Friday, February 07, 2014

Anomalies in the Pay Scale of Pharmacists.

AIRE/101 (27)
The Secretary (Estt.)
Railway Board,
Rail Bhvan
New Delhi.

Sub: Anomalies in the Pay Scale of Pharmacists.

Ref: Railway Board’s L.NO. PC-VI/2013/RU/AIRF/22 dt.19/9/2013.

In reference to above, the pay structure, and promotion aspects of Pharmacists have a reasonable anomaly whih is required to be given a serious thought on the issue in its entirety keeping in view the requisite qualification for entry in the service & various other factors as enumerated below:

1. Pharmacists have all along enjoyed higher pay scales as compared to Dental Hygienists. Prior to Gazette Notification of 20th August, 2008, their qualifications were also lower. The pay scales of dental hygienists suddenly got upgraded from Rs. 4000-6000 to Rs. 5000-8000 in November, 2005 vide order NO.A-28011/1/99-ED dt.11/17-11-2005. At that point of time their Qualification for entry was Matric + 2 years certificate course. This qualification is much lower as compared to the qualification prescribed for the entry grade of Pharmacists, which are as under:-

i. 10 ÷ 2 (Science)

ii. Two years Diploma in pharmacy with 3 months practical training of 500 hours. (Approved by All India Council of Technical Education)

iii. Registration with any of the State Pharmacy Council of India.

The above comparison clearly indicates that the gross injustice has been done by the Govt. of India to this category prior to November, 2005.

2.. From the report of 6th CPC, Para 3.6.23 it was seen that the Commission had erroneously observed that the qualifications for Dental Hygienists and pharmacists are identical; actually, it is not so. Qualifications for Pharmacists are 10+2 followed by 2 years’ diploma. Diploma in Pharmacy which is recognized by AICTE. As compared to this, qualification for dental hygienists hitherto were below the level of Pharmacists and it was only in the year 2009 that their qualifications was slightly improved to make it 10+2 followed by diploma of two years. Moreover, their diploma is not recognized by AICTE. Ironically, 6th Pay Commission made totally unjustified discrimination while proposing pay scales for pharmacists and dental hygienists. While Dental hygienists were placed in pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800 plus GP of Rs. 4200, pharmacists were given entry grade of Rs.5200-20200 with GP of Rs. 2800/- only. Aggrieved with this, pharmacists have been struggling since then to get fair treatment from the Central Government. Ultimately, the Fast Track Committee constituted on the issue has appreciated the short-coming and have categorically, recommended that minimum educational qualification and experience prescribed for Direct Recruitment as pharmacists can not be ignored and accordingly they suggested that a time bound up-gradation of Pharmacists recruited in grade pay of Rs. 2800/- may be placed in the higher grade in PB II with GP Rs.4200/- on completion of two years service. This placement of Pharmacists in PB II with grade pay Rs. 4200/-, is totally delinked from vacancies is non-functional one. In this regard, we are of the view that the justice has not been imparted to the category by not granting parity with Dental Hygienists.

3. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, vide their OM NO. A-28011/01/2008-PMS dt. 11/13 June, 2008, forwarded a representation received from various associations agitating grievances of the Pharmacists for consideration of the Committee of Secretaries, It was brought out in great details that duties performed by pharmacists were more onerous in nature and they observed to be placed in higher pay scales at the entry grade level itself.

It is pertinent to mention that Dental hygienists all along were in lower pay scales as compared to Pharmacists. In terms of Gazette notification NO. 28 dt. 14th July, 1990, dental hygienists were in pay scales of Rs.1200-2040 at a time when pharmacists were in pay scales of Rs.1350-2200. At that time, the required qualifications for dental hygienists was matriculation or equivalent and were required to be registered as dental hygienists. Consequent to implementation of 5th CPC scales, dental hygienists were given pay scale of Rs.4000-6000 whereas pharmacists were placed in pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000. For reasons difficult to comprehend, the pay scales of dental hygienists were revised upwards from Rs.4000-6000 to Rs.5000-8000 w.e.f. 4/10/2005, by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide order NO. A-28011/l/99-DE dated : 11/17th November, 2005. It is significant to point out that even at that stage, qualification of dental hygienists were lower than those of pharmacists.

Mot unfortunately, despite repeated representations , the pharmacists did not get a fair deal and their higher qualifications as compared to dental hygienists were ignored. Under these circumstances and on representation from JCM, a fast Track Committee was constituted to go into the grievance of pharmacists. The fast track committee gave its report on 6th November, 2009. This committee also did not provide much relief to the pharmacists on the specious plea that they did not want to disturb the relativities , not only among medical categories , but also between para medical categories and other categories like ASMs, Goods Guards, etc.

We are of the opinion that comparison/relativity of the Pharmacists is in fact, required to be examined with in the Medical Department only i.e. Dental Hygienists. The fast track committee also took into account that 6th CPC had not agreed to Pharmacist’s demand of pay scales at par with Dental Hygienists. Apparentiy, the fast track committee failed to appropriate that this was the very ground on which the pharmacists had based their grievance that they were better qualified than the dental hygienists, and that their duties were more onerous and they deserved to be placed at least the same entry grade as that of dental hygienists, if not higher , but the 6th CPC totally ignored their claim. The fast track committee only gave a token relief in as much as they only suggested that after completion of two years in pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200 plus GP of Rs.2800/-, the pharmacists would be placed in the next higher grade of Rs.9300-34800 with GP of Rs.4200 and not par with Dental Hygienists This has created a serious anomaly in as much as the injustice meted out to the pharmacists in placing them in scales lower than dental hygienists, ( who are lesser qualified ), has perpetuated their agony and secondly placement from Gr. Rs. 5200-20200 with GP of Rs. 2800/- to the grade of Rs. 9300-34800 with GP of Rs. 4200/- has been considered as one benefit under ACP. ACP II benefit is given after another 10 years by giving grade pay of Rs. 4600/-. After that, there is full stop and there is no further promotion or financial upgradation. The Government of India has completely omitted to notice that they have created a situation that pharmacists, after completing 12 years of service would stagnate for the next 30 years, thereby defeating the very purpose of Assured Career Progression. The qualification of dental hygienists has been raised to the level of those of
pharmacists only w.e.f. 20th August, 2009.

The anomaly , as has been brought out above, can be rectified if the Pharmacists are assigned entry pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 with GP of Rs. 4200/- & further promotions/ ACP benefits may be extended accordingly.

Hence in view of the above, facts and circumstances of the case, we, therefore, request to take up the matter at appropriate level so that the gross injustice as existing is resolved once for all to meet of end of justice.

Yours sincerely

(S.G. Mishra)
General Secretary

Source: AIRF

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