Saturday, June 14, 2014

Will 50% DA Merger be announced soon?

After the new government came to power, we witness lot of changes and schemes are being announced continuously.

Confederation Of Central Government Employees & Workers ,AIRF, NFIR, NCJCM staff side, National Mazdoor Union and several other unions and federations continuously report the various problems of the central government employees through letters to the new Finance Minister, Honourable Arun Jaitley. 50% DA merger is one among the other important requests.

Privileges like the interim relief and DA merger in the previous pay commissions greatly helped to manage the economic burden caused due to the inflation. Even when the DA has reached 100% now, there is no announcement about it. This has created a great disappointment among the central government employees.

In the memorandum sent to the Finance Minister by all the Central Trade Unions, 50% DA merger has also been listed. Constant efforts to get DA merger in various occasions, has created an expectation in employees for an earlier and favourable announcement from the government. Let us hope firmly that soon this issue will end in a positive way for all of us.

GRANT OF DA MERGER & INTERIM RELIEF, Letter to Finance Minister

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