Pension Revision for PBOR – PCDA Circular 607
Revision of pension in respect of Personnel below Officer Rank (PBOR) discharged prior to 01.01.2006
Circular No. 607
Dated: 01/10/2018
1.The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Of Govt, Bank Accounts, Central Office C-7,Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai- 400051
2. All CMOs,Public Sector Banks.
3. The Nodal Officers, ICICI/HDFC/AXIS/IDBIBanks
4. All Managers, CPPCs
5. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal
6. The PCDA(WC),Chandigarh
7. The CDA (PO),Meerut
8. The CDA Chennai
9. The Director of Treasuries, All States
10.The Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration, R K Puram and Tis Hazari, New Delhi.
11.The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt of Maharashtra, Mumbai
12.The Post Master Kathua (J&K) and Camp Bell Bay.
13. The Principal Pay and Accounts Officer
Andaman and Nicobar Administration
Port Blair.
Subject:- Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendation of the Cabinet Secretary’s Committee – Revision of pension in respect of Personnel below Officer Rank (PBOR) discharged prior to 01.01.2006.
Reference:- Circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010.
Complaints/representations are being received in PSAs regarding revision of pension w.e.f. 01.07.2009 by various PDAs in respect of three trades of Air Force viz. ACH GO, Catering Assistant and MT Driver in Group Z instead of Group Y inspite of up gradation of these trades w.e.f. 10.10.1997.
2. Now, it has been decided by the competent authority vide MoD letter no. 1(4)/2012/D(Pension/Policy) dated 08.03.2018 that revision of pension of under mentioned trades be carried out as per pension revision tables meant for Group Y under Ministry’s letter no. PC 10(1)/2009-D(Pen/Pol) dated 08.03.2010.
ACH GO, Caterin Asst. And MTD
w.e.f. 10.10.1997
Pay Group IV equated to Group Y
3. In view of above, it is requested that such type of cases where PDAs are unable to revise pension due to change of group of trades, the same may be referred to the PSAs concerned through Record Office (who in turn will provide certificate/document showing trade of individual at the time of entry and also at the time of discharge) so that Carr. PPO, if necessary, may be issued in case to case basis.
4. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.
5. The above amendments shall take effect from date of implementation of their respective orders. Arrears in affected cases shall be released by the Pension Disbursing Agencies.
6. This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension for dissemination across the all concerned.
(Sushil Kumar Singh)
(Jt. CDA(P)
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