooty
TVS Jupiter
TVS Wego 110
For more details contact: Mr.Karthick – 87544 97578
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Download CSD Application Form for Service Personnel, NCOS and ORs

Download CSD Application Form for Service Personnel/NCOS/ORs


Application form could be obtained from the CSD Canteen.
The filled up Application form along with DD should be approved by the CSD Canteen Officer.
A Purchase order will be issued by the CSD Canteen Officer.
The Customer along with the purchase order has to come to the dealership for booking the vehicle.
Registration charges, Insurance, Life time road Tax, Accessories and other expenses or extra and should be paid by the customer.

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Download CSD Application Form for Retired Officer, NCOS and ORs

Download CSD Application Form for Retired Officer/NCOS/ORs


Application form could be obtained from the CSD Canteen.
The filled up Application form along with DD should be approved by the CSD Canteen Officer.
A Purchase order will be issued by the CSD Canteen Officer.
The Customer along with the purchase order has to come to the dealership for booking the vehicle.
Registration charges, Insurance, Life time road Tax, Accessories and other expenses or extra and should be paid by the customer.

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Renewal of Medical Insurance Scheme – IBA Circular dt. 10.10.2018

Renewal of Medical Insurance Scheme – IBA Circular dt. 10.10.2018
Renewal of Medical Insurance Scheme for Retirees as agreed vide Bipartite Settlement/Joint Note Dated 25th May, 2015

Indian Banks’ Association

9th October 2018
CEOs of All member banks party to 10th Bi-partite Settlement/Joint Note dated 25.5.2015

Dear Sir/Madam, 
Renewal of Medical Insurance Scheme for Retirees as agreed vide Bipartite Settlement/Joint Note Dated 25th May, 2015

We invite your attention to our letter CIR/HR&IR/2015-16/XBPS/J/1413 dated 1st October, 2015, in terms of which banks were advised to extend the Group Medical Insurance Scheme to retirees also subject to payment of stipulated premium by them. Said Scheme is optional for retirees.
2. Thereafter, the Policy has been renewed for the year 2016-17 & 2017-18 and the current Policy is expiring on 31.10.2018.

3. IBA vide its letter 16th July, 2018 called quotes from all Public Sector Insurance Companies and SBI General Insurance Co., who were the co-insurer of the existing Policy.
4. In response to our letter Oriental Insurance Co., National Insurance Co., & SBI General Ins. Co. did not submit any quote for the Retirees policy. United India Insurance Co. & New India Assurance Co. submitted quotes as per Table below :-
Retirees option 1
(Without Domiciliary)
Retiree option 2
(With Domiciliary)
2018-19 (Proposed for renewal)
Award staff
Award staff
New India Insurance
5. As there was a proposed hike of 110% & 144% in the quotes for renewal of the Medical Insurance Policy without domiciliary and with domiciliary respectively, the matter was immediately taken up with UIIC who was L1 to re-examine and reduce the same.
6. With great persuasion and concerted effort made by the IBA, UIIC has revised the quote vide its letter dated 6.10.2018.
7. On the suggestions made by UFBU, UIIC gave option for sum insured i.e. Rs. 4 laksh / Rs. 3 Lakhs for Officers & Rs.3 Lakhs/ Rs. 2 Lakhs in case of Workmen. The insurance premium increase now quoted by UIIC after revision is 75% (earlier 110%) for without domiciliary and 123% (earlier 144%) with domiciliary (Annexure I)
8. Since, the Medical Insurance Policy for Retired Officers/Employees is optional, we request all the member banks to seek consent and collect premium from the interested retiree Officers/Employees as per the option chosen by them for renewal of the Policy with UIIC, with the same terms and conditions mentioned in the aforesaid letter of UIIC.
9. However, Banks are free to take up the Policy renewal by seeking quotes from any other Insurance Companies if the Banks decides to do so at their level.
10. We once again advise that as mentioned in our letter dated 7th June, 2018, banks may require to allocate some separate manpower to address claims by following up directly with TPAs/Insurance Cos as the services of broker are not available.
11. We enclose the revised premium quote received from UIIC (Annex II) for your ready reference.
Yours faithfully, 
B Raj Kumar
Deputy Chief Executive
Annexure I
Retirees Policy Renewal Quotes***
Renewal Quote provided by UIIC vide letter 2.7.18
Final Quotes received from UIIC vide letter dated 6.10.18 after rigorous persuasion by IBA**
Without Domiciliary (Rs.)
With Domiciliary (Rs.)
Without Domiciliary (Rs.)
With Domiciliary (Rs.)
Officers (Sum Insured Rs. 4 Lakhs)
76516 (144%)*
24400 (75%)*
69808 (123%)*
Award Staff (Sum Insured Rs. 3 Lakhs)
57931 (144%)*
18301 (75%)*
52359 (123%)*
*** Above Quotes are exclusive of GST
** The Room Rent has been revised to Rs. 4000 per day
* Premium Increase over Previous Year i.e. 2017-18

