Finance (Anomaly Rectification Cell - A) Department
Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 16.07.2011
Sub: - Pay Revision 2009-Exercise of option-further clarification issued.
Ref: - (1) Letter No.GE1/A/15-453/PR 2009/Vol 1/2011-12/786 dated 01.07.2011 of AG (A&E), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
(2) GO (P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26.02.2011
(3) GO (P) No.143/2011/Fin dated 30.03.2011
In the letter read as 1st paper above, the Accountant General (A&E), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram has raised a doubt as to whether an officer who got promotion prior to 01.07.2009 but opted fixation under Rule 28 A Part I KSRs on the date of the increments in the lower post which fell due on or after 01.07.2009
can opt beyond that for coming over to the revised scale. 2. Government have examined the matter in detail. Promotions involving change of duties take effect from the date of assumption of charge in the higher post and those, which do not involve a change of duty, take effect from the date of occurrence of vacancy, and so the date of accrual of increment in the lower post opted for fixation of pay under Rule 28 A Part I KSRs cannot be taken as the effective date of promotion. Hence, Government are pleased to clarify that an officer promoted prior to 01.07.2009, who opted fixation of pay under Rule 28 A Part I KSRs on the date of increment in the lower post which fell due on or after 01.07.2009 will not be treated as having promoted on or after 01 .07.2009 and he can exercise option to come over to the revised scale of pay w.e.f 01.07.2009 or any subsequent date that he opts till one year from 26.02.2011, subject to Rule 7 of Annexure II of GO (P)No.85/20l1/Fin dated 26.02.2011.
Additional Secretary (Finance)
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