Thursday, September 04, 2014

Policy regarding participation of Indian Railways Personnel in Meditation/ Yoga/ Spiritual and other related programmes.

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

RBE NO. 88/2014

No. 2012/E(Trg)/12/17

New Delhi, dt. 13.08.2014

The General Mangaers
All Indaian Railways/PUs

The Director General

The Directors

Sub: Policy regarding participation of Indian Railways Personnel in Meditation/ Yoga/ Spiritual and other related programmes.

Ref: (1) Board’s letter no. 2012/E(Trg)/12/17 dt. 17.07.2012
(ii) Board‘s letter no. 2012/E(Trg)/12/17 dt. 26.10.2012
(iii) Board’s letter no. 2012/E(Trg)/12/17 dt. 20.09.2013 I

Railway Board, vide circulars mentioned above, has issued policy regarding participation of Indian Railways personnel in Meditation/Yoga/Spiritual and other related programmes. It has now been decided to bring out a comprehensive policy circular regarding the above.

2. Following instructions may be followed:

i) Special Casual Leave (SCL) upto a maximum of nine (09) days inclusive of four (04) days journey time would be allowed once in a year for one such programme, which would be granted by the respective Controlling officers to willing employees;

ii) Special pass (as per entitlement) would be given once in a year to such Railway employee who has been granted SCL by the Controlling officer;

iii) No TA/DA would be payable;

iv) No programme fee would be payable by Railways; and

v) The official willing to participate in such programmes would be spared subject to the convenience of the Administration.

3. Strict compliance to the above directives may be ensured by all concerned.

4. This supersedes all previous instructions/circulars on the subject.

5. This issues with the concurrence ofthe Finance Directorate of Railway Board.

(Padma Sharma)
Dy. Director(Training)
Railway Board

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