RBE No. 138/2014
No. (NG)-II/2009/RR - 1/10/Pt(7525)
New Delhi, dated: 10/12/2014
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Chairmen, Railway Recruitment Cell
Sub: Open market recruitment to posts in Pay Band-I (Grade Pay: Rs. 1800) — Changes in various procedures regarding.
Pursuant to feedback received from Chairmen, Railway Recruitment Cells in the meetings held in Board's Office and constant endeavor of this Ministry to curtail the cost of expenditure incurred in conducting open market recruitment to fill up posts in Pay Band-I (Grade pay: Rs. 1800), the procedure has been reviewed by the Board and following has been decided:-
(i) Applications will be called only through ONLINE mode and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC)/Scheduled Tribes (ST)/Other Backward Communities (OBCS) have to upload self certified copy Of their caste certificate. In the online form, option will be asked from the candidate to indicate one the official languages contained in VIII Schedule in which he/she wishes to write the written examination. Thus, question papers will be set in Hindi, English, Urdu and language opted by the candidate.
(ii) The number of candidates called for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) should be 02 (two) times the number of vacancies in modification to provision contained in letter No. E(NG)II/96/RR-1/62 dated 29/9/2005 (RBE No. 166/2005). This may be implemented in recruitment exercise with respect notification issued in 2013 and thereafter.
(iii) Document verification be held in terms of instructions contained in para 7.9 of Annexure-I of RBE No. 121/2005 in such a manner that a candidate appearing for the same may be given 02 (two) block dates on which a candidate can get this procedure done. 'The two block dates shall have a minimum gap of 02 (two) weeks. This may be implemented in recruitment exercise With respect notification issued in 2013 and thereafter.
(iv) Assessment/calculation of vacancies should be done on the basis of vacancies accrued in the financial year of the notification plus anticipated vacancies over the next two financial years. For example for notification to be issued in July, 2015, vacancy may be taken that has accrued as on 1st April, 2015 plus anticipated vacancies up to March, 2017. Accordingly, para 2.2 of Annexure-I of Board's instruction issued under RBE No, 121/2005 and those reiterated under RBE No. 103/2014 stand modified.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Hindi version will follow)
(Lily Pandeya)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board
Source: AIRF
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