View order
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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Supreme Court Order in Respect of Grant of Special Pension – DESW Order dt. 22.10.2018

Supreme Court Order in respect of grant of Special Pension – DESW Order dt. 22.10.2018

Implementation of Honourable Supreme Court Order dated 27.09.2018 in respect of grant of Special Pension under Regulation 95 of Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964. Dated 22.10.2018.

 Government of India 
Ministry of India 
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare 
Sena Bhawan, New Dehi 
Dated 22.10.2018
The Chief the Naval Staff

Subject: Implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court Order dated 27.09.2018 in Contempt No.1860/2017 and 924/2018 and MA No. 1067/2018 in Civil Appeal No.2147/2011 with Contempt Petition (C) No.04/2018 in SLP(C) No.19790/2010 for grant of Special Pension under Regulation 95 of Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964.

I am directed to refer the cited Hon’ble Supreme Court Order dated 27.09.2018 and convey sanction of the Competent Authority for grant of Special Pension under Regulation 95 of Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964 to the ex-sailors appointed prior to 03.07.1976 and discharged on or after 03.07.1976 on expiry of 10 years of service.

2. The amount of pension payable is Rs.9000 (Rupees Nine thousand) per month to each of the ex-sailors under Regulation 95 Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964, payable September 2018 as per the Court Order under reference.

3. The amount of gratuity and DCRG paid, be adjusted the amount payable. Necessary PPO may be issued immediately.

4. The expenditure incurred on this account will be paid under Charged Expenditure and be debited to the relevant Head of Account.

5. This issues with concurrence of Ministry Defence vide their U.O. No. 1023/Fin/Pen Dated 17.10.2018.

6. Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 4(10)/2017-D (Pen/Legal) dated 26th September, 2017 may be treated as cancelled.

Yours faithfully, 
 (Ajay Kumar Agrawal) 
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
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10 Days CL for Defence Civilian Industrial Employees

10 Days CL for Defence Civilian Industrial Employees

Grant of 10 days Casual Leave to those Civilian Employees under Defence Establishments who are not entitled to 17 Holidays per calendar year

Government of India
(Department of Defence)
Ministry of Defence D(Civ.II)

Sub : Grant of 10 days Casual Leave to those Civilian Employees under Defence Establishments who are not entitled to 17 Holidays per calendar year

Reference MoD ID No 01(02)/2018/D(Civ-II) dated 21st March 2018 on the above-mentioned subject.

2. The matter has been further examined and it has been decided with the competent authority to extend the provision of 10 days casual Leave in terms of Para 9 of the Appendix -III of the CCS (Leave Rules) 1972 to Industrial Employees who are entitled to 16 Holidays in a year
(Dalpat Singh) 
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Os/Admin, Ordnance Factory Board,
10 A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkata-700001
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7th CPC CGHS Contribution – Revised Table

7th CPC CGHS Contribution – Revised Table
The new contribution rates has been revised from 1st February 2017 after implementation of 7th Pay Commission.
7th CPC Pay
Matrix Level
Contribution (Rs.)
Annual Contribution (Rs.)
Level – 1
Level – 2
Level – 3
Level – 4
Level – 5
Level – 6
Level – 7
Level – 8
Level – 9
Level – 9
Level – 10
Level – 11
Level – 12 & Above
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Wage Talks with IBA – One More Mere Routine Exercise

