Friday, August 08, 2014

Fixed Percentage of Budget for SC/OBC

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 

Fixed Percentage of Budget for SC/OBC 

As informed by the Planning Commission, it has issued guidelines on Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) in the year 2006, to Central Ministries/Departments with the basic objective to channelize the flow of outlays and benefits from the general sectors in the plan of Central Ministries/Departments for the development of Scheduled Castes at least in proportion to their population both in physical and financial terms. The objective of the SCSP is to bridge the gap between Scheduled Castes and others through accelerating the development of Scheduled Castes. 

No such proposal in respect of Other Backward Classes is under consideration of the Government. 

The Planning Commission had set up a Task Force in June, 2010, to review the operational difficulties in implementation of SCSP. The Task Force had, inter-alia, recommended differential earmarking of funds under SCSP by Central Ministries/Departments. 

To give effect to the strategy for effective implementation of SCSP adopted in the 12th Five Year Plan, an Inter-Ministerial Committee was constituted by the Planning Commission during 2013, which inter-alia, has recommended certain modification in the implementation of SCSP guidelines. Based on these recommendations, the Planning Commission has issued revised guidelines to all the Central Ministries/Departments, and States/Union Territories identified for earmarking outlays for SCSP, to inter-alia estimate gaps, prioritise development needs of the SCs and orient the Schemes to bridge the gaps. The Schemes designed under SCSP should yield direct and quantifiable benefits to SC individuals, SC household and SC habitations. The funds so earmarked shall be non- divertible. 

This information was given by the Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Shri Sudarshan Bhagat in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha here today. 

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