Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Family accommodation for Trackmen and provision of HRA where trackmen are accommodated in barracks/Duty Huts.

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. 2014/CE-I/GNS/7
 New Delhi, dated 11.06.2014
The General Managers.
All Indian Railways

Subject: Family accommodation for Trackmen and provision of HRA where trackmen are accommodated in barracks/Duty Huts.

1. The extract of recommendation of Joint Committee to resolve issues of package and career progression of Trackmen on the above subject are as under:-

Para 11.2(d): Working & Living Conditions -

(v) Accommodation

(1) In many places there is no provision for family accommodation for Trackmen. It is suggested that efforts may be made to provide family accommodation, where possible, at suitable stations so as to enable the staff to take care of education & health of children and family.

Its requirement needs to be assessed and suitable places/stations to be identified by the Zonal Railways, so that Railway Board may sanction the requisite works/projects on priority, both for proper Family Accommodation and rent-free Barracks/Duty Huts.

(2) In locations where Trackmen are accommodated in Barracks/Duty Huts and it is not possible to provide accommodation for family quarters, payment of HRA may be considered in lieu of separate family quarters."

2. These recommendations were approved by Hon’ble MR on 22.6.2012.

3. All the Zonal Railways are advised to take necessary action accordingly.


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