No.20/83/201 0-CS.1I
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Lok Nayak Bhawan. New Delhi-3.
Dated. the 11th November. 2010
Subject: — Preparation of Common Seniority List (CSL) in the Grade of UDC of CSCS for the Select List Years 2001. 2002, 2003. 2004 and 2005 reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that the Common Seniority List (CSL) of UDCs of CSCS for Select Iist Years 2001 - 2002-2003- 2004 and 2005 are being finalized in terms of’ Rule 11 (3) read with Regulation 2 of’ Third Schedule of CSCS Rules. 1962.
2. T he Cadre Units are requested to circulate the lists among the offcials concerned inviting objection/representations. if any, with regard to any factual inaccuracy and the order of’ placement in the list, which may be forwarded alongwith the comments of the Cadre Units and latest Seniority list, to this Departrnent for appropriate action. It is stated that details, such as date of’ birth, date of’ appointment etc.. of a few UDCs in some Cadre Units have not been indicated in the Cadre Seniority Lists and as such their details could not be incorporated in ihe CSL. Cadre Units are. therefore requested to provide such details and also to verify the correctness of the particulars such as dale of’ birth, date of regular appointment to the grade. rank number (in case of the officials appointed on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Esamination) etc.. of the officials in the list. If any name has been left out inadvertently, it may be brought to the notice of’ this Department with relevant details. The draft CSL may be seen/downloaded on the website of this Deparlment i.e.
www.http ://
Departncnt of personel & Training CS division
Seniority List
3. The Cadre Units are requested that factual inaeeuraeies/deficiencies. if’ any, in the CSL of UDCs of CSCS for the Years 2001, 2002. 2003. 2004 and 2005 may’ be brought to the notice of’ this. Depatrtment immediately, latest by’ 10th December, 2010. lf nothing is heard f’rom any of’ the Cadre Unit by 10th december, 2010, it will he presumed that there is no flictual inaccuracy in the CSL and it will be finalized accordingly. Objections/representations received afler 10th December, 2010 will not be enlcertained.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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