Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pension - Revision of pension and other related benefits - in respect of part- time contingent employees - orders issued.


Pension - Revision of pension and other related benefits - in respect of part- time contingent employees - orders issued.

G.O.(P).No..405/2011/Fin. Dated, 26th September 2011, Thiruvananthapuram.

Read: (1). G.O(P) No.85/2011/Fin, dated 26.02.2011.
(2). GO(P) No. 86/2011/Fin, dated 26.02.2011.
(3). G.O(P) No.87/2011/Fin, dated 28.02.2011.
(4). GO(P) No.345/2011/Fin, dated 12.08.2011.
(5). Circular No. 42/2011/(3)/Fin, dated 15.07.2011.
(6). GO(P)No. 143/2011/Fin, dated 30.03.2011.


   Government, as per the Orders and Circular read above, have revised pay and allowances and pensionary benefits of state government employees, staff of educational institutions, teachers, university employees etc. As per ,para 9 of Government Order read I above, new scales of pay have been sanctioned to part - time contingent employees with effect from 01.07.2009. Accordingly,Government are pleased to revise pension and other related benefits in respect of part - time
contingent employees.

1. Maximum/minimum pension/ Family pension:

   The maximum basic pension will be fixed as RS.4200 /-(50 % of highest basic pay of Rs. 8400/-) and the minimum basic pension will be fixed as Rs.2000/-. Maximum family pension will be fixed as Rs.2520/- ( 30 % of highest basic pay of Rs. 8400/-) and the minimum family pension will be fixed as Rs.1300/-.

   2. Revision of Pension / Family Pension in respect of those who retire / expire while in service on or after 01.07. 2009

   2.1. In respect of those who retire / expire while in service on or after 01.07.2009, the pensionary benefits shall be calculated with reference to the revised pay introduced with effect from 01.07.2009, as per the rules applicable to State Service employees. The present system of computation of pension at 50% of the ten month’s average emolument subject to the satisfaction of the condition of earning full pension or part thereof (depending on the length of qualifying service) shall continue.

   2.2. For computing ten month’s emolument for the purpose of arriving at the average emolument for pension in respect of employees who retired from service on or after 01.07.2009 and who, during part of the said period of 10 month’s drew pay in the pre- revised scale, their pay in the pre-revised scale may be enhanced notionally by adding DA at 64%.

3. Revision of pension in respect of those who retired/ expired while in
service prior to 01.07.2009

(i) Existing Basic Pension/ Family Pension

(ii) Fitment benefit of 12% of Basic Pension/ Family Pension

(iii) DR at 64% of Basic Pension/ Family Pension.

   3.1 The total of (i)-(iii) above will be the revised basic pension. If the total of the
above is less than Rs.2000/- , pension shall be enhanced to Rs.2000/-.

   3.2 The amount so arrived will be the consolidated pension with effect from 01.07.2009. In cases where the pensioners having qualifying service of 30 years and above, if the consolidated pension arrived is less than 50% of the minimum of the new scale introduced, the pension shall be stepped upto 50% of the minimum of the new scale.

   3.3 In the case of pensioners having qualifying service of less than 30 years,proportionate pension as indicated in Schedule i will be admissible. Proportionate pension means the maximum pension admissible for any particular stage multiplied by the Qualifying Service Factor (QS/30). The detailed table for determining proportionate pension is given in Schedule 1.

4. Revision of Family Pension in respect of those who retired/ expired while in service prior to 01.07.2009

   4.1 Family pension in respect of those who retired/ expired while in service prior to 01.07.2009 shall be revised from 01.07.2009 in accordance with the principles laid down herein.

   4.2 To arrive at the revised family pension in respect of those who retired/ expired while in service prior to 01.07.2009, the following shall be determined first:

(i) Existing Basic Family Pension.

(ii) Fitment benefit at 12% of the existing Basic Family Pension (i.e. of(i) above):

(iii) DR at 64% of the existing Basic Family Pension (i.e. of(i) above).

   4.3 In the case of family pension, if the total of items (i) to (iii) in para 4.2 above is less than 30% of the minimum of the new scale of the post from which the pensioner retired/ expired while in service, it shall be stepped up to 30% of the minimum of the new scale of the post from which the pensionerretired/expired, subject to a minimum as follows:-

Category No. Revised Basic Pay ` Minimum Family Pension `
I 5520 1656
II 4850 1455
III 4250 1300


   In the case of State Government pensioners, Death Cum Retirement Gratuity is calculated by applying the normal formula ie, (last pay + DA) x Q S /2 . This shall be made applicable to part-time contingent employees also. However maximum amount of DCRG admissible to the part time contingent employees shall be limited to Rs.l,40,000/-with effect from 01.07.2009.

6. Dearness Relief

   Dearness relief applicable to state service pensioners from time to time shall also be made applicable to the part - time contingent employees.

01.07.2009 - No DR

01.01.2010 - 8%

01.07.2010 - 18%

01.01.2011 - 24%

7. Medical allowance

   Part-time Contingent pensioners are eligible for medical allowance of Rs. 150/- per month. Its date of effect will be 01.02.2011.

8. Arrears of pension

   8.1 The arrears on account of revision of pension/ family pension shall be disbursed in cash in 2 equal instalments during October 2011 and January 2012.

   8.2. Excess, if any, on account of revision of pensionary benefits shall be recovered from the balance of DCRG, arrears of pension, arrears of dearness relief
and future dearness relief on pension.

9. Authorisation of revised pensionary claims

   9.1. The revised pensionary claims on account of fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay sanctioned from 01.07.2009 will be disbursed by the Pension Disbursing Authority.

   9.2. In respect of retirements / death while in service prior to 01/07/2009, the
pensioners/ family pensioners should apply to the Treasury /Pension Disbursing Authority in the form appended hereto in quadruplicate (Appendix 3) for revising
the pension.

   9.3. In respect of those who retired/ expired while in service on or after 01.07.2009, the Pension Sanctioning Authorities should forward the proposal for revision of pensionary benefits along with Service Book to the Principal Accountant
General (A&E) , after recording details of revision of pay and pasting pay fixation

   9.4 In the case of pre 01.07.2009 pensioners/ family pensioners who are drawing pension/ family pension from treasuries / banks situated outside the State, they shall submit their application to their respective Pension Disbursing Authorities (Treasury/ Bank) for revising the pension.

   9.5. After revision of pension/family pension, the Pension Disbursing Authorities
shall prepare a statement in the form appended to this Order (Appendix -3) in quadruplicate and send one copy of the same to the pensioner, one copy to Government in Finance (Pension) Department and one copy to the Principal Accountant General (A&E) for verification and updating the registers.

By Order of the Governor

Principal Secretary (Finance)


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