Finance (Pay Cell) Department,
Chennai-600 009.
Letter No.16697 / PC / 2011-1, dated: 18-04-2011
Tmt. Anita Praveen, I.A.S.,
Secretary to Government (Expenditure).
All Secretaries to Government
All Departments of Secretariat
All Heads of Departments
The Director of Collegiate Education, Chennai-6
The Registrar, High Court, Chennai-104
The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-6
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Panagal Buildings, Saidapet, Chennai-15
The Pension Payment Officer, Chennai-6
All Pay and Accounts Officers / Treasury Officers / Sub-Treasury Officers /
All Collectors / District Magistrates / District Judges
The Accountant General, Chennai-18 / 9 / 35
The Commissioner of All Corporations
The Director of Pension, Chennai-6
All Public Sector Banks (Through Director of Pension, Chennai-6)
The Registrar of All Universities
The Director of Legal Studies, Chennai-35
The Director of Local Fund Audit, Chennai-108
The Director, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai-20
Sub: Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 – Implementation of the recommendations of Official Committee, 2009 on revision of scales of pay – Payment of arrears accruing on account of pay revision and pension revision for the period from 1-1-2007 to 31-5-2009 – Payment of third and final instalment of arrears in 2011-12 – Drawal instructions – Issued.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 1-6-2009.
2. G.O.Ms.No.235, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 1-6-2009.
3. Government Lr.No.34124/Pay Cell/2009-1, Finance, dated: 26-6-2009.
4. G.O.Ms.No.350, Higher Education Department, dated: 9-9-2009.
5. G.O.Ms.No.499, Finance (Pension) Department, dated: 13-10-2009.
6. Government Lr.No.16464/Pay Cell/2010-1, Finance, dated: 27-3-2010.
7. Government Lr.No.17872/Pension/2010-1, Finance, dated: 2-4-2010.
8. Government Lr.No.18540/Pay Cell/2010-1, Finance, dated: 5-4-2010.
I am to invite your attention to the references cited.
2. In the Government Order 1st cited, among others, orders were issued in para 3(f) to the effect that the arrears due for the period from 1-1-2007 to 31-5-2009 after adjusting the Interim Arrears shall be paid in three equal annual instalments viz.,1st instalment in the year 2009-10, 2nd instalment in the year 2010-11 and 3rd and final instalment in the year 2011-12.
3. In the Government Order second cited, among others, orders were issued in para 7 to the effect that the arrears of pension due for the period from 1-1-2007 to 31-5-2009 after adjusting the Interim Arrears shall be paid in three equal annual instalments viz., first instalment in the year 2009-10, second instalment in the year 2010-11 and third and final instalment in the year 2011-12.
4. In the Government Order fourth cited, among others, orders were issued for revision of pension and pensionery benefits in respect of teachers and equivalent staff working in Universities, Government and Government aided Colleges as applicable to the State Government employees and to pay the arrears for such revision after adjusting the Interim Arrears in three equal annual instalments viz., first instalment in the year 2009-10, second instalment in the year 2010-11 and third and final instalment in the year 2011-12.
5. In the Government order fifth cited, orders were also issued for revision of pension of persons who draw 1/3rd of Pension and who rendered Government service before absorption in Public Sector Undertakings.
6. Based on the orders issued in the Government orders first, second, fourth and fifth cited, 1st and 2nd instalments of Pay / Pension arrears and difference in pensionery benefits have been released and paid in the years 2009-10, 2010-11 and the third and final instalment of Pay / Pension arrears is due for payment in the year 2011-12. However, doubts have now been raised as to whether the third and final instalment of arrears due to the employees / pensioners may be claimed and paid to them in April 2011. In this connection, I am directed to inform that the third and final instalment of the arrears due for payment in the year 2011-12 as ordered in the Government Orders cited may be drawn and paid to the employees / pensioners immediately.
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary to Government (Expenditure).
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