RBE No. 30/2014
No. E(P&A)II/2010/RS-27
New Dated 21.03.2014
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways.
Sub : Fixation of Pay in the revised pay structure for running staff promoted as on 01.01.2006 or thereafter.
1. Eastern Railway had raised a query on the matter of fixation of pay thus:
“This Railway facing difficulty while implementing Rule-II of Board’s RBE No. 103/2008 for those running staff who were
promoted from non-running general category to running category on or after 01.01.2006 and subsequently elected to switch over to VIth CPC with effect from the date of their promotion/up-gradation etc. Clarification from Board is sought for whether 30% pay element will be taken into account while calculating the Dearness Pay applicable at pre-revised scale (i.e. Vth CPC) on the date of promotion and Dearness Allowance as on 01.01.2006 as per Board’s RBE No. 140/2004.”
2. The matter was deliberated upon in consultation with Finance Directoratc of Railway Board and it was observcd that as per Rule 5 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008 a new provision of option was introduced for the implementation of 6th CPC pay structure. As per this option a person promoted to a post during the period from date of effect of revised pay structure to date of notification may switch over to the revised pay structure after effecting the promotion.
2.1 Thus an employee getting promoted from a stationary post to the Running post as Guard, during above period, was eligible to opt to continue in pre-revised pay structure until his promotion as Guard and switch over to revised pay structure after effecting such promotion.
2.2 In such an eventuality he would lose his arrears on account of 6th CPC till such date of option/switching over. Further, his next increment will also be released on subscquent 1st July only if he completes six months qualifying service in the revised pay structure prior to the lst July of relevant year.
3. Since such employees as given in the situation quoted by E. Railway above were holding running posts at the time of switching over to the revised pay structure, their pay fixation should be as per methodology applicable to the running staff. In this connection clarification 3 of Board’s letter No. PCVI./2008/I/RSRP/I dated 25.09.2008 that fitment tables may be used in the cases when employee switches over to revised pay structure from a date subsequent to 1.1.2006, is also relevant, Accordingly, fitment table as applicable to the running staff may be used in such cases.
4. This disposes of E.Rly’s D.O letter No. E/SPC/2008/Refd.dt. April 22, 2010.
5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate.
6. Please acknowledge receipt.
( K. Shankar)
Rai1way Board.
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