Thursday, August 30, 2012

Revision of Rates of Wages of Daily wage workers and workers engaged on part-time basis in Himachal Pradesh.

No. FIN-(PR)8(7)-33/2010
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Finance (Pay Revision) Department.

Principal Secretary (Finance) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.

1. All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
2. All Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh.
3. All Divisional Commissioners/Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh.

Dated: Shimla-171002, the 25 August. 2012.

Subject:- Revision of Rates of Wages of Daily wage workers and workers engaged on part-time basis in Himachal Pradesh.

   In partial modification of this Department’s letter of even number dated: 27th April, 2012, on the subject cited above. I am directed to say that the rates of daily wages in respect of various categories of workers engaged on daily wages in Himachal Pradesh are revised w.e.f. 1st September, 2012, as shown in Annexure-A.

2. The per hour rate of part-time workers is also revised from ` 17.00 per hour to ` 19.00 per hour w.e.f. 1st September, 2012.

   3. All those engaged on daily wage basis/part-time basis in the Scheduled Tribal Areas of the State shall be allowed 25% enhancement on the revised daily wages as per Finance Department's Office Memorandum No. FIN (PR)8(7)-1/95-II dated 17.04.1998.

   4. These rates will be applicable to all those working in various Government Departments. As far as the PSUs/Universities/ Autonomous Bodies /Boards etc. are concerned, these enhanced rates shall be applicable to them only if the managements of those PSUs/Universities/ Autonomous Bodies /Boards etc. take a decision in this regard, considering the availability of resources in their organization.

Yours faithfully,

(Ramesh Chander Chauhan)
Joint Secretary (Finance) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.

To See the Revised Rate List Click here...

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