Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Training slots for trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961.

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

RBE No. 85/2012
S.C. No.30 to MC.08


New Delhi, dated 30.07.2012.

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways including Production Units

Sub: - Training slots for trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961.

   Kindly refer Boards’ letter No.E(MPP)97/6/7 dated 15.04.2010 followed by letter of even number dated 19.09.2011 wherein it was requested to conduct resurvey/jt. Survey, as the case may be, in all the railway establishments who are coming under the purview of the Apprentices Act 1961, in keeping with the training facilities available with the units.

   Ministry of Labour and Employment(DGE&T) vide their letter No.DGET-12(1)2010-AP dated 29th November 2011 has advised the number of apprenticeship seats located during joint/re-survey conducted by the officers of RDATs, DGE&T and officers of Indian Railways. The list of the name of establishments and the number of the slots so decided in terms of Ministry of Labour’s letter quoted above is enclosed (Annexure-I) for compliance as per the provisions of Apprentices Act 1961. Since the implementation of the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961 lies with the Unit/Railway and the survey is a joint exercise between the RDAT officials and the officials of Railways, the concerned railway/unit who have duly signed the survey as mark of acceptance, may now ensure compliance of the Act.

   Necessary Budgetary provision may kindly be made in view of the increase in the number of training slots.

   The Ministry of Railways has decided that para 3.3 of the Master Circular on Act Apprentices stands modified as per Correction Slip No.30/2012 enclosed.

   This issues with the concurrence of the associate finance of Railway Board.

(Anil Wason)
Dy. Director E(MPP)
Railway Board


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