Monday, December 19, 2011

Common Seniority List (CSL) in the Grade of UDCs of CSCS as upto the Select List year 2003 — reg.

No. 20/53/2008-CS-II (B) Vol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003
Dated: the 16th December, 2011


Subject:- Common Seniority List (CSL) in the Grade of UDCs of CSCS as upto the Select List year 2003 — reg.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No. 20/53/2008-CS-II(B) (Pt.) dated 20th October, 2011 circulating the Common Seniority List of UDCs of CSCS for the Select List years 1993 onwards and to say that the cadre units were requested to report any factual inaccuracies in this regard to this Department by 12.11.2011.

   2. In this connection, some of the Cadre Units have fowarded representations which relate to corrections regarding date of regular appointment, spelling in the name and correction in date of birth of UDCs, the same have been carried out accordingly in the finalized list. Further, some officials have represented that their juniors based on Clerks Grade Examination in LDC grade have become seniors in the CSL of UDC. This has been examined and observed that the seniority in the grade of LDC has no relevance for preparing the CSL of UDCs as the seniority in UDC grade is fixed by the Cadre Units in the ratio of 3:1(SQ:LDCE) on the basis of the date of joining in the Grade of UDC etc. Hence, there is no merit in such representations. As such all the representations received in this regard stand disposed of accordingly.

   3. The CSL has been drawn up in accordance with the Rules/regulations/guidelines regulating preparation of CSL of UDCs as per CSCS Rules, 1962. The Cadre Units may apprise the officials concerned accordingly.

   4. It is also pertinent to mention here that the names of those UDCs who have been appointed to the post of Assistants on regular basis have been deleted from the CSL.

   5. Accordingly, Common Seniority List of UDCs of CSCS, as upto the Select List Year 2003, have been updated /finalized and it may be seen/downloaded from the website of this Department by clicking the followings:-

Department of Personnel & Training
Central Secretariat
Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS)
Common Seniority List (CSL)

Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Common Seniorty List of UDCs of CSCS as upto the Select List Year 2003

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