New Delhi, Dated:20.09.11
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways/PUs and others.
Sub:- Retention of Railway quarter at the previous place of posting by Railway employees posted to Northeast Frontier Railway.
Ref: Board’s letter No.E(G)2005 QR1-3 dated 12.09.05, E(G)2008/QR-1/9 dated 01.10.08 &11.08.09.
lnstruction governing retention of Railway accommodation in favour of Railway employees transferred and posted to N.F. Railway have been issued from time to time. The existing orders on the subject are valid up to 30.06.2011. the question of further extension of these orders beyond 30.06.2011 has been considered and it has now been decided with the approval of Competent Authority to extend these orders for a further period of three years i.e. up to 30.06.2014
or till revised orders on the subject are issued, whichever is earlier. Since the retention of quarter at the previous place of posting in favour of the officers who have been transferred and posted to N.F.Railway is allowed for bonafide use of the dependent family of transferred Railway servant, he/she will furnish certificate on lst July and lst January of every year, stating that his/her dependent family members are actually residing in the Railway quarter at the last station of his/her posting. Such a certificate will also have to be furnished at the time of seeking retention.
In case no such certificate is received by 3lst January and 31st July every year, the quarter controlling authority will be constrained to cancel the allotment of the quarter in question.
The request for retention of entitled type of accommodation should be received within a period of one month from he date of relinquishing the charge at the last station of posting, so that further necessary action will be initialed by the quarter controlling authority in time.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Please acknowledge receipt.
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