Monday, August 16, 2010

Master Craftsman(MCM) Will Get Grade pay 4200 in Ministry of Defence

A decade long demand of the Defence Civilians, granting Grade Pay Rs.4200/- for MCM at par with railway artisans, come to an end yesterday. Ministry of Defence issued an order granting Grade pay 4200 to the MCM, with the approval of DOP&T U.O.No.5358/10/CR dated 25.2.2010,and Ministry of Finance I.D.No.2(16)E.III Desk/2008 dated 10.06.2010 and concurrence of Ministry of Defence(AG/08) vide their U.O.No 164/AG/PB dated 14.06.2010.

According to this, here after, there will be four grade structures for Industrial Employees in Ministry of Defence.

2. The Four Grade Structure will be as follows

i) Grade pay Rs.1900 to Skilled Workers

ii) Grade pay Rs.2400 to Highly Skilled –II Workers

iii) Grade pay Rs.2800 to Highly Skilled –I Workers

iv) Grade pay Rs.4200 to Master Craftsman

3. (a) Wherever the grade structure in the Industrial as well as Non Industrial trades is already existing in the ratio of 45:55,the erstwhile Skilled, and 25% of Highly Skilled in the grade of Master Craftsman the following will apply:

45% of the posts may be granted the pay scale of Skilled Worker (Grade pay of Rs.1900 in the Pay Band PB-I)
25% of the remaining 55% may be granted the pay scale of MCM(Grade pay of Rs.4200 in the Pay Band PB-2)
The remaining posts may be divided in a ratio of 50:50 and re designated as Highly Skilled Worker Grade-II(Grade pay of Rs.2400 in the Pay Band PB-I)and Highly Skilled Worker Grade-I(Grade pay of Rs.2800 in the Pay Band PB-I)
(b) The placement of the individuals in the posts resulting from the restructuring shall be made w.e.f.1.1.2006,in relaxation of the conditions, if any,i.e,trade test etc, as one time measure.

(c) Highly Skilled Grade-I shall be en-bloc senior to Highly Skilled Grade-II

4 (i) The post of Master Craftsman Shall be part of the hierarchy and the placement of Highly Skilled Grade-I in the grade of Master Craftsman will be treated as promotion.

(ii) In the case of Defence Establishment where there is no category of Skilled Workers and direct recruitment is made 100% at the level of Highly Skilled, the posts of Master craftsman existing as on 1.1.2006 will be placed in PB-2+GP-4200 and the remaining posts of Highly Skilled Workers may be bifurcated in HS-I and HS-II in the ratio of 50:50

(iii) In view of the above restructuring the artisan staff may be allowed to give revised option for pay fixation w.e.f.1.1.2006 with in three months from the date of issue of orders in this regard.

(iv) The existing recruitment rules for the Tradesman may be amended and RRs for the post of MCM may be framed accordingly

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