Thursday, January 07, 2016

INDWF – Dharna and Indefinite Strike from March 2016


General Secretary


Date: 04.01.2016

All Office Bearers & Working Committee members
All Affiliated Unions of INDWF

Dear Colleagues,

As decided by NJCA, INDWF being a constituent of the body, we have conducted following programmes as communicated to you all by INDWF against the netrograde recommendations of the 7th CPC in respect of Central Government employees.

1. Observing protest/Black Day demonstrations on 27.11.2015.

2. Prepared a 26 point charter of demands and submitted to cabinet secretary by NJCA on 11.12.2015. Followed that all Central Government Federations employees held demonstrations on 30.12.2015 and handed over copy of the NJCA’s letter dt 10.12.2015 to the Head of the office for onward transmission to the Secretary for immediate settlement of issues through bilateral negotiations.

3. Now it has been further decided that to hold 3 Day Dharna from 19.01.2016 to 21.01.2016 in all the State capitals and industrial centres/Establisments for education and moblising the employees for the INDEFINITE STRIKE from 1st week of March 2016.

4. Followed by 3 day Dharna from 19.01.2016 to 21.01.2016, all the affiliated unions are directed to conduct the strike ballot on 12.02.2016 by INDWF affiliated unions in all their establishments with an intimation to their respective managements.

5. The date of issue of the strike notice and also about the commencement of INDEFINITE STRIKE will be intimated to you all.

In the meantime all affiliated unions are directed to take all out efforts to build up pressure on the Government so that a negotiated settlement can be reached on our demands.

Para 3 & para 4 instructions may be taken as serious and plan to conduct 3 Day Dharna & Strike ballot on the said dates. After conducting the programmes a report and photographs of the same to be sent to the Federation.

Yours Friendly,

General Secretary


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