Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit branch
Kolkata, the 22nd Septernber,2011.
In continuation of Memorandum No. 8846-F(Y) dated 12.09.2011 the undersigned is directed to state that it has come to the notice of the Government that in some of the establishments a good number of Govt. employees could not furnish bank particulars to their respective Drawing & Disoursing Officers as they could not be able to open Zero balance account with the banks due to heavy rush
. After careful consideration the Governor is pleased to allow payment of salary in cash of State Govt. enployees who fail to furnish bank particulars to respective Drawing & Disbursing Officer upto salary month of Novembrr, 2011 or till the DDOs complete the process of payment of salary through West Benga1
Government’s e payment of salary scheme for such employees which ever is earlier.Sd/-
C. M. Bachhawat
principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal,
Finance Department.
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