Monday, August 04, 2014

Consolidated Instructions for allotment of government accommodation from General Pool to National and State level Political Parties.

Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi - 110 108.

Dated the 31st July, 2014


Sub: Consolidated Instructions for allotment of government accommodation from General Pool to National and State level Political Parties.

The undersigned is directed to Invite attention to the Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Urban Development the revised guidelines for allotment of government accommodation from general pool to Political parties issued vide O.M.No.12014/2/96-Pol.ll dated 20.7.2000 and O.M.No.12014/2/96-Pol.II(Vol.ll) 29.8.2013 and the guidelines for allotment of government accommodation from general pool to State level Political Parties issued vide O.M.No.12/11/2000-CDN-l/Pol.ll dated 4.5.2001 and O.M.No.12014/1/2010-Pol.ll dated 15.3.2010. The content of these instructions on the subject mentioned above have been consolidated for the facility of reference and necessary action. The revised instructions shall be as under:

(i) The National Political Parties, which have been recognised as such by the Election Commission of India, shall be allowed to retain/secure allotment of one housing unit from General Pool in Delhi for their office use on payment of licence fee under FR 45A i.e. the normal licence fee.

(ii) The said accommodation will be provided for a period three years during which the party would acquire a plot of land in an institutional area and will construct its own accommodation for party office.

(iii) One residential accommodation would be allotted / allowed to be retained by the Party President of a recognized National Party provided that no other accommodation has been allotted to him/ her in any other capacity.

(iv) The other buildings allotted or in occupation of any political party stand cancelled. However, a period of six months or upto the time the allotment has been made, whichever is earlier would be given to the party to make alternate arrangement and vacate the Government accommodation.

(v) Only those recognized State level Political parties that have a minimum strength of four Members In both Houses of the Parliament could be considered for allotment of officer-residence in Vitthalbhai Patel House.

(vi) Such accommodation may be provided in V.P. House only.

(vii) One double suite accommodation in V.P. House may be allotted to the recognized State level party.

(viii) The said accommodation will be provided to the State level party as long as it is recognized by the Election Commission of India and has adequate representation in the Parliament as decided by the CCA.

2. This O.M. supersedes the Directorate of Estates O.M.No.12014/2/96-PoI.ll dated 20.7.2000, O.M.No.12/11/2000-CDN-I/poI.II dated 4.5.2001 and O.M.No.12014/1/2O10-poI.II dated 15.3.2010 and O.M.No.12014/2/96- Pol.II(Vol.II) 29.8.2013.

Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)


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