Wage Talks with IBA – One More Mere Routine Exercise


Circular No.22/VII/2018
October 14, 2018



IBA has invited the nine organizations for a meeting at Mumbai on 12th October 2018 at 12.00 noon.
2. Preceding the meeting with IBA, on 11/10/2018, four officers’ organizations met at INBOC office at 4.45pm, to decide the collective and consensus approach of the organizations on IBA’s proposal of introduction of variable pay in one form or other in the present discussion itself. Amongst us, it has been decided to prioritize the issues: 1. Fractured Mandate; 2. Merger of Banks; 3.Expeditious conclusion of wage talks and 4.Focus on core banking activities and stop misselling of third party products. There are other issues like up-dation of pension, Family Pension and Recruitment of adequate workforce in the Industry. AIBOA was represented by Com.V.Ramabhadran, Convenor, Wage Committee, Com.V.Viswanathan President, AIBOA (MSC), along with the undersigned.
3. The representatives of the nine constituents met in the IBA office as per the requirements of the situation by preponing the meeting scheduled to be held on 14th at Mumbai to 12th at 09.30 hrs, at IBA office. AIBOA was represented by Com.Narendra Kotiawala, DGS, Com.V.Ramabhadran, Secretary, AIBOA along with the undersigned. The meeting commenced a bit late but the decision was unanimous on rejecting the proposal of the IBA on introduction of fixed and variable pay as part of current wage talks. On Merger of three banks, the discussions were inconclusive, as the time scheduled for discussion was at 12.00 hrs.
4. The IBA team was led by Shri. G.Rajkiran Rai, MD&CEO Union Bank of India, Shri.Prashant Kumar, CFO, SBI, Shri.V.G.Kannan CEO IBA, Shri.B.Raj Kumar Dy.CEO IBA, Shri.S.K.Kakkar Sr.Advisor HR&IR IBA, Shri.K.S.Chauhan and other officials of the HR Department participated in the exercise. Shri. R.K. Takkar Chairman Negotiating Team IBA, MD & CEO UCO Bank, and Shri Shyam Srinivasan MD&CEO Federal Bank were on Video Conference mode. The nine unions’ representatives were present in the discussions.
5. In the 90 minutes exchange of expressions between both parties came to an end with the following candid collective and consensus conclusions from 9 unions side to the IBA stand.
· IBA’s earlier offer of 6% on Pay slip Components made on 30th JULY 2018 should be enhanced substantially.
· Introduction of linkage of Pay with Return on Assets[ROA] and also on Operating Profit has been rejected in toto.
· The managements of SBI,BOB,PNB, UNION BANK AND INDIAN BANK should be prevailed upon by IBA as per the advice of CLC to revise their stand to cover all seven scales, as in the past.
6. It has been also made clear that there is every possibility of entering into confrontation mode because of the rigid approach of the IBA.
7. In the post lunch session, the adjourned meeting of the nine constituent unions commenced to transact the remaining issues for arriving at a decision. The representatives of INBOC and NCBE too expressed their organizational stand on merger of Banks. At the end, it was decided to escalate the resistance level in a gradual and sustained manner by the unions culminating in two days strike in the winter session of the Parliament.
8. In our assessment, struggles are the only available avenue to move forward to secure a reasonable wage hike, as the workforce collectively worked to give a substantial gross profit in the year ended 2017 and 2018.ONWARD
Yours comradely, 
Source: AIBOA
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Insurance Backed Hospitalization Scheme – AIBOA

