Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners —Revised rates effective from 0l/0l/2014.— Orders Issued.


Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners —Revised rates effective from 0l/0l/2014.— Orders Issued.


G.O. (P)No.221 /2014/Fin.
Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 16.06.2014

Read: - 
1. G.O. (P) No.85/2011/Fin, dated 26.02.2011
2. G.O. (P) No.87/2011/Fin, dated 28.02.2011
3. G.O. (P) No.614/2012/Fin, dated 08.11.2012
4. G.O. (P) No.220/2013/Fin, dated 14.05.2013
5. Letter No. PM/2/6-44/ 13-14/163039/694 dated 21.10.2013 of Accountant General (A&E), Kerala.
6. O.M. No. 01/01/2014 - E-II (B) dated 27/03/2014 of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India
7. O.M. No. F — No.42/10/2014 P&PW (G) dated 09.04.2014 of the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India.
8. G.O (P) No. 629/2013/Fin dated 23/12/2013.
9. G.O (P) No. 630/2013/Fin dated 23/12/2013.


In the Office Memoranda cited above, Government of India sanctioned revised rate of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief to Central Government employees, Pensioners and family pensioners with effect from 01/01/2014. On the basis of the above, following orders are issued:

2. (i) The rate of Dearness Allowance payable in respect of State Government Employees, Teachers, Staff of Aided Schools, Private Colleges and Polytechnics, Full time Employees borne on the contingent and work charged establishments and employees of Local Bodies will be enhanced from the existing rate of 63% to 73% w.e.f 01.01. 2014.

(ii) The Dearness Allowance payable in respect of those employees continuing in the pre-revised scale of G.O (P) No.l45/2006/Fin dated 25.03.2006 will be enhanced from the existing rate of 174% to 191% w.e.f. 01.01 2014

(iii) The Dearness Allowance payable in respect of teachers coming under UGC/AICTE/Medical Education Schemes (in whose case DA up to 50% has been converted as Dearness Pay) will be enhanced from the existing rate of 183% to 200% w.e.f. 01.01.2014.

(iv) The Dearness Allowance payable in respect of the teaching staff coming under UGC/AICTE/Medical Education Schemes who have changed over to revised UGC/AICTE scale from 01.01.2006 or thereafter and Judicial Officers will be enhanced from the existing rate of 90% to 100% w.e.f. 01.01.2014.

(v) The Dearness Allowance payable to those employees who are continuing in the 1997 pay scales even after 01.01.2014 will be enhanced from the existing rate of 233% to 250% w.e.f. 0l.0l.2014(up to the date of effect of option under Pay Revision 2009).

(vi) The Dearness Allowance payable to those employees in Public Sector Undertakings who were getting pay and allowances based on the scales of pay admissible under 1992 Pay Revision will be enhanced as follows with effect from 01.01.2014.

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