Monday, March 14, 2016

Women Employees Demand Two Year Leave for Raising Newborns

Women Employees Demand Two Year Leave for Raising Newborns

Like the central government, the female employees of the Tamil Nadu state government have requested the government to give them two years maternity leave to raise their newborns. The proposal was made during the International Women’s Day celebrations.

The International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world to ensure the safety of women. Women must be treated as equals of men at workplace and in the society. Also, selective abortions of female foetuses, and killing of female babies must be stopped.

Women take care of the health of their entire family, but often neglect their own health. Due to lack of proper nutrition, many women suffer from malnutrition and anaemia. Women can be healthy only if they eat well-balanced food. Only then will they be able to give birth to healthy children.

The Tamil Nadu government must, like the Central Government, give two years maternity leave to its female employees so they can raise their newborns.

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