Insurance Backed Hospitalization Scheme
The Chief Executive Officer
Indian Banks Association 
World Trade Centre Cuffe Parade 
We refer to the IBA’s Health Insurance Policy renewed by the member banks, as advised by you after negotiating with UIICL, for the year from 01.10.2018 to 30.09.2019. We understand that in the renewed policy, the insurance company has reduced the Room Rent / Bed Charges ceiling from Rs.5000/- to Rs.4000/- per day.
You will appreciate that the officers are eligible for the hospitalization facility in terms of the Joint Note dated 25.05.2015 signed between the IBA and the four Officers’ organizations. As per the said Joint Note, the officers are eligible for reimbursement of Room Rent / Bed charges upto Rs.5000/- per day, the natural sequel of which is the eligibility for the class of treatment attached to the eligible class of room.
It is true that in the meeting held on 14.09.2018 IBA had proposed to reduce the Room Rent ceiling from Rs.5000/- to Rs.4000/- per day, as IBA had felt that all other hospital charges are linked to room rent and if room rent eligibility is reduced to Rs.4000/- per day all other expenses relating to hospitalization would automatically reduce there by reducing the insurance claims and the claim ratio. We did not give any consent to the IBA’s proposal on that day.
Subsequently vide our letter dated 18.09.2018, all the four Officers’ Organizations informed you that the IBA’s proposal is not acceptable to us and we are not agreeable to any reduction in Room Rent / Bed Charges. Hence we are surprised that in spite of our said communication, IBA has gone ahead with reducing the Room Rent / Bed Charges ceiling from Rs.5000/- per day to Rs.4000/- per day for officers also.
You will appreciate that by reducing the Room Rent ceiling, you are not merely reducing the hospitalization bill but you are basically reducing the eligible class of treatment for the officers. Hence the reduction of Room Rent / Bed Charges ceiling to Rs.4000/- per day for officers is not acceptable to us.
As mentioned by us in the letter dated 18.09.2018, till 10th Bipartite settlement the officers were eligible for Room Rent / Bed Charges upto 125% of the eligibility of award staff and thus were eligible for higher class of treatment. In 10th Bipartite Settlement, the workman were made eligible for the Room Rent at par with the officers there by providing them the same class of treatment as applicable to the officers. The increase in the hospitalization bills, which is the reason given by IBA for suggesting reduction in room rent, may be due to the decision of IBA to provide medical facility to the workman at par with officers in 2015.
While we do not have any grouse against providing medical facility to the workman at par with the officers, you will appreciate that it is not fair on the part of IBA and the Banks now to reduce the eligible class of treatment for the officers because of the increasing hospitalization bills. Hence, we urge you to restore the Room Rent ceiling for officers to earlier limit of Rs.5000/- in terms of our Joint Note dated 25.05.2015.
Sir, as you are aware that the entire premium on the insurance policy of serving employees is paid by the bank and hence we had no reason to have any meeting with you to discuss on the increase/ decrease in premium by the insurance company for the serving employees, our main concern was to discuss the policy of the retirees. The main purpose of our meeting was to find out the ways and means to reduce the burden of premium on the retirees who are required to pay the insurance premium from out of the meager amount of pension received by them. In this connection, we had suggested that the premium should be composite and not segment wise i.e. the premium for the serving employees and the retirees should be the same and that the premium of the retirees should be borne by the bank in the same manner as the banks are reimbursing the medical expenses to the Ex MDs and Ex EDs. We had also made several other suggestions. But from your communication sent to the member banks on 09.10.2018 we find that except for our suggestion to provide flexibility in the insured amount, no concrete steps to make the health insurance affordable to the retirees and to reduce the burden on them seems to have been taken by the IBA.
We urge you to restore the Room Rent ceiling at Rs.5000/- per day to the officers in terms of the Joint Note dated 25.05.2015 and honor bilateralism.
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary

General Secretary

General Secretary

General Secretary
Source: AIBOA
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In Any Case Mobile Number Will Not Be Disconnected – DoT and UIDAI

In Any Case Mobile Number Will Not Be Disconnected – DoT and UIDAI

 Not a single mobile phone faces disconnect threat, says DoT

The Department of Telecommunications (DOT) and Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) in a joint statement today clarified that a few news reports in the media which state that 50 Crore mobile numbers, almost half of the total mobiles in circulation, are at the risk of disconnection, are completely untrue and imaginary. The news report tries to create unnecessary panic among mobile users by claiming that “they stare a prospect of disconnection if SIM cards procured on the basis of Aadhaar verification are not backed up by a fresh identification”.

The joint statement clarifies that the Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgement in Aadhaar case has nowhere directed that the mobile number which has been issued through Aadhaar eKYC has to be disconnected. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for panic or fear at all. People should not believe in such rumours. The Court has also not asked to delete all the eKYC data of telecom customers after 6 months. What the apex Court has asked that UIDAI should not keep authentication log for more than 6 months. The restriction is on UIDAI and not on the telecom companies. Therefore, there is no need for telecom companies to delete authentication logs.

So in the light of the verdict if anybody wishes to get her/his Aadhaar eKYC replaced by the fresh KYC, s/he may request the service provider for delinking of her/his Aadhaar by submitting fresh OVDs as per earlier DOT Circulars on mobile KYC. But in any case his mobile number will not be disconnected.

The Joint Statement said that what Supreme Court has done is that it has prohibited issue of new SIM cards through Aadhaar eKYC authentication process due to lack of a law. There is no direction to deactivate the old mobile phones.

The statement said that in fact the Department of Telecom and UIDAI are in a process to bring out a completely hassle-free and digital process for issuing new SIM cards through a mobile App which will be fully compliant of the Supreme Court judgement in Aadhaar Case. In the proposed process, live photograph of the person with latitude, longitude, and time stamp will be captured. The photo of her ID such as Aadhaar card, voter ID, etc., will be captured. The SIM card agent will be authenticated through OTP and SIM card will be issued. This process will be completely hassle-free and digital.

The statement reiterates that there is no need to panic or get confused by the reports that have appeared in the media.

Source: PIB
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Canara Bank Recruitment 2018: 450 Probationary Officers

Canara Bank Recruitment 2018: 450 Probationary Officers

Application Starts on 23rd October 2018 

Last Date for Apply Online 13th November 2018

Schedule of Events
Payment of Application Fee / Intimation Charges
From 23.10.2018 to  13.11.2018 [both days inclusive]
Opening Date and closing date for on-line registration in Website
Download of call letter for online test (tentative)
 After 05.12.2018
Date of online test (tentative)


Canara Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Bengaluru and global presence with over 6300 branches, invites ON-LINE APPLICATIONS, from the eligible candidates to apply for admissions to the specially designed One year training course leading to Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF) either through Manipal Global Education Services Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru or NITTE Education International Pvt Ltd., Greater Noida, which are recognized by UGC.
The course comprises of 9 months of classroom studies and 3 monthsinternship at Canara Bank’s Branches / Offices.

This one year full-time PGDBF course will be conducted either at Manipal Global Education Services Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru campus or NITTE Education International Pvt Ltd. Greater Noida campus.

The programme is fully residential during 9 months classroom studies and the selected candidates should necessarily stay in the campus

Candidates will be selected for admission to the course at either of the above two institutes through selection process consisting of online objective test followed by Group Discussion and Personal Interview. On successful completion of the course, candidates will be awarded with “Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF)” from that institute and the candidates would be offered appointment in the Bank as Probationary Officer in Junior Management Grade Scale-I.

Eligible candidates can apply ON-LINE through link given in our Bank’s website No other means / mode of Application will be accepted. Please read this advertisement carefully and ensure your eligibility before paying fees / submitting on-line application.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Bombay High Court Judgement On MACP

Bombay High Court Judgement On MACP Bombay High Court Judgement dated 15-10-2018 on MACPs ORDER

(a) The impugned judgement and order dated 16th April, 2013 made by the CAT is hereby set aside.

(b) The petitioner is held entitled to receive the benefit of MACP with effect from 1st January, 2006 together with all consequential benefits.

(c) The respondents are directed to work out the benefits of MACP with effect from 1st January, 2006 together with consequential benefits and to pay the same to the petitioner as expeditiously as possible and in any case within a period of three months from today.

(d) If, such benefits/consequential benefits are not paid to the petitioner within three months from today, then the respondents will liable to pay interest thereon @ 6% p.a. from the date such payments became due and payable, till the date of actual payment.

(e) Rule is made absolute in the aforesaid terms. There shall however be no order as to costs.

( M. S. SONAK, J. ) ( A. S. OKA, J. )

Source: AIRF
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